July 8, 2024


Romaya is the seventh boss of Sea of ​​Stars and she is a Necromancer, so she has the typical abilities to bring the dead back to life, come on, she can summon little friends to annoy us.

The truth is that in this boss there has been an increase in difficulty compared to the previous ones we have seen, it is a more challenging encounter in comparison (at least in my opinion), but even with those I still would not classify the boss as one difficult. I imagine that we will have the real challenges later, or at least as a fan of complicated bosses, I hope so.

Well… that would be the case if it weren’t for the fact that I discovered a strategy to defeat him in an extremely simple way since with it we will prevent him from performing any invocations, which makes things a lot easier. I’ll explain it to you below in the “tips” section, but first we’ll go through the in-depth analysis of the boss’s mechanics and attacks.


First we will talk about how his summons work, which is the most important part of the battle (although if you follow my advice below he won’t even summon anyone, but hey, you have to do the guide well); After this, we will see, as always, your attack guide and tips to facilitate the battle.


Romaya is a Necromancer and therefore can raise the dead through her magic. She can perform 2 different invocations:

  1. Revenant : One of those skeletons that we have already faced in this area, those that first carry a shield and when they lose some life they start brandishing a two-handed weapon. You have to be very careful with this enemy because especially when he wields the two-handed weapon, he causes a lot of damage. It is weak to Poison damage.
  2. Longzombie : Those zombies that do a lot of damage and have an avoidable attack with which they heal while causing damage, are quite annoying and dangerous.

At the beginning of the battle the first thing he will do is try to summon a Revenant and we will only have one turn to try to avoid it, which is impossible unless you do what I will mention in the tips section. When the Revenant is present on the battlefield, he will try to summon Longzombie. He can’t summon more than two enemies (a Revenant and a Longzombie), but when you defeat one of them he can try to summon it again unless you eliminate those two piles that the boss has next to him:

  • Pile of Bones : Allows you to summon Revenant. He is weak to Luna’s damage.
  • Pile of Meat : Allows you to summon Gulgul. He is weak to Sun damage.


We will see the attacks of both Romaya and the companions she will summon:

Romaya Attacks:

  • Throw Eye : He will throw an eye at one of our characters, it causes not too high damage, really. You have to block just when it’s going to hit your eye.
  • Infernal Rain (avoidable) : An attack with which he will launch a kind of green fire meteorites at each of your characters (one per character). Block just before the meteorites fall on your characters (all 3 fall at the same time). You must have your characters with very high health or they will be ventilated, this attack causes a lot of damage, even when you block. You can avoid it by hitting with the types of damage that appear in its “squares”, but so many “squares” (8) will appear that it will not be easy (I’ll tell you in tips). Even if you don’t succeed, try to eliminate as many “squares” as you can because this way it will cause less damage with the blow and that is very noticeable.

Revenant Attacks:

  • Basic Strike Shield mode : A very simple singular attack on a single character. He will approach and strike; He tries to block it as usual but it doesn’t do much damage.
  • Combo Hit 2-Handed Mode : When we lower his life he will take a two-handed weapon and become much more aggressive (will cause much more damage), he will also act faster. His attack will consist of two blows in close succession and after that another stronger blow. You will have to ” time ” 3 blocks well.

Zombielong Attacks:

  • Double Smack : A couple of hits towards the same target with a certain separation between them, causes a lot of damage.
  • Healing Blow (avoidable) : He will perform an attack like lunging at a character, the worst thing about the attack is that he will heal a lot. It doesn’t matter if you block him (which you should still try to reduce the damage), his healing will still happen, so try to avoid it (you know, by hitting the “squares” damage types9.


Okay, let’s go with that super key strategy to make this battle extremely easy. As I have already mentioned, we will only have one action to prevent Romaya from making her first invocation and well… it may seem like it is impossible to achieve it, but remember that we have Seraï’s ” Disorientation ” ability, which increases the enemy’s counter, so we will get more turns to hit all the damage type squares .

So that will be the strategy, prevent him from performing his invocation; He will try to do it again after about 3 or 4 turns, but from the second time it will be much easier to achieve it since in the end his summoning ability only requires hitting 3 squares to avoid it (if he does not get the 3 ” little squares” is the “Cast Eye” attack, we don’t care much about that one).

The most important thing will always be that Seraï has enough points to cast a “Disorientation” on her (always use basic attacks on her to recover her MP and even use an MP restoring item if you see that she has very little MP and the boss will soon cast the summon) in the event that we cannot hit the 3 “little squares” in the same turn (sometimes it will be possible if we use an elemental orb, for example if 2 swords and a poison appear, Orb in Seraï, time the blow well to deliver two hits, and that’s it). That is another important issue, save those elemental orbs for when you try to summon them, which will be of great help to you due to the situation that I have already mentioned; If you can ensure that Seraï does not have to cast “Disorientation” in one of her summoning attempts, even better, she will accumulate more MP.

Zale and Valere to attack with Crescent Arc and Solar Sphere to lower Romaya’s life, don’t worry about whether a Sun or Moon element comes out when the boss is going to summon, that’s what you’re saving the elemental orbs for (you know, those of “using magic without using magic”). Of course, never run out of Orbs, it’s better to have extra ones than lack them, you never know.

If, while the battle is more advanced, you see that 8 “squares” appear instead of 3, it means that he is casting “Infernal Rain” (not the invocation), I have already given details of this in the attack guide, so you already know that do (here “Disorientation” will also be helpful, that skill is very broken).

In my case it has worked extremely well, the boss has fallen much faster than I expected (I have killed him about 4 times to make the guide and just in the last run I thought of this strategy) and he has not been able to summon any bug ; In fact, I haven’t even gotten around to eliminating the piles of bones and meat, the boss has fallen before his own piles.


This is what we will get when we defeat him, we don’t get anything in itself, just a couple of objects to continue with the story:

  • Soul Stone : To heal Garl.
  • Green Flame : We need it to give it to the boatman and return.

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