March 26, 2025


Tales of Dodoco is a four-star catalyst in Genshin Impact designed mainly for those characters who have the Main DPS role on the team. This catalyst is focused on boosting its bearer’s Charged Attacks while generating a large Attack bonus for it.

This is another of the weapons that could be obtained as an event reward, specifically, it was possible to obtain it during version 1.6 of Genshin Impact in the event called “Summer, Islands and Adventures!” in exchange for 800 Mini Harpastums.

This catalyst has a passive that is a bit similar to that of another one called Ode to the Vast Blue, since it also bonuses the damage of Charged Attacks and coincidentally it is also a weapon obtainable as a reward through an event. The main differences between both weapons are their secondary statistics and the difference between the amount of Base Attack each has.

Ode to the Vast Blue in Genshin Impact

Ode to the Vast Blue

+30.63% Energy Recharge. +8% damage to Normal Attacks and +6% damage to Charged Attacks when hitting an enemy with either of these two attacks (maximum 3 stacks).


Let’s start with his statistics:

  • Base Attack Level 1 : 41.
  • Base Attack Level 90 : 454.

Its Base Attack corresponds to the lowest in the game among the four-star catalysts there are, such as Memories of Sacrifice , the Eye of Insight and the Sacrificial Jade .

Its secondary attribute would be the following:

  • Attack % Level 1 : 12%.
  • Attack % Level 90 : 55.13%.

By having such a low Base Attack, its secondary statistic is quite high and by raising this weapon to level 90 it will give its bearer + 55.13% Attack , which will be very useful for those characters who have a high Base Attack and whose damage from their abilities scales based on the amount of Attack they have.

His Passive Skill confers the following effect:

  • R1 : When attacking an enemy with a Normal Attack, Charged Attack damage is increased by 16% for 6 seconds. After hitting an enemy with the Charged Attack, increase the character’s Attack by 8% for 6 seconds.
  • R5 : When attacking an enemy with a Normal Attack, Charged Attack damage is increased by 32% for 6 seconds. After hitting an enemy with the Charged Attack, increase the character’s Attack by 16% for 6 seconds.

In order to activate this passive, it will be necessary to equip this catalyst on a character who executes one or multiple Normal Attacks before executing his Charged Attack, in order to obtain the damage bonus for the Charged Attack before executing it and after this, obtain the bonus to its bearer’s Attack.

In its R5 it will increase the damage of its bearer’s Charged Attack by 32% , which is a fairly considerable amount, the only drawback is that both bonuses obtained through the passive of this catalyst only last 6 seconds, but at the same time At least, its activation condition is quite simple.


As we mentioned before, the idea is to equip it on a character whose attack sequence consists of executing a couple of Normal Attacks before executing his Charged Attack:

Klee in Genshin Impact

From its design, it is evident that this catalyst was created as a F2P option for Klee . Because his powerful Charged Attacks are his main source of damage and hit in a moderate area, this catalyst will be great for us to increase the damage of this type of attack as much as possible.

The animations for Klee’s Normal Attacks are a bit long and, therefore, he usually executes only one Normal Attack (or two at most) and his Charge Attack will immediately be executed. Actually, it is great for us to play it this way, since this will allow us to activate the weapon’s passive continuously and it adjusts quite well to the short time that its bonuses last.

Yanfei in Genshin Impact

It will be very interesting to equip this catalyst to Yanfei , since the main source of his damage lies in his Charged Attacks, which he can boost while under the effects of his Ultimate Skill, so it will be a good idea to put the Tales of Dodoco on him to strengthen even more damage from this type of attack.

Furthermore, the most efficient combo of blows for Yanfei is to execute 3 Normal Attacks to obtain his seals and end up delivering a Charged Attack, which will allow us to activate the damage bonus for this last blow, since his Charged Attacks are his main source of damage. damage.

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