March 26, 2025


In practically every delivery of Pokémon the goal is always the same; get the medals of the Pokémon Gyms , pass the League and complete the Pokédex among other things. And Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Glistening Pearl are no exception to this rule.

And today, we’ll take a look at the team composition of those leaders, their weaknesses, and easy-to-get Pokémon that we can beat them with.


Gym Medals in Pokémon Shiny Diamond and Shiny Pearl

As always, we have to do the Pokémon Gyms in a specific order and each one will specialize in a certain Pokémon Type (although later you will notice that some do not hit even with a tail).

Really, except for some specific Pokémon of some of the leaders; the combats are very simple and affordable. So let’s see where to start:


Roco is a Gym Leader specialized in the Rock type, therefore, in general, physical attacks will not have much effect against his Pokémon, so we will use elemental attacks. Even better if they are attacks that hit said guy hard.

These Pokémon make up your team:

  • Geodude : Level 12, Rock and Ground Type.
  • Onix : Level 12, Rock and Ground Type.
  • Cranids : Level 14, Rock Type.

Except for Cranidos, all of his Pokémon are both Rock- and Ground-Type; So let’s see their resistances and weaknesses to see the best way to combat them:

  • Rock-type Pokémon are weak against Water-, Grass-, Steel-, Fighting-, and Ground-type attacks.
  • However, they are resistant to Fire, Normal, Poison, and Flying-type attacks.
  • Ground-type Pokémon are immune to Electric-type attacks .
  • They are resistant to Rock and Poison-type attacks.
  • They are weak against Water-, Grass-, and Ice-type attacks .

The vast majority of its Pokémon are both Rock and Ground-Type; Therefore, if you have chosen Turtwig or Piplot as your initial, this fight will be very simple (as both types are weak against water and grass, these attacks become even more effective).

If by chance you have chosen Chimchar as your initial Pokémon, you will have a somewhat cruder combat. In this case I recommend that you capture a Budew (which we can find on route 204) and if we raise it to level 14 or 15 we will have more than enough to face the fight.


Gardenia has her team made up of Grass-Type Pokémon, in order to fight her we will first have to look inside the gym for four trainers who are hidden behind the trees. Once this is done we can face Gardenia, whose team is as follows:

  • Cherubi : Level 19, Grass Type.
  • Turtwig : Level 19, Plant Type.
  • Roserade : Level 22, Grass and Poison Type.

Practically, he runs a pure Grass team and the resistances and weaknesses of this type are the following:

  • Weakness to Bug, Fire, Ice, Poison and Flying.
  • Resistances to Water, Electrical, Earth and Plant.

Since these types of Pokémon have weaknesses everywhere, it will be very easy to run a Flying-Type like Starley or a Bug-Type like Kricketot. And if you have chosen Chimchar at the beginning of the game, then you sweep the gym.

The only thing, keep in mind that Roselia, instead of being weak against Poison and Bug, is vulnerable to Psychic-Type attacks.


Brega ‘s team Pokémon are Fighting Type and are as follows:

  • Meditite : Level 27, Fighting and Psychic Type.
  • Machoke : Level 27, Fighting Type.
  • Lucario : Level 30, Fighting and Steel Type.

Almost all his team is Fighting Type, but combining some other type; the weaknesses and resistances of this type are the following:

  • Weakness against Fairy, Flying and Psychic types.
  • Resistance against Rock, Dark, and Bug Types.

The fight against Meditite and Machoke is very simple, with having Starley well raised we go to spare (because Fairy and Psychic-type Pokémon at this point in the game, little thing).

What will be more complex will be Lucario, we must get rid of him quickly because Defense, Attack and Speed ​​will be increased and he will do a lot of damage with his Drain Punch; my recommendation is to catch a Ponyta if you don’t have Chimchar and upload it for this fight.


Mananti the Destroyer has a team made up of water-type Pokémon; to get to it we will have to step on some buttons to regulate the water level until we can reach it. His team is as follows:

  • Gyarados : Level 27, Water and Flying Type.
  • Quagsire : Level 27, Water and Ground Type.
  • Floatzel : Level 30, Water-type.

While there is some combination of types, we’re going to focus primarily on Water-type weaknesses and resistances:

  • Resistance to Water, Steel, Fire and Ice.
  • Weakness to Electric and Grass.

As for Gyarados , he is very vulnerable to Electric; so the most effective thing will be to attack it with an electric Pokémon like Luxray (since we can find Shinx from the beginning of the game and by now we will have it evolved) or if you have been lucky in the Underground Caves, an Elekid.

