October 6, 2024


Reviewing the analytics of the blog I have realized that many of you were looking for a Mimikyu Strategy from the blog search engine and to my surprise I still had not done it… something that surprises me a lot since we are dealing with a Pokémon that I love and it also spreads a lot in the Competitive.

So let’s get to it! Mimikyu is a Pokémon that since its appearance has spread a lot for Competitive and is also one of the most beloved Pokémon by the community for its interesting concept, something that comes above all from the combination of types and for its tremendous ability that has even had to being nerfed because of how good she was; but I’ll tell you a little better about that below.


Its stats add up to a total of 476 points , which is somewhat below the 500 I usually recommend that you have at least one Pokémon. But as I usually say (and what I have left), in the end there are more important things like the cast and there are Pokémon with not so high statistics that are tremendous.

  • Health: 55.
  • Attack: 90.
  • Defense: 80.
  • Special Attack: 50.
  • Special Defense: 105.
  • Speed: 96.

I’ll be honest, the cast is pretty bad; but don’t fear that Mimikyu has other things that make it an amazing Pokémon. Offensively, it stands out on the physical side, but 90 is a value that, while not bad, is well below that of many Pokémon such as Cinderace or Gyarados . The same thing happens with Speed, it’s not so bad, but it is passed by many common Pokémon such as  Barraskewda .

Defensively it is not so bad, 105 Special Defense is very good (on the special side it is quite covered), 80 Defense is not to shoot rockets, but it is not bad… the bad thing is that the health is quite low, which It prevents him from being a true defender. The same thing happens to Toxapex , but this one is an incredible defender for many other things, something that does not happen with Mimikyu. In fact it is better to shoot on offense.


Fairy Ghost Type  is amazing whichever way you look at it:

  • We can avoid the Quick Turn movement so that the Traps do not take away from us.
  • He is immune to Dragon, Fighting and Normal.
  • It is very bug resistant.
  • It is weak to Ghost and Steel.

Three immunities is amazing, highlighting the Dragon and Fighting Type; Dragons should be afraid of us as we will also hit them really hard with Fairy-Type attacks. And Fighting is always very cool as she is an extremely common Move-Type and more so now with Flowy Urshifu  (one of the few Pokémon that can 1HKO you) or Brusque and other threats like Conkeldurr. Let’s also not forget the high presence of these movements for physical Pokémon in Dynamax, with Mimikyu we can prevent them from being boosted with Maxi Punch.

What is strange is that this Pokémon does not have common resistances, it has a x4 resistance to Bug that is a bit meh, but where it stands out a lot is for having only two weaknesses and on top of those they don’t bother too much.

  • Ghost is dangerous with Pokémon like Marowak Alola , Dragapult , or Gengar around, but we can also hit it hard on that side, and with Disguise (which we’re going to do now) we clearly have a huge advantage.
  • Steel is pretty light, if it’s true that Steels are pretty common, but it’s also true that Steels tend to be more defensive and that Steel moves are usually only carried by Steel Pokémon themselves. The same eye with Pokémon like Lucario .


Disguise in a unique ability of Mimikyu and it’s amazing, in fact much of his success in competitive comes from this ability that has even had to be nerfed because of how good it is.

This ability will protect us from the first attack we receive, at which point Mimikyu’s disguise will break. The only catch is that we will lose 1/8 of the health (this is what they nerfed , before there was no penalty), but wow, it is still worth it since yes or yes (be careful with attacks that attack several times in the same turn) we will withstand at least one blow. Note that “passive” damage will not break the disguise (poison, burns, lifesphere, sandstorm, hail…).

Moldbreaker doesn’t ignore disguise, so you’ll be able to… more or less take it easy against Pokémon like Excadrill .


Let’s boost his offensive side and make it faster:

  • IVs : All perfect.
  • EVs : All in Attack and Speed, the rest in Special Defense.
  • Nature : Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack).
  • Ability : Disguise.
  • Item : Lifesphere.

With this we will make him faster, which is something he needs a lot in his offensive role and in the process we will make him hit harder, which is also something he needs. Remember that the Lifesphere will increase our damage by 30% with the drawback that we will lose 10% of our total health when attacking with offensive movements (does not apply to boosts and stuff, come on).


Best moves for this Mimikyu:

  • Sword Dance : Tremendous boost with which we will increase our Attack by two levels, after this we will burst.
  • Sweetheart : STAB Fairy, physical, 90 power, 90% accuracy and a 10% chance to lower the enemy’s Attack. Ideal against Dragon, Fight and Sinister. You destroy Hydreigon .
  • Shadow Claw : STAB Ghost, 70 power, 100% accuracy, and increased critical hit chance (12.5%). Ideal for other ghosts like the aforementioned Gengar and Psychic-type Pokémon like Slowbro Galar or Alakazam.
  • Vile Shadow : STAB Ghost, physical, 40 power, 100% accuracy and the good thing is that it has priority, which is very good for us.

Thanks to Disguise it will be very easy to put on the Sword Dance in a safe way and after the boost is when we can really start to burst. The best thing would be that on top of that the opposing Pokémon changes to its Pokémon or does not use offensive movements when we throw the Sword Dance so that on top of having boosted us … keep our disguise!

We have two good STAB with which we can hit almost everyone neutrally (beware of Ghost-Type hits that Normal-Type Pokémon are immune) the Pokémon in the game and with the Sword Dance + Lifesphere on and others we will have a Incredible offensive potential. The snag will be that many Pokémon pass us in Speed, but we can compensate for that a bit with Fel Shadow, which will also allow us to finish off Pokémon that are already weak, so this set also has tremendous potential as Revenge Killer and Sweeper.


This is a Pokémon that spreads a lot in Dinamax, and if you wanted to take it this way to your battles, I would only recommend a change in the previous set:

  • You will have to change Vile Shadow for Drainage Punch in order to obtain Maxi Punch, a movement with which we can hit very well (with the brutal coverage that fighting has) and with which we will also boister the Attack. Keep in mind that Vile Shadow would also not help us since we have another more powerful Ghost attack and we will also lose the priority effect on Dynamax.

The idea would be to throw the Sword Dance (remember that Disguise protects us) and then throw Dynamax to proceed to burst everything that appears. At that time we will have double the health, which will help us survive since there are quite a few Pokémon that surpass us in Speed ​​and on top of that we will hit very hard (and with the effects of the Dynamax attacks, which are cool).

The set in Dinamax would look like this:

  • Maxibarrera : To protect us from damage for a turn, which you never know, even from Dynamax attacks.
  • Maxiestela : Tremendous with a Fairy hit with STAB that will put the Fog field on top that will protect us from status changes (burn, paralysis and others) and will make Dragon-Type attacks deal half damage. We are immune, but our colleagues are surely not and can benefit from it.
  • Maxi Specter : Another tremendous blow, this one from Ghost and therefore also with STAB that will also lower the opponent’s defense by one level. I don’t think many Pokémon can take two hits from this bug with Sword Dance + Life Orb + Dynamax, but hey, it doesn’t hurt lol.
  • Maxi fist : In addition to hitting hard and having very good coverage, it will increase our attack by one level.

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