The Golden Company is a set of artifacts that focuses entirely on increasing the damage of the Elemental Skills of its carriers, the Mastery that will allow us to get pieces of this set of artifacts is located in the Fontaine region in Genshin Impact .
It is a set that will be very good for characters prior to its release, since it is very beneficial for those who have the Support DPS role , inflicting a lot of passive damage when executing their Elemental Skills and whose duration of the skill is prolonged.
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Something important to take into account about this set is the snapshot in the abilities , since one of these damage increases for the Elemental Ability that this set grants is achieved by leaving the field once we have already cast said ability, so Therefore, those characters that have this mechanic in their abilities will not be able to obtain this bonus.
In the event that you are not familiar with the term snapshot , it means that abilities that have this cannot modulate their damage once they have been used, even if the character’s attributes have been enhanced by receiving a bonus and will continue to do the same damage as in the snapshot. when they were executed. For example, Xiangling ‘s Pyronado has snapshot and if we use it on top of Bennett ‘s ult , it will maintain the damage increase from Bennett’s ability even after it wears off.
That being said, let’s see how we can get the pieces of this set, what benefits they will bring to our build and the characters that will best take advantage of it.
We get this set specifically in the Sin Completion Domain ; We will find the door to this Domain in the Rociomarino Port, which is located in the Fontaine region. Another set that we can get while spending resin in this Domain will be the Ghost Hunter .
These would be all the pieces of the set:
- Flower : Variation of the Golden Serenade.
- Feather : Feather of the Golden Bird.
- Clock : Prelude to the Golden Age.
- Chalice : Cry of the Golden Night.
- Crown : Decoration of the Golden Company.
Let’s see what effects this set gives us:
- 2 Pieces : +20% damage to Elemental Skill.
- 4 Pieces : +20% damage to Elemental Skill. Also, when the character is outside the combat field, this effect is increased by an additional 20%. This effect will be canceled 2 seconds after the character enters the battlefield.
The effects of this set are very simple; to start the two-piece set gives us +20% damage to the Elemental Ability and the four-piece set of the Golden Company gives us another +20% damage to the same Elemental Ability of the character.
If after casting it the character leaves the battlefield, it will increase its damage by an additional 20%, the problem is that this will only activate if the character does not have a snapshot mechanic in their Elemental Ability, since this makes the damage is not modulated after the activation of said ability.
If the character returns to the battlefield for more than 2 seconds while the Elemental Skill is still active, we will lose the additional 20% damage that the four-piece set of the set confers; but we can replace it simply by using the Elemental Skill again and leaving the battlefield.
In this case, we will equip it to characters whose main source of damage is their Elemental Skill, who have the Support DPS role and who do not need to spend a lot of time on the field.

Yae Miko is undoubtedly one of the best candidates to equip this fantastic set of artifacts, since she produces a fairly high amount of damage with the kitsune cherry trees that she summons when using her Elemental Ability, in addition, the duration of these creations is 14 seconds and we can replenish them even before they leave the field.
Since her Elemental Ability doesn’t have the snapshot mechanic and Yae Miko will only be on the present field to put up the kitsune cherry trees or to execute her Ultimate, we won’t have any trouble getting the maximum bonus this set brings to her Elemental Ability.
The only bad thing about equipping him with this set is that since it doesn’t increase his damage in general, the damage of his Ultimate will decrease a lot. But since he has a very high elemental cost and is a character that is usually used more for his totems, it will not be a very big mishap either.
This set will be an even better option for Yae Miko if we have her C2, since it allows kitsune cherry trees to start at level 2 and can go up to level 4 (without this Constellation, they can only go up to level 3), increasing thus the percentage of damage they do.

Another character that has a devastating Elemental Ability and can make very good use of this set is Nahida , since this ability can chain up to a maximum of 8 enemies at a time and when certain Elemental Reactions are performed against one of these, it will will unleash a powerful attack that deals Dendro Damage and affects all enemies chained by this ability.
As with Yae Miko, she is another character who hardly has to be active on the field and her Elemental Skill does not have a snapshot either and its damage will modulate as Nahida’s attributes are modulated, so she can increase the damage this wonderful Elemental Skill up to 60%.
The downside I see is that this character tends to support other Dendro Main DPS by equipping him with the Forest Memories set , so we should include another character along with Nahida’s team to be in charge of reducing Dendro’s Resistance of the enemies.
Other characters:
- Fischl : Fischl’s main source of damage is the invocation of Oz that he performs when using his Elemental Ability, the problem is that this ability has a snapshot and he will not be able to enjoy the 20% additional damage increase conferred by the 4 pieces of this set .
- Albedo : With this set we can increase the damage of the resonances of the flower created by Albedo’s Elemental Skill by 40%; the problem is that this Elemental Skill also has a snapshot and will not be able to get the bonus that you get when leaving the field either, and also, Albedo already has the Shell of Opulent Dreams set that works very well with it.
- Dehya : I thought that this set would be very compatible with Dehya and that it would be perfect for increasing the damage of his Elemental Ability, but it is also another character that has snapshots on his Elemental Ability. Even so, if you don’t usually use her Ultimate Ability and you only take it for using her Elemental Ability, you can equip this set of artifacts to her without problems.