March 7, 2025


Well, well… well, today I bring you a new guide for Blasphemous 2 with great enthusiasm because this boss has touched my feelings since it is nothing more and nothing less than the ” Sharpener, Sentinel of the Emery “. Many will already know what I am referring to, but since I suppose many others do not, now I will explain.

Well, it turns out that he is a boss inspired by a certain fact, a bit of a meme related to Spain, well, I understand that this is something that happens here… in Latin America, the truth is that I don’t know if this will also happen, if someone from there reads this and If you can clarify it in the comments, I would really appreciate it.

You see, in Spain, it was (I say it was because today this has almost disappeared, I suppose it will also depend on the area) it was very common for a van to pass by on the street with a microphone saying “El Afilador” and at the same time a very particular little music was playing (a traveling service for sharpening kitchen knives and that kind of thing). The boss is obviously a reference to this fact and even has an attack in which that little song plays.

The truth is that the boss of 10, the reference is tremendous and on top of that I liked the combat a lot. But hey… let’s go with the guide that for a change I roll up.


Location of the Sharpener in Blasphemous 2

We will find the Sharpener in ” Under their Floors “, an area that we will find below “Mother of Mothers” (an area that we already had in Blasphemous 1 and that is now devastated). If you can’t find «Mother of Mothers» (the truth was a bit difficult for me), it is an area that you have below «Profound Lamento», which is the area that is just below the «City of the Holy Name» (we are quite down, yes).

The exact location of the boss is marked in the photo above, but before going after him I recommend you have defeated the 3 Remorse (I’ll put them in the order I recommend):

  • Grand Preceptor Radames .
  • Greater Embroiderer’s Orospine .
  • Lesmes Sacristán Incorrupt .

I’m not sure what the exact requirements are to be able to unlock the boss, I thought it was essential to have defeated all 3, but Jose in the comments says that he was able to access it having only defeated two: “Orospina” and “Lesmes” ». In any case, what I am telling you, I recommend that you do it after defeating the 3 Regrets, there surely you will be able to reach him.


The boss consists of 2 phases and is somewhat complicated, but the truth is that it becomes quite easy when you get all of its mechanics right. What is certain is that if he hits you with a good blow, you will notice it a lot.


At the beginning the Sharpener will have these attacks:

  • Sharpen the Sword : One of the attacks that we are most interested in because it will give us the opportunity to hit him a few times when he does. He usually does it when we are close to him, basically he will sharpen his sword while the mythical tune of the sharpener plays and after this he will perform a frontal attack (sometimes he misses and lands a simple blow and other times he will hit and also launch a projectile that you can dodge with a dash at the right time or even jumping even though it doesn’t seem like it). The idea is that you make a dash to pass him while he sharpens the sword and after that you hit him as much as you can from behind. Be careful because if you are on his back but too close, he will hit you with the attack.
  • Human Spinning Top : It will begin to rotate on itself while hitting and moving (like a top). You can jump over him or go through with a dash . As soon as the attack ends, hit him a bit, but be careful because when his life is a little lower he will spend more time doing the attack (come on, even if you dodge it, he will turn and return to you in top mode).
  • Whirlwind of Knives : Some sparkles will appear on the screen indicating the trajectory of the attack. After this, the Sharpener will begin to spin like a top (this time it will remain static) while he throws several knives following the trajectory of the glitters. It is quite difficult to know how to read the trajectory of these projectiles, but if you get lost, my advice is to duck and you will avoid it almost always. If you set it up well so that the knives don’t hit you, take the opportunity to hit him as much as you can (if you have to dodge, try to attack him when possible); if he catches you away, throw a ranged attack.
  • Mortal : He will perform a kind of backward flip to move away from or approach you and at the end of the somersault he will perform an attack in the ground area in which he will lift stones from the ground. The somersault can be avoided by going under him or just standing still (if he does a back flip). You dodge the ground area with a jump (and if you can hit it in the air while doing the jump, so much the better). If you don’t have time to get there, you can launch a ranged attack; I highly recommend that you use «Bleeding Miracle», it is a Verse, specifically the red disk that we had in Blasphemous 1 .
  • Rain of Weapons : It will do it when you have lowered its life a bit. Basically it will jump very high up (it will disappear from the screen) and after this it will start to rain different weapons that of course you will have to try to dodge, although it costs a bit not to eat any blows, really. When the rain stops keep moving because if it doesn’t it will fall on top of you (you will know when it will happen because the boss is at the bottom of the screen and will jump), as soon as it falls avoid it hitting you with a dash or by keeping moving ( depending on the situation) and when he falls to the ground and makes the attack in the ground area, well, the same thing that we have already mentioned above (ideally you jump to avoid the damage and hit him in the air or if you do not arrive you throw “Bleeding Miracle” or another ranged attack).
  • Aerial Knife Whirlwind : It is similar to Knife Whirlwind, only it will perform it in the air and throw knives towards you. When he falls to the ground he will do the attack in the ground area, so you know.

When he has about 33% of his life left, he will enter the next phase.


In this phase the Sharpener will have completely sharpened his sword and you will see that it is now like a golden color. The boss will become faster and more aggressive; he will also change his moveset a bit, but we will have to do more or less the same as we have already discussed in the first phase in response to most attacks.

Some attacks it will stop doing and others it will buff them a bit. «Human Spinning Top» will now sometimes last a long time (you will have to do like 3 or 4 dashes because it will keep rolling and rolling) and it will also do what a priori seems to be the «Rain of Swords» attack very often (it doesn’t do it anymore in this phase), but instead after the jump to disappear from the screen it will quickly fall to the ground giving a blow in which it will launch a large golden slash forward (like when it sharpened the sword in phase 1 but launching a bigger and more powerful wave; you can still dodge by dashing or jumping). For the rest, little more to say, taking into account what we have discussed about phase 1 together with these details of phase 2, you will be able to defeat him.


In addition to what has already been said above, I highly recommend that you use ranged attacks when you see the gap (there are many times when you can safely land such an attack). As I have already mentioned in the attack guide, I especially recommend the Verse ” Bleeding Miracle “.

As for the weapon, Verdict has come in handy for me because of its great power and range. Also, if you have the upgrade that makes you generate more fervor with your attacks (level 2 upgrade) it will be great for you to be able to spam even more ranged attacks (you’ll see how quickly it goes down if you cast “Bleeding Miracle” on it when you have it from a distance while when you have him in melee you blow him up with Verdict, but remember that his jumping attack is generally more effective than the ground attack so as not to be so exposed).

The best time to heal yourself is when it does the “Whirlwind of Knives” attack (you position yourself well so you don’t get hit and heal yourself) or in general when it’s at a distance (it doesn’t have many ranged options and the ones it does take a while to heal up). do them, so give yourself plenty of time).


This is what we will get by defeating him:

  • tears of amends
  • 2 Marks of Martyrdom : They serve to increase the capacity of the Table of Favors and to improve the weapons of the Penitent.
  • Step of Ash ability : It is not given by the boss as such, but after defeating him if you continue forward you will find it quickly. It is a skill that allows us to do a double jump (finally).

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