The Seeds of Desire are a collectible that we can collect in each of the Palaces of Persona 5 Royal , keep in mind that they are not available in the “base game”, you need to play Royal to get them.
Basically there are 3 different ones in each palace and they are usually hidden. By picking one up our characters will recover some XP, but the most important thing about these is that if we manage to find the 3 Seeds of Desire from the same palace (that is, all of them) we will obtain a reward that is usually quite interesting.
Today I will explain in detail and with images how to find all the Seeds of Desire in the Kamoshida Palace , which is the first palace in the game. Below I will also tell you what is the object that we will obtain when getting them all in case you are curious about it. Let’s go there!
The first seed could not be easier to find since it is an event that we will have to go through during the game’s story, so there is no way to lose it ; In fact, it is at the moment that they will tell us about them and others (Morgana will tell us as usual).
So don’t worry about her, the game will take you to her and won’t let you move forward if you don’t pick her up. What you should keep in mind is that as soon as you find this one, you will have the other two seeds a little later if you continue advancing in the Palace, so be careful. Although anyway, now I will tell you the location of the other 2.
The second seed is quite easy to locate, we will have to move forward through the Palace until the area where we reach the Central Tower where we have to climb the roofs of the area. You will have to get right to the area where we slipped through a window in the tower, I leave you a photo below.

You must enter through that window and as soon as you enter you will see that you have next to a ventilation duct through which you must enter to go outside again but through a different window.

When you exit the conduit you can pick up a chest and after this you must use the hook to access a higher platform. You will have to go up with the hook several times until you reach the highest area, there you will have to sneak through a window again and you will see the typical door with vines and you will find the Lustful Green Seed.

Whenever you see a door like this (with the vines and such) you will find a Seed of Desire behind it.
The last seed is quite close to the previous one (the Green Seed). This time we will have to go back to the window through which we slipped in to access the ventilation, only instead of entering through the ventilation shaft, you will have to continue forward (you have to go down and enter through a door).
We will arrive at a rather strange room in which there are columns made of a rare material and some windows that let in light with the colors of the rainbow (the truth is very beautiful). From there go down and enter the room that is in the central area, there you will find an elevator with girl bodies as decoration.
After using the elevator and going down the stairs, you will have 2 paths:
- Go forward : You will see a box, if you interact with it you will unlock a shortcut that takes you to the beginning of the Palace.
- Continue down the stairs : There are some stairs that go even further down attached to the ones you have already gone down, this is where this last seed is.
After entering through the door of said stairs you will find the door with vines, so there you have it. The only thing is that you will have the mini-boss «Slime Mara» guarding the door.

It’s not a very complicated boss, really, the only important thing you have to take into account (besides the typical thing about attacking a weakness and all that) is that from time to time it will look at Ann Takamaki and the next turn it will give it a heavy hit to this character (so use Defense on her when the message comes out that she’s targeting her).
By gathering the 3 Seeds of Kamoshida’s Palace we will obtain the following object:
- Crystal of Lust : It is a very interesting accessory especially for the beginning of the game, it will come in handy when we face the Final Boss of this Palace. It provides the character who equips it with the « Diarama » ability, which is a medium heal (it is likely that at the beginning of the moment you only have light healing abilities, so if you are short of healing items it will be good for you).