March 29, 2025


This time we will see the guide and build of Clorinde in Genshin Impact , a five-star character from the Fontaine region who belongs to the Electro Element and who carries a sword as a weapon. As with Arlecchino , her entire skill kit is closely tied to the effect called Vital Pact.

Something new in Clorinde’s kit compared to other characters is that she not only uses her sword as a weapon, since many of her attacks make her alternate between shooting with a pistol and blows with her sword. This is similar to what happens with Tartaglia ‘s Elemental Skill , but in a much more dynamic way, since Clorinde will sometimes hit with both weapons at the same time.

Another important detail is that in the case of Clorinde it is not necessary to raise her Talent linked to her Normal Attacks, since the damage that we will generate with the Normal Attacks that we execute under the state of her Elemental Skill will come directly from it and generally will not We will use its Normal Attacks if we are not under the effects of this ability.


Clorinde ‘s statistics are practically identical to those of Kamisato Ayaka , but with a little less Base Attack and to compensate, a little more Base Life. These are the ones she has at level 90:

  • Base Life : 12,956.
  • Base Attack : 337.
  • Base Defense : 784.
  • Critical Chance : 24.2%.

I have to say that Clorinde’s statistics are quite balanced and are very optimal in general, there is no parameter in which she falls short. Of course, if I had to highlight any of its parameters it would be the Base Attack, which is quite outstanding.

Through her different ascensions, Clorinde will receive a Critical Chance bonus , which will be very good for us, since combining this bonus with one of her Passive Talents, Clorinde will be able to have a 44.2% Critical Chance as a base (which which will allow us to prioritize other statistics in their artifacts).


Let’s now look at Clorinde’s talents or abilities:


There is not much new in this section compared to other swordsmen, except that in his Charge Attack he uses his pistol instead of attacking with his sword.

  1. Normal Attack : Combo of up to 5 quick hits that deal Physical Damage.
  2. Charged Attack : Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to fire in a fan with his pistol.
  3. Descending Attack : Typical attack in the air with which we hit the ground causing Physical Damage in the area.


  • TdE : 16s.
  • Night Patrol Duration : 7.5 s.
  • Galloping Hunting Life Pact : 35% of Maximum Life.
  • Galloping Hunting Damage : 52.9%/76.67% (level 10).
  • Night Owl Skewer Damage : 65.18%/86.9%/49.64% x 3 (level 10).
  • Night Skewer Heal : 0%/104%/110% of Life Pact.
  • Vital Pact Conversion : 85% of the healed amount.

When casting this Elemental Skill, Clorinde will enter a special state in which her Normal Attacks will be replaced by very fast shots with her pistol and her Elemental Skill will generate a forward lunge. In this mode, Clorinde’s weapons will be imbued with the Electro Element and her Elemental Skill damage will be considered Normal Attack damage.

During this state, her Normal Attacks are called “Galloping Hunt” and, if Clorinde has a Life Pact below 100% of her Maximum Life, she will increase the value of her Life Pact with each shot and produce greater damage. However, if Clorinde already has a Life Pact above 100% of her Maximum Life, she will not accumulate more and will deal the base damage.

As for his Elemental Skill, this will be called “Night Skewer” and will generate a simple thrust imbued with Electro if we do not have any Vital Pact active. However, if we have a Life Pact less than 100% of Clorinde’s Maximum Life, his damage will increase and a certain amount of Life will be healed, and if his Life Pact is greater than or equal to 100% of his Life it will do the same. , but with even greater damage and healing.

While Clorinde is under the effects of her Elemental Skill, she will not be able to receive any type of external healing, so she will depend solely on the healing provided by her modified Elemental Skill. If Clorinde is removed from the battlefield, she will automatically lose the effects of her Elemental Skill.

Basically, the idea is to constantly attack with his Normal Attacks when his Life Pact is below 100% and then use his Elemental Skill to heal us while we eliminate the Life Pact and be able to continue attacking with enhanced Normal Attacks.

Arjé: Ousia

  • Flowing Edge Interval: 10 s.
  • Flowing Edge Damage: 77.76% (level 10).

Every 10 seconds, when Clorinde hits an enemy with a Normal Pistol Attack while under the states of her Elemental Skill, she will release a Flowing Edge charged with Ousía energy.


  • Energy Cost : 60.
  • TdE : 15 s.
  • Ability Damage : 228.38% x 5 (level 10).
  • Life Pact Obtained : 120% of Maximum Life (level 10).

