March 28, 2025


Stormcaller is the next (I’ve lost count) boss of Sea of ​​Stars that we We will face and it is about nothing more and nothing less than that character whose story we already knew because it was told to us (very early in the game) by Teaks. You know, that ship led by Hortence that was trapped in a sea (Sea of ​​Nightmares) from which he could not escape because of precisely the boss we are facing now: Stormcaller.

The boss is not very complicated, although it seems that the difficulty of the bosses in this game is finally increasing a bit (especially because it hits good hits). As I said, it is not complicated as such, but it is true that if we get lost he can easily knock down the team.

I also liked the battle a lot, especially because of the exaggeratedly flashy attack that this enemy has, good thing, we will discuss that better in the section on his attacks and so on. Let’s go with the guide!


The battle is quite simple, it only has one phase and we will only face him. Let’s go first with the attack guide as usual:


These are the different attacks that Stormcaller has:

  • Sword Strike: The boss will approach one of your characters, make a first blow with the sword and after this another blow, you will have to block both blows. Deals quite a bit of damage with this attack.
  • Chain Lightning (5 locks): This is an area attack with which he will hit all the characters at the same time, you will have to block when he raises his sword. The more locks you remove, the lower the damage of the attack will be (if you remove them all, it won’t even do it, you know). It doesn’t cause that much damage, at least if you remove locks (which is its thing), but be careful because you don’t care if your characters don’t have high enough health on this boss.
  • Lord of the Tides (8 locks): The attack you should fear the most is the one mentioned in the intro that was so colorful. Basically it will summon a type of HUGE seahorse, it will mount on it and it will launch a very powerful area attack on us (luckily, after the attack the seahorse takes off). Below I continue explaining about this attack.
Lord of the Tides in Sea of ​​Stars

At the outset, comment that the issue of locks is different for the “Lord of the Tides” attack; Either you eliminate all of them to prevent it from doing so (which is ideal, but it is not easy because there are many of them) or nothing because we will not reduce the attack power of the seahorse based on the eliminated locks.

Blocking this attack in addition is VERY complicated, but I’ll explain how you can do it. It is an area attack in which it will attack us with a kind of breath attack that will prevent us from seeing our characters. You have to chain together 3 blocks allowing a little bit of time to pass between them (half a second, I don’t know, something like that; you can detect the moment because there will be a clicking sound when each of the impacts is made) from the beginning of the breath to the end .

It is very difficult to block all 3 hits, but if you manage to block any of them you can consider it a victory.


The boss has no weaknesses or resistances, so forget about that. Let’s go with a list of the main tips I can give you for this boss:

  • I recommend that you go with Valere, Zale and Seraï.
  • Try to prevent him from performing the «Lord of the Tides» attack because it is the attack that can really lead to a Game Over. You can use Seraï’s ability of «Disorientation» to have more turns for this, but even with those, you won’t always be able to achieve it.
  • If you see that you will not be able to prevent the attack, you can use Valere’s “Moon Shield” to at least not take any damage from the first hit of “Lord of the Tides”. It’s only one of three hits, but that can mean the difference between surviving this attack or not; especially if you do the blocking wrong and your characters don’t have maximum life. Even with those, I would use it, it never hurts to be cautious.
  • Always save Combo Points so you can cast a “Restoring Light” to heal your entire team after surviving “Lord of the Tides.”
  • Also reserve elemental orbs that you never know if you may need to remove the “Lord of the Tides” locks.
  • A little aside, remember that now you can change your characters for others in the middle of a battle with the “Exchange” command, which is very handy because this doesn’t take a turn. You can use it to bring out Garl to heal someone with “Sustain” or for a quick replacement for a teammate who is very touched if “Lord of the Tides” is about to go down.


This time we will probably get the best reward we will ever get from a boss in this game, nothing more and nothing less than the Evening. The Vespertino is Hortence’s ship, and from now on she will let us use it as we wish to navigate the map, which is very appreciated.

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