In this collection guide for A Plague Tale: Requiem you will learn:
- How many memories there are in A Plague Tale: Requiem
- What trophy you get for all found memories
- Where to find all memories
In A Plague Tale: Requiem , off the path you will find Memories collectibles. They are always well hidden and rarely obvious . In this guide we will take you to all locations and explain what you have to do for each memory.
What are Memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem?
On their journey through southern France, Amicia and Hugo keep coming across special places, people or activities off the main path , which are then stored as memories in the codex. This could be, for example, throwing stands at the markets, an ancient tree or a swing on which the siblings play together.
How many memories are there in A Plague Tale: Requiem?
There are a total of 21 Memories to collect in A Plague Tale: Requiem . Find them all and unlock the Immortal Memories achievement.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 2
The best player
- Section : Arrive in town
If you reach the city, you can explore the market together with Hugo. Walk along the path until you come to the large marketplace. Keep right and after the florist walk down the alley on the right . At the end there is a throwing game that you have to complete.
rest in peace
- Section : Confrontation on stage
You reach the arena in search of the Order and get into a confrontation in the stands shortly after Lucas spots an icon. If you have brought yourself to safety, you will find yourself in a building with many corpses. Go up the stairs in front of which Lucas bends over a dead family and follows the cough . Talk to the dying woman.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 3
a grave
- Section: The Gate
Once you have left the city, you will reach a small village outside the gate. Run past the forge on the right and you will see a small house with a wooden picket fence. Go right, throw a rock at the lock on the garden gate and look at the grave.
Map of Guienne
- Section: The Warehouse
In this section you climb through a window into a large warehouse where a ballista hangs from the ceiling. Climb down the ladder on the left and you will see a table with a lamp on the right with the memory on it. To reach him, you must first close a flap that blocks the path on the right. To do this, go down the ladder to the first floor and throw a stone at the lock on the flap on the right between the shelves.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 4
Silk Treasure
- Section: Night Shift
Sneak past the soldiers at the docks until you see the large wooden gate. Lucas and Amicia mention that you have to go to the other side. To reach the courtyard, go straight and left by the crates to the hatch. Before you climb down, turn around, sneak between the two wooden boxes towards the barrel and under the plank wall. On the other side you push the cart to the wall opposite, climb up and inspect the silk.
No pebble
- Section: The Tar Workshop
Once you have left the tar workshop, run down the wooden stairs and cross the ditch full of rubble. Turn right at the lantern and you’ll see a chain holding a board wall. Throw a stone at it and look at the city at the end of the footbridge.

All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 5
The roaring deer
- Section: On the River
At the beginning of the section you walk along the river and reach a forest. Follow the path until the path forks and you discover a crate on the rock face. Keep walking towards the rocks on the left until you hear a deer roar.
- Section: On the River
On the big construction site you have to maneuver cranes with burning hay bales to get through the rats. You will reach a workbench. Look to the right on the cliff face and you will see a ladder that has been pulled up . Hurl a rock into the mooring and climb up. Go to the top of the mountain and yell for Hugo with Lucas.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 6
Imagine you are flying
- Section: pilgrimage route
After the flower meadow you will reach a pilgrimage village. Keep left and you will see a path between two white tents where a man will greet you. Walk down the path and sit on the swing.
What color?
- Section: Call of the Rats
When you get to the dye works, you have to use a torch and fire baskets to make your way through the rats. Have you reached the opposite side, you will find a room with a workbench. Before exiting the building, climb the ladder to the attic and crawl through the gap. Examine the fabrics there.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 7
- Section: Cave passage
If you have saved Arnaud from the rats in the first cave, you will reach a bay. Walk along the beach and stay to the left of the rock face . Shortly after the boat wreck you will see a white marker that you can climb up. Look at the boat at the end of the path.
The first people
- Section: The Fishing Village
After the confrontation on the beach, you squeeze your way through a crevice and see the fishing village in front of you. Before you walk towards it, turn left and climb up the rocks. The path leads into a cave. Take the torch from the wall by the barrels, go into the darkness and inspect the murals.

All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 8
The silent Lucinda
- Section: The Celebration of Bright Days
Once on the island, you will reach a market. Stay to the right and go into the side street after the butcher . There you will meet a goat by the stables.
flower wreath
- Section: The Celebration of Bright Days
If you have spoken to the lady in the red dress at the market square, the soldiers will open the road. Follow her through the flower arches until you see a staircase on the left that leads to more stalls. Participate in the throwing game with the wreaths of flowers.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 9
A thousand years more
- Section: Exploration
Leave the palace and you will meet Sophia. Now you can explore the island. Hugo will notice a bird statue by the wayside that you must follow. Stay on the main road until you come to a house with men working on the roof. Take the path on the right through the wall and stay on the path until you see a large ancient tree.
Screamed well
- Section: Exploration
At the back of the island is a ruined tower with the door locked . Throw a rock through the window onto the door lock and go to the roof. On the edge overlooking the sea you can unlock the memory.
- Section: On the mountain
Once you have unlocked the path to the mountain, you will meet a goatherd. He will send you along a path where you will discover a large ruin on the left side of the path . Burn the tall grass by the door with Ignifer to get in and interact with the goat.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 10
rag doll
- Section: The Old Temple
Once you have reached the old temple after confronting the slavers and found your way out of the ruins, follow the path. In a cutscene you watch a cruel murder of the slave traders. Then talk to Hugo and enter the ruins. There you will find an anchor point from which you can shoot a rope into a plank wall with the crossbow . Climb up the cleared path and look at the doll by the tree with blood stains.

All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 11
The Chateau d’Ombarge
- Section: Defense System
In the underground catacombs you reach a hall with a large circular platform around which a rail system with a few wagons is laid. Just before you reach them, rats will storm the area. Use the rope in the middle of the platform and use it to pull the wagon to the right . Ignite it with Ignifer and push it along the rails until you reach a crate. Use Sophia’s Prism to reach the path beyond. There is a desk with the map.
his toy
- Section: Aelia
After the defense system, you end up in a hall with a huge gate with multiple bolts, whose locking mechanism you have to figure out. Turn around and walk along the wall on the left until you reach a door. Send Hugo through the crack in the wall to open it. The toy is on the table.
All memories in A Plague Tale: Requiem – Chapter 13
- Section: Sorrow
Follow Lukas through the rubble until he helps Amicia with her injury. Stay on the main path and you’ll come across a workbench. Shortly thereafter, Lucas discovers the exit. On the right you will see a large grid. Hurls a stone at the lock of the door behind it. Go around the grate and enter the door. Pull the cart aside and follow the path until you come to the next cart. It also reveals a secret passage if you push it aside. Behind it you will find a table with the memory.