Mustio is an NPC that we can have in our camp in Baldur’s Gate 3 and the truth is that this… curious being (it is not very clear what exactly it is, it looks like some kind of undead or something like that) could not be more useful since It provides us with some very interesting services, so I highly recommend that you do what I am going to tell you about in this post in order to be able to count on it.
The best of all is that we can also get him to come to our camp at the beginning of the game (at the beginning of act 1). The problem is that it is somewhat hidden and it is relatively easy for it to be overlooked, especially if you have a bit of bad luck or if you are one of those who prefers to play a little more “by bag” (without exploring everything thoroughly, come on).
Let’s start by seeing how you can find this particular and useful NPC and after this I will tell you in detail what kind of services he will provide us in the camp, which you will see are very interesting.

We will find Mustio in the Huge Ruins, an area that we can find at the beginning of Act 1 on the right side of the map; It is quite unlikely that you have not found them, to be honest, since this area even has its own teleport on the map (the name is what I told you, “Huge Ruins”).
Inside the “Huge Ruins”, you will have to get to the room that I show you in the photo above, it is quite easy to recognize because it has that large statue that the sun shines on and it is very striking. In the post about the Book of the Dead Gods you have explained in more detail how you can get to this room of the Ruins, I will not explain it again here so as not to repeat myself.

The case, starting from this room and taking as reference that large statue on which the sun shines, you will see that you have 2 “paths” (paths in quotes because you will end up running into the wall). You have to go through the one on the left and pay close attention to the wall on your right as there you will find a button that will open a secret door . When you pass through the area, perception rolls will be made.
As soon as you press the button, some of the dead people in the area will reanimate and you will have to fight them. The battle is very simple, my recommendation is that you stay in the “corridor” where you start and from there you attack from a distance with your characters at the targets you have within range and use the corridor itself to take cover from the enemies (most They are magicians, so you don’t care at all if they have you within reach); Have your melee units waiting in the “corner” in case someone gets too close, which will be short-lived in that case.
The only thing that is a little out of the norm in this battle is that one of the skeletons can cast a spell on us that creates a kind of dome that silences the characters that are inside it , so when that happens you better leave the room. area. Of course, it is better to go back than to advance, never expose your characters to being hit by multiple spells simultaneously or you will have a bad time.
When interacting with this Sarcophagus is when we will find Mustio , you will have to talk to him. This NPC is very useful, so I recommend that you don’t snap at him, attack him or anything like that (do what you want, you know, I just recommend). I don’t know if it will be possible to get him not to come to camp with you, but it’s better not to risk it, let’s go.
After the talk he will stay around the area and as soon as you go to the camp you will find him there.
Don’t forget the chest you have next to the sarcophagus since inside you will find a very useful rare amulet since by equipping it to a character they will be able to cast a spell that will allow us to talk to the dead.

As I already told you at the beginning of the post, this NPC will come to our camp after talking to him and he is very useful since he offers us some truly incredible utilities; but not free , mind you. I list them for you below:
- Change Class (100 Gold) : Ideal if you regret the class you chose, although the truth is that they are all pretty good. The best thing is that you can choose the class you already have to reassign all the corresponding assignments for each level, so it’s great for trying other builds or simply if you didn’t make good decisions in one of the levels and you want to change it.
- Revive Characters (200 Gold) : I don’t think it requires much more explanation, it will allow us to revive a character who has died.
- Hire Mercenaries (100 Gold) : Something that I don’t like too much since I think it is more interesting to use your companions, but anyway, if you want you can do it. They are basically “companions” who will be with you for a while.
As you can see, they are very interesting services, especially Changing Class, so now you know! Never forget to recruit Mustio!