” Only Silence Remains ” is a four-star Cone of Light for characters from the Honkai Star Rail Hunt that I generally highly recommend since it is the typical cone that we can equip practically all the characters on the track without any type of problem and those are the Cones that we always appreciate the most.
Of course there are some cones that we like a little more, a good example would be “Game of Swords” (not to go into 5-star Cones), but that does not mean that this is in my opinion one of the best 4-star Cones for the characters on the road.

Sword Game
When the wielder of this Cone of Light hits the same target multiple times, the damage dealt to said enemy increases by 8%. This effect can be accumulated up to five times and will be lost if we change the objective.
The case is that in this post we will thoroughly analyze this Cone of Light and after that we will tell you which characters can take advantage of it best. Let’s go there!
Let’s start by looking at its basic attributes, keep in mind that we will give you the data that it has at level 80 (the maximum):
- HP : 952.
- ATK : 476.
- DEF : 330.
Let’s now see the benefits that the passive of this Cone of Light brings us:
- S1 : +16% ATK%. +12% CRIT Chance if there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field.
- S5 : +32% ATK%. +24% CRIT Chance if there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field.
As you can see, it is a very simple Cone (which in the end tends to be the ones that are most worthwhile, the more elaborate the cone, the fewer characters take advantage of it), but at the same time very effective for practically every character in the Way, as long as when their damaging abilities scale based on Attack, something extremely common.
Looking at the next passive effect, a little more Critical Chance never hurts for a character focused on the DPS role . Furthermore, it is very easy to activate this effect, especially for Hunting characters, since ultimately they are specialized in single target damage and even when in a combat with more enemies, sooner or later the number of enemies will decrease and The most common thing is to end up being alone with one or two strong enemies .
This Cone is so versatile, simple and effective, that you can really equip it to practically any character in the Hunt . Even so, we will highlight some, precisely those that have the highest damage since these will get a little more out of it than the others.

Seele stands out a lot in the Hunting lane thanks to her good Damage, her good Speed and the fact that she can get additional actions when eliminating enemies. This makes her a character who should eliminate small enemies in order to obtain more turns and therefore more damage, something that matches quite well with the passive of this Cone of Light.

Dr. Ratio is a Hunting character who has very good damage in part thanks to his very powerful Additional Attacks (which he also uses quite often) and is therefore a great candidate for this Cone of Light.

Topaz and Conti is another character to whom you can also equip this Cone of Light without any problem because it also has good damage, there is little more to say about it, I would repeat myself too much.
That said, you can equip it to almost all the characters of the Way:

Lots of Single Target Damage. CRIT Prob. and CRIT Damage can be auto-boosted. Deals more damage if you don’t take damage.

Good Single Target damage. You can get extra shifts. He is interested in focusing on attacking the enemies whose weakness we have broken.

Dan Heng
Decent damage on Single Target. It can reduce the SPD of enemies a little and deals more damage to slowed enemies. You can increase your Speed.