March 14, 2025
FIFA 22: guide to get Romelu Lukaku Moments

FIFA 22: guide to get Romelu Lukaku Moments

We kick off today’s content with a new guide to get another free card in  FIFA 22 Ultimate Team . On this occasion, we will deal with the case of Romelu Lukaku Moments . Before we get down to it, let’s remind you that  the Pre-Season event kicked off yesterday and brought several special cards back into the game .

Inter Milan’s Belgian centre -forward challenges   are found in the FUT 22 Objectives and won’t expire until August  26 . To overcome them, we will have to play the matches in the  Squad Battles and/or Division Rivals game modes .

Romelu Lukaku Moments – Objectives

  • 1. Lethal Finisher : Score a goal using Belgian players in 4 separate Squad Battles (or Rivals) matches on minimum Professional difficulty.
  • 2. Perfect 3 – Assist on 3 goals with at least 3 Belgian players in your starting eleven in Squad Battles (or Rivals) on minimum Professional difficulty.
  • 3. Ranged Focus : Score 4 goals from outside the box in Squad Battles (or Rivals) on minimum Professional difficulty.
  • 4. Victory in Italy : Assist using Serie A players in 6 separate Squad Battles (or Rivals) victories on minimum Professional difficulty.

Here are lists of useful cards to overcome specific challenges . Since we find so many bargains on the market now, we should not spend too much to use decent special versions.

One more week, we can choose between doing these challenges in Division Rivals or Squad Battles . If you choose to compete online , our advice would be to take advantage of Carrasco TOTS and Hazard Shapeshifters . You could create a hybrid LaLiga Santander – Serie A and the third Belgian would be Courtois in goal (below you have an example).

While, if you prefer to complete them offline and you think you will not need a very powerful template, our recommendation is to include the perfect link between Carrasco gold and Witsel gold . Because it will offset two red links. And the third Belgian you could choose yourself depending on which league you intend to use in the rest of the squad (to choose it, take a look at the list of “Belgian starters” ).

If for example you fill the eleven with items from the Premier League, Castagne gold would be the third player from Belgium. In Serie A you could choose Saelemaekers, in Ligue 1 Doku, etc. While the challenge of the Italian league could be completed with one or more substitutes from said competition. With a duo like Muriel – Mkhitaryan oro, or Dybala TOTS – El Shaarawy Shapeshifters if you think it will be more difficult for you.

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Lukaku Moments Guide
FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Lukaku Moments Guide
In this list we must add the attackers of the previous image
FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Lukaku Moments Guide

team proposals

Division Rivals Squad

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Lukaku Moments Guide
280,750 coins on PS, 264,000 on Xbox and 280,250 on PC
FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Lukaku Moments Guide

Squad Battles Template

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Lukaku Moments Guide
5,800 coins on PS, 7,200 on Xbox, and 7,000 on PC.
We advise to overcome the challenges of Serie A with Muriel and Mkhitaryan gold. The third Belgian would have to be chosen by you according to the league you intend to use in the rest of the eleven (you have low-priced options above). If you think it would be difficult for you, you can buy Carrasco TOTS instead of gold.
FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Lukaku Moments Guide

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