March 29, 2025


Sparkle is a five-star Quantum-type Honkai Star Rail character  who belongs to the Path of Harmony. She is a power-up whose performance increases greatly in teams composed mainly of characters of the same elemental type (Mono-Quantum Teams).

The most notable thing about this Path of Harmony character is that his Ultimate Skill allows us to replenish a large amount of Basic Skill points for the team, this is very good news for the teams of characters like Qingque or Dan Heng – Imbibitor Lunae , which consume a large amount of these points.

This character bears a certain similarity to Bronya, since both are capable of boosting the Critical Damage of their allies and advancing their actions. Although to be honest, Bronya is better in this role, because Sparkle can only boost the Critical Damage of one of her allies (unless you have her on her E6) and advances a character’s action immediately instead of just a fifty%.


These are the Attributes or Stats that Sparkle will have at the highest level (80):

  • HP: 1397
  • ATK: 523
  • DEF: 485
  • SPD: 101
  • Taunt: 100

The most notable of its parameters are its Base HP, which are surprisingly high . However, to compensate for this, its Base Defense is somewhat reduced. Regarding the rest of her statistics, we have a decent Base Speed ​​that is average and her Attack is not something that is relevant to her, because his skills do not generate damage.


These are all of Sparkle’s Skills. The numbers/percentages are the ones at the lowest level:


  • Energy Recovery: 20
  • Weakness Break: 30

Deal 50% of Sparkle’s ATK as Quantum Damage to a single enemy of your choice.


  • Basic Skill Point Consumption: 1
  • Energy Recovery: 30

This Basic Skill will empower an ally of our choice to increase their Critical Damage by 12% of Sparkle’s Critical Damage +27% for one turn. In addition, we will advance the action of said ally by 50% (unless we use it on Sparkle herself, she cannot advance her own action).

It is quite similar to Bronya ‘s Basic Skill , although Sparkle’s does not advance the action as much as Bronya nor is it capable of removing negative statuses.


  • Energy Cost: 110
  • Energy Recovery: 5

As soon as we cast this Ultimate Skill, Sparkle will replenish us with 4 Basic Skill points . This will be something that will be great for us if we take her on teams with characters who need to consume a lot of Basic Skill points to enhance the damage of their skills, as is the case with Qingque or Dan Heng – Imbibitor Lunae.

And that’s not all, it will also grant all party members an effect called Riddle. This effect increases the buff buff provided by Sparkle’s Talent when an ally consumes Basic Skill points by an additional 6% for 2 turns (we will discuss this in more detail below).


First of all, this Talent will increase the limit of our pool of Basic Skill points by 2. In other words, instead of being able to store 5 Basic Skill points at most, we will now be able to accumulate up to 7 .

Aside from increasing the maximum Basic Skill point capacity we can have, a +3% increase in damage will also be generated for all characters in the party for 2 turns every time an ally consumes a Basic Skill point (this effect is can accumulate up to 3 times).


This Technique will make us invisible for 20 seconds (similar to the Technique that Seele has), so enemies will not be able to detect us during this time.

But the best thing without a doubt is that if during this period of time we enter combat against an enemy, we will begin the battle recovering 3 points of Basic Skill , which will allow us to begin the battle with at least 6 points of Basic Skill (7 if we have some Healer on the team with the Passing Cloud Passerby Artifact Set).


We can unlock them in the Traces when we reach a certain Ascension Level.

  • Ascension Level 2 – Almanac
    • When Sparkle hits an enemy with her Basic Attack, she regains 10 additional energy points.
  • Ascension Level 4 – Artificial Flower
    • The duration of the Critical Damage bonus provided by Sparkle with her Basic Skill extends until the beginning of the target ally’s next turn.
  • Ascension Level 6 – Night Serenade
    • All allies’ Attack increases by 15%. If there are 1/2/3 characters belonging to the Quantum type in the team, the attack of allies belonging to this type is increased by an additional 5/15/30%.


These are the improvements that the character obtains through the Eidolon:

  • E1 – Suspension of Disbelief : The duration of the effect of Sparkle’s Ultimate Skill is extended by one more turn. Additionally, characters who are under this effect will increase their Attack by 40%.
  • E2 – Unfounded Fiction : For each stack of Sparkle’s Talent effect, allies will ignore 8% of enemies’ Defense.
  • E3 – Unattainable Dream : +2 levels to the Ultimate Skill and +1 level to the Basic Attack.
  • E4 – Life is a Game : Sparkle’s Ultimate Skill replenishes one more Basic Skill point and also increases the limit of the Basic Skill point pool by 1 more.
  • E5 – Two-Face Truth : +2 levels to Basic Skill and Talent.
  • E6 – Multiple Response : The Critical Damage that Sparkle shares with her Basic Skill is additionally increased by 30% of her Critical Damage. Additionally, Sparkle’s Basic Skill’s Critical Damage boost effect now applies to all allies instead of just one character.


In the case of Sparkle, we will focus on boosting her Critical Damage as much as possible to increase the buff generated by her Basic Skill. Another aspect that we must focus on will be prioritizing his Energy Recovery, since we must use his Ultimate Skill as often as possible in order to generate a large number of Basic Skill points.

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