343 Industries had chosen not to add the option for Co-Op to the main campaign of the title at the launch of Halo Infinite, as well as not to let us revisit its main missions after finishing them once. This is going to change this year, with the Microsoft studio guaranteeing us that we will get our hands on both of these functions in 2022.
Although a little late compared to what the studio had promised us, the beta for these two functions has been open since last Friday, July 15th, and will remain open until August 1st. In order to participate, you must be a member of the Xbox Insider program, as well as a Halo Insider for Xbox consoles or only a Halo Insider for Steam on PC.

Co-Op supports up to four players with cross-play on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. It is worth noting that we will have to start a new save file if we want to take part in the beta, while at the end of it nothing we do will be transferred to our main save file in the game. For any further questions you may have on this topic, Halo Waypoint has a detailed interview-style text from the title’s creators.
Finally, to celebrate the beta, the game’s creators posted a one-hour video on YouTube where they play Co-Op and talk about the new features that will be added to Halo Infinite.
Halo Infinite is out for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC. You can read our review for the title here.