Abandoned Rosary Knots are a very useful Blasphemous 2 item since they allow us to increase the number of Rosary Beads that the Penitent can carry. As you probably already know, these provide us with certain advantages, especially resistance to the different types of damage in the game or other improvements such as an increase in the probability of obtaining Marks of Martyrdom.
We can get 4 Rosary Knots in total during our penance, so since we already start with a space for Rosary Beads and we get an additional one for each Rosary Knot that we deliver to the NPC that I will mention a little below, well we will end up having a maximum total of 5 slots in which to equip our Accounts and I think it is not necessary for me to say that these slots come in handy.
The truth is that it is surprising how easy and early you can get all the Rosary Knots in this game, it sounds to me that in Blasphemous 1 this was a little more complicated and late, but my memory still fails me. The fact is that as long as you have the double jump ability and have defeated the 3 Regrets (I will explain how to get everything in this post anyway), you will be able to get each of them.
With this clarified… let’s go with the guide!
We must deliver the Rosary Knots to an NPC called Soledad , which is the one you can see in the main photo (the one at the beginning of the post) that I have added above.
Its location doesn’t have much of a mystery, you will most likely end up finding it yourself as you play, but just in case I’ll leave you a photo with the exact location.

The area in which it is located is called “Calles de los Velatorios”. Below “City of the Holy Name” you have “Deep Lament” and from there to the right you will find this area. Don’t go up the path, that’s something you’ll unlock a little later, go down the path I told you about in “Deep Lament.”
Keep in mind that you will need Sarmiento and Centella to get there, if you don’t have the weapon yet, here is the location of all the weapons in the game.
Now we go with the location of all the Rosario Knots:

The first Knot of all that we can get is very easy to obtain since all you have to do is buy it from Regina , who is the NPC you see in the photo above, you have probably already had contact with him at some point if you are here.
If this is not the case or you simply do not remember where this NPC was, it is very easy to locate him. You will find it in “City of the Holy Name”, specifically in a large door at ground level on the right side of the city.
Of course, you will have to spend the amount of 12,000 Tears of Amendment to be able to buy it, which is not a few; but as you progress in the game the truth is that it is not a problem to accumulate many Tears of Amendment.
We will get another Rosary Knot through the NPC to whom we have to deliver the ” Forgotten Tributes “. We will find this NPC in “Choir of the Brambles” and by giving him a Forgotten Tribute (the first one is easy to find, you have it in Sea of Ink) he will teleport us to a new area of ”Deep Lament” where we will get this Knot .
Later I will create a post in which I will better explain this whole topic of Forgotten Tributes, the location of all of them, the rewards and so on. As far as getting the Rosary Knot is concerned, you just have to know what I told you above.
At the outset, mention that you cannot access Raised Temples until you defeat the 3 Regrets , which are these (I link you to their guides and others in the order that I recommend doing them):
- Grand Preceptor Radames .
- Orospina Senior Embroiderer .
- Lesmes Incorrupt Sacristán .
Now in Templos Alzados the location is as follows:

I have painted the exact path that you have to follow from the teleport so that you don’t get confused, as this area is a bit convoluted. From there it is not much of a mystery to reach the location, you will have to use Verdict to hit one of those bells that activate some platforms with their sound wave and little else.

Sacred Tombs is the area where we get Verdict (in case you didn’t choose it as your main weapon of course), the weapon is located right where I added the “red square” mark.
But here we go, the Rosario Knot is where I pointed out to you with that deformed arrow in the photo. Getting there is easy, but you will need the double jump skill to get there, a skill that you can get after defeating this boss .
By the way… don’t leave yet because this may interest you (I’m not going to give you a promotion even if it sounded a bit like that). Do you see that I added a person icon to the right of the green icon (which is where the Knot is)? Well, I have done it this way because you cannot add 2 icons in the same square of the map, but just know that right where you grab the Rosary Knot in this area, if you hit the wall to your left, you will open a hidden path in the that you will find a Sister (some NPCs that you have to find to meet another NPC).