It is an area attack in which he uses his pistol and his sword simultaneously, while hitting enemies several times to inflict a fairly decent amount of Electro Damage.

This Ultimate Skill hits in a very similar way to the Ultis of other characters like Keching or Alhacén , with the difference that Clorinde will get a Life Pact based on her Maximum Life after using this skill (the more we raise this skill, the greater the Vital Pact that we achieve).


When a character on the team causes an Elemental Reaction in which the Electro Element is involved, the damage of Clorinde’s Normal Attacks and Ultimate Skill will increase in proportion to 20% of his Attack.

This effect can stack a maximum of 3 times, it will last for 15 seconds and each stack of this effect will be calculated independently. At most, the damage of previous attacks can be strengthened by 1,800 points this way.

To be able to take full advantage of this Passive Talent, ideally our Clorinde would have to have 3,000 Attack points (something we can facilitate if we have Bennett or Chevreuse on the team).


If Clorinde’s Life Pact equals or exceeds 100% of her Maximum Life, she will gain a +10% increase to her Critical Chance . This effect can stack up to 2 times, lasts 15 seconds, and the duration of each stack is independent.

Additionally, as long as Clorinde maintains this bonus to her Critical Chance, the healing received during her Elemental Skill state will be completely converted into a Life Pact.

The best way to quickly get these stacks will be to cast Clorinde’s Ultimate Skill at the beginning of her rotation, since this will directly give her enough Life Pact to directly activate this effect and get one of the stacks almost instantly.


By having Clorinde on the team, she will show us an icon on the minimap every time we are near a typical Fontaine object.

Coincidentally, it is the same Passive Talent that Lyney has , so it will be very useful when doing farming routes to get Fontaine’s specialties.


These are the benefits that Clorinde is obtaining through its Constellation:

  • C1 – From Today, I Will Cross the Shadow of the Candles : While Clorinde is under the effects of her Elemental Skill and hits enemies with her Normal Attacks, she will summon a night shadow that will generate two coordinated attacks which will inflict damage proportional to 30% of Clorinde’s Attack (can be activated once every 1.2 seconds and the damage dealt is considered Normal Attack damage).
  • C2 – From Today, I Will Face the Dangers of the Night : Now Clorinde’s Passive Talent called “Night Devastating Flames” increases the damage of her Ultimate Skill and her Normal Attacks by 30% of her Attack when we generate an Elemental Reaction with Electro, being able to thus increasing the damage of both attacks by up to 2,700 points. Additionally, you will boost your Interruption Resistance by accumulating 3 charges of this Talent.
  • C3 – I will remember my Daytime Oath : Increases Elemental Skill by 3 levels, can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • C4 – I Will Remember Tears, Life and Compassion : The damage of Clorinde’s Ultimate Skill will increase by 2% for every 1% of Clorinde’s Maximum Health that is affected by Life Pact (maximum 200% damage).
  • C5 – And I Will Remember that the Dawn Will Always Come : Increases the Ultimate Skill by 3 levels, it can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • C6 – Therefore, I Will Never Give Up Hope : After using her Elemental Skill, Clorinde increases her Critical Chance by 10% and her Critical Damage by 70% for 12 seconds. If Clorinde were to be hit by an enemy or uses her modified Elemental Skill during her Elemental Skill state, it will summon a candle-glow shadow that will chase enemies to deal 200% of Clorinde’s Attack as Electro Damage (can occur every second). and at most, summon 6 shadows for the duration of the Elemental Skill state). Additionally, Clorinde’s damage taken will be reduced by 80% and she will gain more Interruption Resistance while under the effects of her Elemental Skill (this effect is removed after invoking 6 shadows or one second after ending the Elemental Skill state). ).


Clorinde’s build is very similar to that of any Main DPS whose damage scales based on its Attack, although in her specific case, we will be very interested in having a large amount of Attack to get the most out of one of her Passive Talents. Another thing to keep in mind is that by being able to get a 20% Critical Chance with another of your Passive Talents and gaining a bonus of this same statistic when ascending, it will be a priority to look for Critical Damage in your artifacts so as not to have an excess Chance of Critical and fall short in this other parameter.

As for the amount of Energy Recharge in Clorinde, we will not need a very excessive amount because her Ultimate Skill has a medium cost; but if we do not have another Electro Element character on your team, it will be necessary to get at least 140%-160%, since we will always try to start his rotation using his Ultimate Skill to quickly obtain one of the charges that the Electro Element gives him. Critical Chance bonus granted by his aforementioned Passive Talent.

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