March 26, 2025


Boothill is a 5-star Honkai Star Rail character who belongs to the Path of the Hunt, which is quite particular since it is specialized in damage through Weakness Break.

And Boothill will obtain many benefits by increasing its Break Effect, much more than the usual benefit that any DPS would obtain since in addition to enhancing the Break damage and the DoT that is usually associated with this type of damage (remember that imaginary does not no damage with Weakness Break), will also gain Critical based on this stat. Furthermore, he belongs to the physical element, which is the one that deals the most damage with Weakness Breaks.

What’s more, he even has an interesting mechanic that will allow him to deal Break Damage to enemies who are already in the Weakness Break state (when they are as if stunned), so he will be able to deal this type of damage much more frequently. compared to the other characters in the game in general. And he can even apply physical weakness to enemies!


These are the Attributes or Stats that Boothill will have at the highest level (80):

  • HP: 1203
  • ATK: 621
  • DEF: 437
  • SPD: 107
  • Taunt: 75

His stats aren’t bad, but they aren’t wonderful either. It has good Attack, good Health and also good Speed, but as said, it doesn’t excel too much in any of them either .

Where he is somewhat weak is in terms of Defense, something that is not very pleasant given that he has a provocation mechanic, so you will have to be careful with him.


These are all Boothill Skills. The numbers/percentages are the ones at the lowest level:


  • Energy Recovery: 20
  • Weakness Break: 30

Deal 50% of Boothill’s ATK as Physical Damage to a single enemy of your choice.


  • Basic Skill Point Consumption: 1
  • Energy Recovery: 0

By using the Basic Skill, we will mark an enemy and enter a boosted state for 2 turns in which our basic attack will be boosted, each Boothill turn the number of remaining turns will be reduced by 1. Something quite peculiar is that this ability does not regenerate energy when using it, but on the other hand, our turn will not end when performing it, so we can immediately attack with a Basic Attack.

We will provoke said enemy (that is, he will want to attack Boothill) and he will receive +15% damage from Boothill (30% at level 10), but Boothill will also receive 15% more damage from the marked enemy; The good thing is that raising the skill level will not increase the damage done to us by the marked enemy (it will always be +15%).

If we defeat an enemy with the mark or perform a Weakness Break on them, we will obtain a mark called “Duel to the Death” (with knives) and Boothill will lose its empowered status.


  • Energy Recovery: 30
  • Weakness Break: 60

Dealing 110% of Boothill’s Attack as physical damage, this attack does not generate (or consume) Basic Skill points and can only be used against the enemy to whom you have applied the Basic Skill mark.


  • Energy Cost: 115
  • Energy Recovery: 5
  • Weakness Break: 90

Adds physical weakness to the target for 2 turns, then deals physical damage equal to 240% of Boothill’s Attack. We will also delay the target’s next action by 30%.


For each “Death Duel” mark we have, the reduction we make to the enemy’s steadiness bar when attacking him with the Empowered Basic Attack will increase by 50% up to a maximum of 3 “Death Duel” stacks. Of course, we will never be able to cause damage to the firmness bar greater than 16 times the firmness damage that we do with the standard Basic Attack (they have done this to set a limit, it is still a stupid reduction to the firmness bar ).

Additionally, if we attack with the Empowered Basic Attack an enemy that already has a Weakness Break applied , we will cause additional damage equivalent to 35%/60%/85% (depending on the number of “Duel to the Death” marches) of the damage that we would cause by doing a Weakness Break.

“Duel to the Death” marks are not lost/reset when the battle ends.


This technique will allow Boothill to apply physical weakness for 2 turns to the first enemy he marks with his Basic Skill.


We can unlock them in the Traces when we reach a certain Ascension Level.

  • Ascension Level 2 – Phantom Cartridge
    • Increases Critical Chance by an amount equal to 10% of Boothill’s Break Effect and likewise Critical Damage by an amount equal to 50%. We can only obtain a maximum of +30% Critical Chance and +150% Critical Damage, numbers that we will obtain when we reach   300% Break Effect .
  • Ascension Level 4 – About Culebras
    • Targets without the Basic Skill mark will deal 30% less damage to you.
  • Ascension Level 6 – Point Blank
    • By obtaining a “Duel to the Death” mark through the talent, Boothill recovers 10 energy points, it will also recover energy when we obtain marks above 3 (which is the maximum).


These are the improvements that the character obtains through the Eidolon:

  • E1 – Lone Star of the Dusty Path : Boothill gains a “Duel to the Death” mark at the start of the battle and will ignore 16% of his target’s Defense.
  • E2 – Landmark Dealer : By obtaining “Duel to the Death” through the Talent, the Boothill Break Effect will increase by 30% for 2 turns, it is also activated when we obtain more than 3 marks (which is the maximum number of marks).
  • E3 – Marble Garden Guard : +2 levels to the Ultimate Skill and +1 to the Basic Attack.
  • E4 – Deli Chef : Boothill deals 12% more damage to his marked enemy and this enemy deals 12% less damage to Boothill.
  • E5 – Stump Speech : +2 levels to Talent and +2 levels to Basic Skill.
  • E6 – Palanca Hotel Raccoon : Increases the damage of Weakness Break caused by the talent (when you attack enemies that are already in Weakness Break) since we will deal additional damage equivalent to 40% of the original damage of this ability and also a 70% to adjacent enemies.


As you can imagine, one of our main objectives will of course be to increase its Break Effect as much as we can since this will greatly increase our damage and will also help us obtain a better critical balance.

Having more than 300% Break Effect would be a waste of resources, but 300% Break Effect is stupid, so it shouldn’t be a problem for you. Keep in mind of course that there are characters such as the Harmony Pathfinder that increase this statistic. Characters with the Dream Machinations Clockmaker set also increase it. Keep this in mind when counting the Break Effect.

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