July 7, 2024
How to unlock all characters for free in Overwatch 2

How to unlock all characters for free in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 , the update of the original game, has been accompanied by a lot of news and changes : existence of a Battle Pass, online store, challenges, changes in teams,… Many changes have been liked, but there is one in particular that did not make the players happy, and it is the need to unlock the characters .

Yes, in Overwatch 2 we will have to unlock the characters. However, the situation is not the same for new players as for those who are more veteran (yes, those players who left a long time ago also come in here). I want you to be very clear about how the unlocking of characters is going, so be very attentive to everything I am going to tell you next.

New Overwatch 2 players have the “toughest” part

If you are a completely new player to Overwatch 2 , then you should know that you will not be able to play every character . The game will allow you access to a few as soon as you start, and the rest you will have to unlock. How? Well , playing, without more . And don’t worry about a thing, because you won’t have to spend a single euro on this .

  • In order to have all the characters, you will have to play a total of 100 quick games ✅

How are new characters unlocked?

Another novelty of Overwatch 2 is the existence of new characters , something that has been scarce in recent years. The developers announced that we will have to unlock the new characters that arrive every x season. Again, there is nothing to worry about, because this unlock will take place for free .

  • The new characters will be unlocked with the free Battle Pass . For example, to have Kiriko you need to reach level 55 of the pass ⭐
  • If you don’t have time to reach that level before the end of the season, don’t worry either: there will be other ways to unlock the character , all for free (for the moment it’s unknown what they are) ❓
New details of Overwatch 2

What do you have leftover tickets? Then you’ll be glad to know that you’ll instantly unlock the new characters just by purchasing the Premium Battle Pass . Don’t forget, Overwatch 2 is now available for free to gamers on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series .

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