February 22, 2025


Duke Aventry is the sixth boss of Sea of ​​Stars and the truth is that despite being a boss that we will have to defeat… he is a pretty nice guy, but hey, you’ll see that when you finish the battle against him.

Now entering the topic that concerns this post, which is to talk about this boss in terms of its combat and others (not about whether it is nice or not), since it is a boss with an extremely simple kit of skills, but it is It’s true that he hits some terrible blows, so you shouldn’t be surprised if you knock down more than one character.

Anyway, despite this, it’s not a very complicated boss. Here I am, waiting for them to give me a difficult boss once and for all, I’m already losing hope. But hey… personal “frustrations” aside, let’s get to the guide!


We will start as always by looking at your limited skill kit in depth and after this remember that I will also comment on several tips to make the battle easier. These tips are quite key in this boss (well, in all of them, but… maybe in this one a little more?).


There are no phases, no shape changes or anything special. He will simply intersperse these two attacks, it feels more like a mini-boss than a boss, but I also tell you, if in the end it turns out that it is more of a “mini-boss”… what hits he packs. Let’s go with his 2 attacks:

  • Hammer Blow : He will approach one of your characters and perform a tremendous hammer blow that of course we will have to try to hit just when he is going to hit us. Be very careful because this attack causes terrible damage and if you don’t manage to block it, it will take a lot of life from you (when blocking it also causes considerable damage). It takes a while between raising the hammer and launching the attack, so be a little patient when blocking.
  • Spinned (avoidable) : It is a somewhat confusing attack since the boss will begin to spin like a top all over the screen and after turning a few times it will return to the center and perform an area attack. You have to block him just when he stops spinning and stops in the center (a little after that happens is when he will make the attack). It is one of those attacks that we can prevent him from launching (which is his thing) if we hit him with the types of damage that appear in the usual “squares” (it will not always be possible, but you will see the trick that I will tell you below) .


At the outset, comment that don’t worry about the issue of weaknesses/resistances in this boss because he will receive neutral damage no matter what you throw at him.

After this, mention that the ability you recently obtained for Valere (Moon Shield) is very key in this battle . When using it we will apply a shield to all the characters in the group (including Valere) that will protect us from a blow (one blow for each character). This is especially interesting in this battle especially due to the colossal damage that Duke Aventry causes with his “Hammer Strike” attack (a name made up by me, I don’t make them all up, but for those whose name the game doesn’t show is what it is) ).

Another ability that will come in handy to keep the other attack under control (Girado, the avoidable attack) is “Disorientation” from Seraï , the assassin who has recently joined our team (I think it is very obvious what her true identity is. , but I won’t say it in case someone hasn’t found out, so I don’t ruin the “surprise”), replacing poor Garl, who is in bed right now, a little annoyed.

Disorientation allows us to delay the enemy’s action, so if we have just enough turns to hit with the types of damage that the attack asks of us and we see that we will not arrive, it is great to use it to have some extra turns. You are very interested in avoiding this attack, especially so as not to run out of the Moon Shield of all your characters, eating a Hammer Blow without the shield is a lot of damage and as your character has very high health, he will end up lying on the ground.

For healing, you can use Zale’s “Healing Light” or better yet, healing items (this way you consume Zale’s MP on the offensive). You can also use Combo’s healing ability if you have your characters heavily hit.

Oh, and I imagine you already know this by now, but Seraï has Poison elemental damage, the game represents it with a green icon with a skull (the typical Poison icon); I say this because this boss can also ask us to attack him with Poison when he makes his avoidable attack (Girado).


This is what we will get when we defeat him, that is why I told you at the beginning that this is a very nice boss, he himself will teach Zale a skill:

  • Running Attack : It is a blow of physical and fire damage with which we will hit all the enemies, so it is quite good for when we have them very far apart and the Solar Sphere is not so widespread.

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