Stray chapter 9 will start at the end of 8 (yes, I know you didn’t expect it, plot twist) and for this chapter we won’t talk much because there really isn’t much to say. It’s just moving forward and it won’t take long to reach the Center , which is where chapter 10 begins and where there really is quite a lot of chicha.
When we get to the center we will find a fairly modern and beautiful city inhabited by many robots and in which there seems to be quite a few conflicts between the town and a company called Neco that seems to have power in the area and also seems to abuse it.
Our main objective will be to meet Clementine, who is one of the strangers that we have already heard about in the newspapers and by some NPCs like Doc and Momo. In this post I will explain in detail everything you have to do to pass this chapter, we are almost at the end!
The first thing we have to do is move forward a bit and to the left we will find a robot with a red vest that is next to a truck. Show him Clementine’s picture and he’ll tell you to look behind it because it tells you where she lives (examine it and you’ll see).
The street is the one that corresponds to the symbol (it’s a rare symbol, so who knows what it’s called), and he lives on the third fifth. Our objective will be to first find said street, I leave you a photo of the exact place so that at least you know how to recognize it more easily while you search for the area.

Enter this area and talk to the robot that has some cassettes on the ground. He will tell you that he will give you one of his Cassettes if you disable the 3 security cameras in the area (it may seem optional, but it will be more necessary later).
You have 2 cameras quite visible at the height of the first floor. It will be enough for you to go up the stairs and jump on the cameras, when you leave them they will fall to the ground. The most elaborate is the third camera, which now I tell you where it is through a photo.

After this, talk to the Cassette guy and he will give you a Cassette Tape as a reward that we will use later.
Now you must go to the top of the area, going up all the stairs until you reach the top floor. There you will find a floor with a hole through which you can sneak. It is Clementine’s house and you will find her inside it, talk to her until the end, she will give you the item “Message for contact”.
Next we have to infiltrate Neco Corporation to get an Atomic Battery, we go first with the infiltration itself.
If we look for information about him, we will discover that he is near the clothing store, an area that you should have in your sights since later we will have to return to it. The fact is that the robot we have to look for is called Blazer and we found it right here (it’s near the clothing store as I’ve already mentioned):

Show him the “Message for Contact” and he will tell you to get him a Worker’s Jacket and a Worker’s Helmet . Let’s go with each of them.
To get the Worker Jacket we will have to go to the clothing store and you will see that it is exposed in the glass that faces the street right in the center (typical reflective jacket, in this case red). If you get close to her, the option to steal will appear, when you do, the store clerk will get pissed off and stand in front of you.

You will have to go to the interior part of the store and look for a large radio in which you must insert the Cassette Tape to make a ruckus and quickly run to steal the Worker Jacket while the clerk is distracted. When you have it you must give it to Blazer.
For the Worker’s Helmet you will have to look for the hat shop, but the clerk will be watching the door and will not let you in because they are doing re-stock. The problem is that they don’t because one of the workers is lounging around the bar.

You must go to the bar (it’s near the hat shop, it has red neon signs) and go to the innermost area, it will be there sleeping it off. Climb on the shelves above her head and throw the box at her head so she gets up and goes back to work.
Go back to the hat shop and get inside the box of the shop workers to be put inside the shop and you can get the Worker’s Helmet.
With the hat you talk to Blazer again, you give it to him and when he dresses you get into the box next to him so that he sneaks you into Neco Corporation.
Already being in Neco Corporation you will have to advance in an area where stealth will prevail since you will have to constantly deal with security cameras. It is moving forward, there is no mystery. Along the way you will find a robot that has lost the keys, this is optional, but you will find them if you continue advancing in an area that you can access through barrels in the water in which there seems to be nothing, but the keys are there. Returning them will give you a Neco Badge (it’s a badge that your cat wears on the harness like a medal, it doesn’t have any more).
The case, there will come a point where you will have to get behind some boxes that move so that the cameras do not see you and in the end you will find a laser wall that you will have to pass using one of those barrels in which we can get inside to move them running.
You will end up arriving at this puzzle, I explain:

Basically you will have to get weight on each of the 3 buttons on the ground . We have in the area the barrel that we have brought, a kind of machine with which we can interact so that it follows us (it can press a button if you put it on it) and another of these machines behind a fence. Do this:
- Take the machine to the button on the fence and leave it there, this will allow you to jump on it to jump the fence. Inside the lever to open the door and you already have another machine available.
- Interact with the new machine and take it to the opposite button to the one you already have activated with the other one.
- Move with the barrel towards the remaining button, now you can do it because by having those 2 previous buttons pressed you will be able to go through there with the barrel, which only moves back and forth.
- Take the Atomic Battery.
After this, run through the door that has opened and use the bucket to get out of there.
After this, go back to Clementine’s house, only now there will be security cameras everywhere, so be careful. In the house go to the computer room and interact with the mural since there we will have a clue, the object is «Mysterious Message» and it will show us 4 objects with which we have to interact in her house:
- In the bedroom, the incense.
- A crystal that is in the bed, to get there you will have to interact with a drawer that will allow you to reach the bedroom above.
- In the bathroom, it’s some kind of mannequin with a construction cone hat.
- A lamp that has a heart, in the kitchen.
When you interact with all of them you will decipher the message “I’m with Blazer, come to the Club”.
The Club is easy to find because it has lots of purple and blue lights, people queuing and even a grumpy looking doorman. We will have to sneak through the back, specifically here:
Climb up here and take the path to the right to end up at the club.
Once inside the club, go to the bar because you will need to pick up a “Strange Drink” (it is called that) and give it to one of the robots around the room so that he can exchange it for a lever that we will need to access the VIP area .
You must enter the Lever in the area where the DJs are and activate it, this will enable a platform that you must climb on and wait for the lever to be lowered to reach the upper area.
There you will have to interact with some buttons to get the next pattern, which is the one that will allow us to reach the VIP area.

After this, keep moving forward and you will see what will happen, I will not do spoilers.
And that’s it! What do you think of chapter 10 of Stray ? The truth is that I found it very interesting. Have you ever gotten stuck? Leave your comment!