Benedicta, from the Perpetual Prayer is a boss of Blasphemous 2 that is true that at first it is quite intimidating, or at least that happened to me, but you will quickly see that it’s good… that in the end it’s not such a big deal.
It is a boss in which positioning is VERY important since we will have to fight in a somewhat complicated situation (the combat zone is literally 2 elevators and we will have to constantly go from one to the other by jumping, air dashing or whatever ) . Beyond this, although some attacks seem difficult to dodge, you will quickly see that it is not so; All of his movements have “his trick” and when you meet him it is very simple.
Also below I will give you some very key advice that has been extremely good for me and I assure you that if you apply it you will notice a huge drop in the difficulty of this boss.

We will find this boss in the ” Basilica of the Missing Faces “, an area that we will unlock following the main story. But first we will have to have defeated the Sharpener yes or yes and acquire the Double Jump Ability (it is a little ahead of the Sharpener) to be able to enter well into “Soaring Temples”, which is the area that you unlock when you defeat the 3 Remorse ( that to get there you have to go to the upper area of the City of the Holy Name).
As soon as you get to the basilica, go up and up until you reach the boss (you have it marked in the photo above), which, as you can see, has a sanctuary next to it to rest, so great in that sense.
As in all bosses, it is vital to know all their movements and mechanics by heart… But as I have said before, in this positioning and knowing how to move between the “elevators” will be of vital importance.
At the beginning Benedicta, of Perpetual Prayer will have these attacks:
- Frontal Beam : It will approach us and after a short time it will launch a kind of beam forward with a medium range. It will be enough to not be right in front of her; His thing is meanwhile to try to hit him without him hitting us with lightning. It will not always be possible, but when it is, take advantage. Oh yeah, he usually does this attack several times in a row (with a considerable pause between attacks).
- Rook Throwing : I don’t know exactly what he throws, but I think if I say Rooks you’ll understand as soon as you see it. It will start to launch these “towers” from side to side of the screen. It is dodging them and not much more to say… it gives plenty of time to anticipate it because first the tower in question will appear on the edge of the screen and after a while it will be projected forward. You have to play with the elevators and their positions (you can put yourself “inside the elevator” and also on top of it).
- Malrolleras balls : Benedicta will create a kind of balls with an evil face that will orbit around her (sometimes you create them where you want, but they will always create a circle, so never stay inside that circle or they will lock you up) and after this he will throw them at us, be careful because these balls follow us a bit. You can get rid of them by hitting them or you can simply wait for them to get close and dodge them (for example by jumping and using the air dash to go to the other elevator). Do one thing or another depending on the situation, yours would be that at the moment you choose the most appropriate to be able to continue hitting the boss.
- Rook Launch + : Similar to “Rook Launch” but it will launch more towers at us in a row and many times in patterns in which they intersect to complicate things a bit. My recommendation here is to focus purely on dodging, as if you’re not focused right now, you’re almost guaranteed to take a hit. When the attack ends, you continue trying to attack him.
- Row of Rooks : Will create a whole line of towers at the bottom of the screen. As soon as you have created all of them, they will begin to project upwards in order (starting from the left side or from the right, as you like). The key is to stay in the center of the screen to see which side they will start to launch from. As soon as you detect it, you go to the opposite side and cross the screen (that of going to one side of the screen to exit on the other side) and that’s it, you’ll dodge it very easily like this.
When he has about 50% of his life left, he will enter the next phase.
The phase will begin with Benedicta hitting one of the chains of one of the elevators with the aim of breaking them so that the elevator falls down. You can’t prevent this from happening, what you can do is take the opportunity to hit him as much as you can between breaking the chains (don’t stay long in that clear elevator, the boss needs 3 hits to knock him down).
From now on we will have to manage with a single elevator. It’s the only tangible change at this stage, but this is obviously something that complicates things quite a bit. You will have to continue applying the advice that I told you above, but taking into account this “change of environment”. Luckily for everyone, you will see that some of the attacks he used to do will stop doing them, such as the “Row of Towers” attack.
Above I have already commented that I had very very key advice for this boss (not necessary to defeat him, but it does make the subject much easier), this is where I am going to tell you about it. The first thing, of course, is to take into account everything that I have told you before because what I am going to tell you is not a “miracle remedy”, but it is something that will make this battle much easier.
You see, there is a Verse called « Light of the Withered Blades » that will help you a lot to defeat him if you have it. What it does is that we will launch some arrows (like the ones the Infanta launches in the fight against Lesmes ) that chase the enemies.
The truth is that they chase extremely well, so the idea is that you cast this spell as you gain fervor, especially when you have the boss far away and at that moment it’s a little bad for you to have to get close to him to attack him and Others because something annoying or good has been placed on a site… that kind of thing.
In addition to this, I highly recommend that you use Verdict for the following reasons:
- Good damage.
- Good range (very key in this battle because the boss moves a lot)
- If you have the weapon with the first upgrade applied (that is, at level 2) you have a very interesting ability that will increase the fervor you get when hitting with Verdict, which means that you can spam even more arrows . Of course, forget about fire attacks and such, use all your fervor in «Light of the Withered Blades».
This is what we will get by defeating him:
- tears of amends
- 3 Marks of Martyrdom : They serve to increase the capacity of the Table of Favors and to improve the Penitent’s weapons.
As soon as you defeat the boss and complete the post-boss scene, get on the elevator that you will see and you will find a cherub.