Today we will see the last weapon that we have left to analyze from the second round of the Genshin Impact Battle Pass , it is a catalyst called Sacrificial Jade that is characterized by giving very juicy bonuses when its wearer remains off the field for several seconds.
Honestly, it is an extraordinary weapon that provides quite good statistics that can be very useful for its wielder, but the problem it poses is that it has a very low Base Attack and a very high bonus that it confers to Life with its passive, making so it didn’t end up fitting too well with many characters.
It is also not a weapon that we should equip to characters who are Hypercarry , since if the character remains active on the battlefield for more than 10 seconds, they will lose their bonuses. It’s not a bad catalyst, but I think the Solar Pearl (the catalyst for the first round of the Battle Pass) is much more worth it due to its great versatility when equipping it.
Let’s start with his statistics:
- Base Attack Level 1 : 41.
- Base Attack Level 90 : 454.
Its Base Attack corresponds to the lowest in the game among the four-star catalysts there are, such as Memories of Sacrifices , the Eye of Insight and the Tales of Dodoko.
Its secondary attribute is the following:
- Critical Chance Level 1 : 8%.
- Level 90 Critical Chance : 36.75%.
To compensate for the very low Base Attack that this weapon gives us, as a secondary statistic it will offer us a 36.75% Critical Chance when raising it to level 90. A quite generous amount that even surpasses the secondary statistics of other five-star weapons such as the Lost Prayer to the Holy Winds .
His Passive Skill confers the following effect:
- R1 : Increases the character’s Maximum Health by 32% and his Elemental Mastery by 40 points when he is on your team, but outside the battlefield for 5 seconds or more. If its wielder steps out onto the field for 10 seconds or more, this effect will be nullified.
- R5 : Increases the character’s Maximum Health by 64% and his Elemental Mastery by 80 points when he is on your team, but outside the battlefield for 5 seconds or more. If its wielder steps out onto the field for 10 seconds or more, this effect will be nullified.
One of the greatest attractions of this weapon is the increase in Maximum Life and Elemental Mastery that its passive confers, although the increase in Life depends on the 32% of the Base Life that the character has and not the amount of Maximum Life that the character has. this one possesses.
If, for example, your character has 14,000 Base Life points, they will gain about 4,480 with this catalyst at R1. In his R5 this amount would be doubled and would mean a huge damage increase for characters who scale the damage of their abilities based on their Life.
This passive ability has a trick, since the condition to activate this effect is that the character spends 5 seconds outside the field and does not remain on it for more than ten seconds. Despite this, we can change characters just before the duration of the bonus runs out and change back to the bearer of this catalyst, in this way we will restart the duration of the bonus without having to leave the character off the field for another 5 seconds.
The ideal for this catalyst is to equip it to a character whose damage fluctuates based on the Maximum Life that he has and who does not need to be active on the field for too long:

This catalyst is perfect for Neuvillete , although it may work better for you if you take it with the Heart of the Deep Artifact Set than with the Ghost Hunter set , since it is very possible that when you combine this last set with the Sacrificial Jade you will have too much Critical Chance in your build .
The Elemental Mastery that the passive confers can be good for us if we have it in an Electrocharged or Vaporized team, but really what interests us most about the passive is the increase in Life it gives us, because the damage Most of Neuvillette’s attacks scale based on the amount of Life he has.
We really won’t have problems having the passive bonus always active, we will just have to use his Elemental Skill and his Ultimate Skill to create the water drops, change characters (which we can take advantage of to use an Anemo and lower the Resistance to Hydro) and then return to the field again to execute a pair of Charged Attacks before the ten seconds are up.