Be careful with the Grass type because Gyarados, for example, has an ice fist, but for the other two remaining Pokémon, Roselia, Cherrim or Torterra could come in handy if you chose Turtwig as the initial Pokémon (But wow, this fight is very simple).


Fantina ‘s specialty is Ghost Type (oh wow, surprise); to get to it we must solve some very simple mathematical problems (if you make a mistake you will face trainers from the gym). That said, her team is as follows:

  • Drifblim : Level 32, Ghost and Flying Type.
  • Gengar : Level 34, Ghost and Poison Type.
  • Mismagius : Level 36, Ghost Type.

All their Pokémon are Ghost-type and some derivative, let’s take a look at the characteristics of this type of Pokémon:

  • Resistance to Poison and Bug.
  • Weakness against Ghost and Dark.
  • Immunity against Normal and Fighting type attacks.

If you have been lucky in the Underground Caves , it is recommended that you take Absol in your team. Other valid options could be Houndoom or Luxray with a Dark-type move (such as Bite), since it is the most widespread against the Ghost-type.

Carrying a Ghost type is not recommended because it will be a double-edged sword; I also recommend being careful against Gengar who nullifies moves with his Ability and with Mismagius and his Ghost Strike attack.


Aceron is the father of Roco (the first Gym Leader) and uses Steel-type Pokémon; His team consists of the following Pokémon:

  • Bronzor : Level 36, Steel and Psychic Type.
  • Steelix : Level 36, Steel and Earth type.
  • Bastiodon : Level 39, Steel and Rock Type.

Let’s see as a basis from which to start the data on the Steel Type:

  • Resistance to Steel, Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Ice, Normal, Grass, Psychic, Rock and Flying.
  • Weakness to Fire and Earth.
  • Immune to Poison.

As you can see, they have innumerable resistances and very few weaknesses; so we’ll look to run Fire-Type Pokémon like Houndoom or Ponyta and Ground-Type Pokémon like Rhyhorn (be careful because Rhyhorn or Rhydon are weak to Steel, make sure you’re faster).

Steelix has many weaknesses: Earth, Fire, Fighting, and Water. But on the other hand, it is Immune to Electric and Poison Type attacks, in addition to having many resistances (Rock, Bug, Normal, Dragon, Fairy, Steel, Flying and Psychic).

As for Bastiodon, it is weak against Water-Type and Fighting-Type. So we can attack him with a Starley Point Blank or a Gastrodon Hydropulse. Bastiodon will be healed with a Zidra Berry and has a very high defense, so you have to try to finish him off quickly.


Inverna is the penultimate leader of Pokémon Gyms and to reach her, we must slide from ramp to ramp to break the snowballs that obstruct the way to her; her team is this:

  • Snover : Level 38, Ice and Grass Type.
  • Medicham : Level 40, Fighting and Psychic Type.
  • Sneasel : Level 38, Ice and Dark Type.
  • Abomasnow : Level 42, Ice and Grass Type.

It has a weird mix of Types, but let’s look at the characteristics of the Ice Type:

  • Ice resistance.
  • Weakness to Steel, Fire, Fighting and Rock.

Virtually no resistance and all weaknesses, so this gym will be a breeze with Fire-type Pokemon like Houndoom, Rapidash , or Infernape .

The only Pokémon that can give us a headache would be Sneasel with Dig, but with a Pokémon that levitates (or flies, but be careful because Flying is weak against Ice) and is a Steel, Fire, Fighting, Rock, Fairy type. or Bicho, we will air it out.


And finally we come to our last fight for the Sinnoh medals ; in this case we will face Lectro , the leader of the Electric type (in quotes, half of his team is Electric type and the other half, a potpourri that has nothing to do with it).

Lectro’s team possesses the following Pokémon:

  • Raichu : Level 46, Electric Type.
  • Ambipom : Level 47, Normal Type.
  • Octillery : Level 47, Water-type.
  • Luxray : Level 49, Electric Type.

Although we have a bit of everything, let’s see the characteristics of the Electric type:

  • Resistance to Flying, Electric and Steel.
  • Weakness to Earth .

Half of his team is vulnerable against Ground-types and on top of that, Electric-type attacks are ineffective against Dragon-types. This makes Gible or any of his evolutions (Gabite or Garchomp ) a good candidate to put on the team (you can catch him in the underground caves after getting the seventh medal).

But in general, any Pokémon you have that is Ground-type or that is not vulnerable to Electric-type and knows a Ground-type move like Earthquake or Earthquake.

Regarding Raichu , keep in mind that he will be using Voltiochange all the time and will be changing to Ambipom and Octillery.

And as for Ambipom, he’s not much of a threat; However, if you want, you can include a Fighting-type Pokémon or one of your team that knows a movement of this type.

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