March 29, 2025
Elden Ring – The endings, the farm and the rest…

Elden Ring – The endings, the farm and the rest…

I had offered you my preview a few days ago on Elden Ring, just like Juliaan who had presented his to you a little before. After finishing this game, I decided to explain to you some subtleties that you will probably have missed. Sometimes it will make your life easier, sometimes it will be complicated. Between a preview of the end of the game, and a simple little guide full of tips… this is for all of you!

You will have understood that the information on this game, the story and everything that directly or indirectly relates to the narration remain quite opaque if you cannot find the different quests that are hidden in the game. It will be easy to miss some of them or not to find how to progress, thus making you miss high level bosses or alternative endings.

The game will offer relatively different end game content depending on what you are looking for. For those who want to test different builds, they can start a new game+ game after using a rebirth with Renalla, the Mistress of the Magic Academy. While others will optimize gear with particularly powerful skills in order to chain PVP and kill as many players as possible.

The endings, …

For my part, the new game+ allows me to explore the different endings available to me on this game, because as much to say, there is no end game content other than that, or only pvp after having increased his stats like a piglet. I will make a special guide for you in the next few days with the detailed methods for each of the purposes below.

  • End – age of the fracture: no condition, end by default.
  • End – Star Age: Complete Ranni’s quests and use his summoning mark instead to restore the Circle of Elden.
  • End – Blessing of Despair: Complete the Coprophage quests and repair the Circle of Elden with the Rune of the Forsaken.
  • End – Age of Order: Complete the Corhyn and Golden Mask quests and repair the Circle of Elden with the Rune of Perfect Healing.
  • Late – Age of Twilight: Complete Fia’s quests and repair the Circle of Elden with the Prince of Death rune.
  • Late Age of Chaos: Initiate the quest before reigniting the flame, finish the outcast prison in the capital sewers and defeat Mohgr, then go naked through the secret passage.

This will give the opportunity to go ever further in the NG+ (here named in adventure 1, adventure 2, etc…). Knowing that some of these adventures will require living conditions and characters + very specific completed events to work. Quite complicated sometimes without a guide when you know how easy it is to miss an event in From Software!

…the farm…

NOTE: This trick is only recommended for people who can’t get past certain points, so it’s advisable not to abuse it if you don’t want to lose the fun of the game. If a boss beats you up in a chain, have increased stats will help you, but won’t do all the work for you. Spread the word ! 

After defeating Godrick the Transplant, you can return to the grace point: the beginning. Via a message, the NPC who was there will send you to the ground towards the church of the rose. A series of quests that I will detail will allow you to access it. Myself, I admit that I found this solution by watching a tutorial from the youtuber BLA 1420 , who has produced many guides and videos on the subject. For simplicity, I show you the way to find the places via screenshots.The Church of the RoseHere it will be easier……to climb with this double jump

  1. Find the NPC at the Church of the Rose.
  2. Tell him your doubts
  3. Invade 5 people
  4. Soak a cloth in the blood of a servant at the Church of Inhibition.
  5. Talk to him several times to successfully obtain a medallion
  6. Use the medallion and go to the point of grace: that is to say the cornice leading to the palace
  7. Kill all mobs along the slope and reload the point. The blue ones are passive and will only attack you if you attack them, the red ones are violent and will attack you. In NG+, the weapon of the end boss will allow you to farm quickly and extremely optimized.

Note: Be careful, along the way to soak the fabric, tricks will cause you insanity. So unless you have high focus, you’re either going to have to find a way through or kill the worshipers at the top of the towers, which won’t respawn. Easier said than done ! On my first playthrough, I pushed through, hiding behind rocks and healing myself often.

To optimize this, it will be more than nice to have the Golden Scarab which is in a cave in Caelid. This last one, quite special to access, is even worse inside constantly putting you in scarlet putrefaction before arriving on a very complicated duo of bosses…The place to reach!The cave in CaelidThe twisted access to the caveRun!Very violent bossesThe reward !

… and the rest !

The opportunity is also to take advantage of all this to explore the world in depth and discover its history in detail by looking for all the NPCs and quests like that of Golden Mask and Corhyn which explain certain things about the goddess Marika and about Radagon all by asking lots of questions that partially find their answers in others.

To make the game easier for you, I also suggest you discover the imitative tear, a kind of double of yourself less powerful (its power having been reduced during a recent patch) but relatively very resistant and capable of undergoing many blows before dying, at the cost of a significant number of HP (660) to be summoned. To find it, I invite you to follow a very particular path in Siofra in order to come across the tomb where this more than welcome summoning ash is stored.

Path to the Imitation Tear

Many larval tears will also be there to change your added stats. Thanks to them, you will change your build, test new things and, eventually, you will equip yourself with the weapon that tempts you the most. For example, I started as a mage, but I finally took advantage of my NG+ to go on a Strength/Faith spec and Rykard’s weapon: Blasphemous Blade, then I will go on my next adventure with the Spiral Bloody in Esotericism. A myriad of styles and possibilities are there to make you want to start over without all the stress of a first game.

In summary

Although this game is not very complicated in the majority of these aspects, some bosses are excruciatingly complicated (hello Placidusax) and will give you a hard time. This small article is therefore only intended to give you some information and paths to find places and objects that will help you in your quest. Hoping that thanks to him you will reach one of the endings of the game and that he will make you want to play it again, I wish you a very good game!

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