February 22, 2025


The Resonant Enclosure is a kind of center where all the Heroes that we have obtained in AFK Journey meet . From this enclosure we can raise the level of five characters that we have chosen.

As soon as we begin our adventure through AFK Journey we will unlock the Resonant Enclosure, since to do so all we have to do is raise 5 characters to level 5 and we will already have this game mechanic unlocked.

Unlike other gacha games, in this game the leveling up of characters is done in a way in which we can use any Hero as soon as we can and we will maintain the level of our characters in a balanced way at all times (since the game forces us to do it).


Automatically, when we unlock the Resonant Enclosure, the 5 highest level Heroes we have will take the places of the Resonance Hands. If before unlocking the Resonant Enclosure we have leveled up characters other than the five who will occupy the position of Resonance Hands, the materials used for this will be returned to us.

What does this mean? Well basically, thanks to the Resonant Enclosure function we will only have to raise these five Heroes, since the rest of the Heroes will be considered Resonance Heroes and will automatically level up depending on the level of the Resonance Hands.

If we press the feather-shaped icon located to the right of the Resonance Hands, this will allow us to designate the characters we want as Resonance Hands. This is the best thing about the Resonant Enclosure, because if, for example, we have invested resources in raising a Hero that we no longer want to use, we will not lose anything, since the Hero we exchange it for will automatically receive the level that it had.

In addition, we can change the Heroes who are in the Resonance Hands position whenever we want without any penalty , which can help us a lot in the Mythical Trial combat mode, since in this we always have to use 5 characters from the same faction , so we can take advantage and put the equipment that we are going to use as Resonance Hands so that they have the highest possible level during the test.

Finally, mention that between the characters who are designated as Hands of Resonance there cannot be a difference greater than 10 levels (this is what I was referring to at the beginning when we were “obliged” to always maintain a balance between the levels of Our heroes).


The Resonance Level is a parameter that will mark the lowest level Hero within the five characters that occupy the Resonance Hands positions. This parameter will cause all Heroes considered Resonance Heroes to automatically adjust their level to the Resonance Level we have.

This mechanic is quite appreciated, since as we have mentioned before, it allows us to use any Hero that we take out in the Gachapón automatically, since we do not have to level them up manually as in other gacha games .


To raise the level of our Resonance Hands, we will only need three resources: Gold, Training Manuals and Hero Essence.

Gold will undoubtedly be the easiest material to obtain of all the others, since we can obtain it in many different ways, such as defeating any monster that we find in the world, completing missions, in AFK rewards, as a daily and weekly reward. participate in the Arena or even by redeeming promotional codes .

The Training Manuals are less abundant, but we have several sources of obtaining them, since we can obtain several of them by purchasing in Keith’s Store, defeating monsters, opening chests, as event rewards and advancing levels in the Noble Path.

Hero Essences are undoubtedly the most complicated material to obtain and the one that will often limit us when it comes to raising our Heroes, despite the fact that it is only used once every 10 levels.

Sometimes, we can get some essences by opening chests, by passing a stage of a Mythic Trial, advancing in the AFK stages or as rewards from the Noble Path (although in the latter we will only get enough if we pay to unlock the non-free content that we get). offers).

However, the amount we will obtain will be insufficient and we will depend on the essence that we will obtain by completing the daily missions and the amount that we will generate while AFK. The problem with this is that it will limit our progress greatly and we will sometimes have to wait days to raise the level of just one of our characters.

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