March 31, 2025


And finally we come to the analysis of the last weapon from the Fontaine forge, this weapon is called Unpolluted Fluence and is a catalyst in Genshin Impact . We can forge this weapon at Fontaine’s smithy if we have a Heartlands Catalyst Prototype, fifty pieces of essentialite, and fifty pieces of white iron.

This catalyst is quite similar to another F2P from the forge called Nautical Chart , due to the fact that they share the same amount of Base Attack and both passives are very similar; the main difference is that Flawless Creep gives its passive a higher Elemental Damage Bonus than the one provided by the Nautical Chart (this happens if the character has a lot of Health, which is not common in catalysts), but in return, it is a effect more complex to activate than that of the Nautical Chart.

Another difference they have is that this catalyst gives Attack % as a secondary statistic, while the Nautical Chart gives us Elemental Mastery. In conclusion, I would only recommend crafting   the Untainted Creep if we have characters that have a high Max Health or if our characters are more suited to Attack % than Elemental Mastery, for everything else, better craft the Nautical Chart.


Let’s start with his stats:

  • Base Attack Level 1 : 44.
  • Base Attack Level 90 : 565.

Within the other four-star catalysts, it has a high Base Attack, as is the case with other weapons such as the Royal Grimoire, the Nautical Chart, Wine and Poetry or the Oath Eye .

Its secondary attribute is the following:

  • Attack % Level 1 : 6%.
  • Attack % Level 90 : 27.56%.

As always happens, having a higher Base Attack than average, its secondary stat gives us a smaller parameter and for this reason the Flawless Creep gives us only 27.56 % Attack % at its level 90.

His Passive Skill confers the following effect:

  • R1 : When the bearer of this catalyst uses his Elemental Skill, he gains +8% Elemental Damage Bonus from all elements for 15 seconds and at the same time, he gains an effect called «vital pact».
    • Vital Pact : Absorbs the healing that the character receives until reaching 24% of his Maximum Life, once this number is reached, the pact disappears and grants him a 2% Elemental Damage Bonus for every 1000 healing points absorbed that will last 15 seconds. This effect can activate once every 10 seconds and can only deal a maximum of 12% Elemental Damage Bonus.
  • R5 : When the bearer of this catalyst uses his Elemental Skill, he gains a +16% Elemental Damage Bonus from all elements for 15 seconds and at the same time, he gains an effect called «vital pact».
    • Vital Pact : Absorbs the healing that the character receives until reaching 24% of his Maximum Life, once this number is reached, the pact disappears and grants him a 4% Elemental Damage Bonus for every 1000 healing points absorbed that will last 15 seconds. This effect can be activated once every 10 seconds and can only deal a maximum of 24% Elemental Damage Bonus.

To start, we will have +8% to all Elemental Damage Bonuses for 15 seconds when executing the wearer’s Elemental Skill, something that we can easily achieve and that we can continuously replenish, since it has a fairly long duration and the Elemental Skill it will have finished its TOE before the effect wears off.

After this, the effect of the «Vital Pact» will be activated. This effect collects the healing received by the character until it stores a healing corresponding to 24% of said character’s Maximum Health, after which it will be removed and the character will gain +2% to all Elemental Damage Bonuses for every 1,000 points of damage. Life that has accumulated the pact.

This bonus granted by the Vital Pact lasts about 15 seconds and the Elemental Damage Bonus limit it gives us is limited to 12%; in other words, to obtain this 12% our character must have at least 24,000 points of Maximum Life and the Vital Pact must have healed 6,000 points of Life.


The characters that will best take advantage of this catalyst will be those who have a high amount of Max Health and have the role of DPS , since this will be necessary to better amortize the passive of this catalyst:

Sangonomiya Kokomi in Genshin Impact

Sangonomiya Kokomi has a very high Base Health compared to most characters that use the catalyst as a weapon and her build is very focused on increasing her Health, since the damage of her Basic Attacks scales based on it while she is under the States of his Ultimate and his healing is also based on his Health, therefore, he will be able to get the maximum Elemental Bonus granted by the Vital Pact.

Another good thing is that even if we use it as a Main DPS , it will still be a healer that will heal a lot and will be able to activate the passive of this catalyst on its own, which gives it more points than another character when equipping this weapon.

The bad thing is that she is not a character that is usually used a lot in her role as Main DPS enabler because there is a lot of variety to choose from and multiple characters that are better than her in this role, but if you decide to take her this way, you can equip her with this Impoluta flow without any problem.

Other characters that take advantage of it:

  • Yae Miko : It has a very high Base Attack within the characters that use the catalyst as a weapon and will take advantage of the statistics of this weapon very well. The Elemental Bonuses of the passive will be great for increasing the damage of her kitsune cherry trees, but the Nautical Chart will be better for her if we take her in a team made up of Dendro characters, since in this case we will take better advantage of the Elemental Mastery.
  • Globetrotter : Another character who takes advantage of all the Attack that this catalyst gives for the same reasons as Yae Miko. Only in this case, since Scaramouche will only do Whirlwinds as an Elemental Reaction and has quite high damage, it does pay us more to equip Pristine Fluency than Nautical Chart.
  • Ninguang : It will be very useful for us to increase his Geo Damage Bonus and the Attack % that this weapon grants will also be useful, since this character is very short of Attack. The bad thing is that his Max Health is also lousy and he won’t get a very big Elemental Bonus with the second part of the passive.

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