March 11, 2025


This time we will face Tachy  in Stellar Blade (the one who helped us in the game’s tutorial) since it seems that for some reason that I don’t know right now, he has become a Naytibo Alpha and will want to fight us.

The truth is that the boss, despite his intimidating appearance with that very long sword and that imposing posture (and because he is Tachy, who was Eve’s teacher), is not that bad in terms of difficulty, although it is true that he can They can hurt us a lot if we don’t respond well to their powerful attacks.

In this post we will see, as always, the guide to defeat him in a simple way in detail. Let’s go there!


Tachy has 3 clearly differentiated phases, this would be the first time that a boss has this number of phases.


Tachy starts with these attacks:

  • Teleport : It is not an attack, but know that sometimes it will teleport to appear next to you and after that it could surprise you with an attack. It takes a while to attack luckily.
  • Simple Sword : A single blow with his melee sword, the blow is very elegant but anyway, it is a very basic blow, you will have no problems parrying him .
  • Basic Combo : Typical combo of basic blows, sometimes he performs 2 blows and other times 3.
  • Quick Charge : Tachy will quickly charge towards you with a lunge and then make another cut with his sword. He will point his sword at you before doing so so be prepared to parry the charging attack and the next one that will come.
  • Powerful Combo (Red + Blue) : First he will make a single blow with his back and at the same time he will move away from you a little and it will seem that he is not going to continue doing anything else. Don’t trust yourself because after this he will perform a combo of 4 sword blows that often ends with a blue attack, so you know, use Blink.

As soon as a mini-cinematic appears in which Tachy grows a wing, the next phase will begin. As usual, stay away from her during this cinematic as she will perform an area electric attack shortly after.


Tachy in its phase 2

In this phase Tachy obtains these new attacks (he will continue to perform some of the ones you have already seen previously):

  • Crazy Spin : He will start to charge an attack (he will cross his two swords) and after this he will launch himself like a top, attacking while spinning; In total he will perform 3 hits, it will take him a long time to hit the third, so be patient. Look for the parry on all hits since this attack is not yellow even though it looks that way due to being charged and so on.
  • Triple Ranged Slash (Yellow) : He will launch 3 ranged slashes at us that we will have to dodge, it seems like there are always 3. You can also do the typical thing of running to the side so that you don’t get hooked by the “projectiles”.
  • Counterattack + Purple : Tachy will cover himself to block the damage and after this he will try to perform a Purple attack, so as always you must dodge backwards at the exact moment to then shoot the orange weak point.

The next phase will begin after a long cinematic in which you will fall to a new area and in which Tachy will deploy another wing.


Tachy in his Third Phase

These are his new attacks, most of them are improvements to attacks he already had.

  • Crazy Spin + : Will now hit 3 times while spinning and will continue to perform that hit at the end with a slight delay.
  • Powerful Combo + (Red + Blue) : Your red combo will change in this phase. He will perform 4 hits in a row, after this he will quickly do a jumping attack and then proceed to try to do a blue attack, so be careful to perform Blink after a few parrys .
  • Triple Distance Slash + (Yellow) : Similar to the Triple Distance Slash that we already saw in phase 2, only this one will do it in the air and when finished it will do a kind of somersault and then charge towards you that you must dodge. If he does it to you while on the ground it will be exactly the same as in phase 2 (without the extra charge hit at the end).
  • Teleport in Dive (Yellow) : He will stay in the air for a while and my recommendation is that you run a lot because after a while he will teleport towards you and perform an area attack. You can also try the perfect dodge if you have good reflexes, although I find it safer to run like a madman.


I can advise you little apart from what I have already mentioned in the attack guide. It is to block/dodge him as I mention in the attack guide and throw “Triad” (Square’s Beta Skill) when you can (it is vital that you have the improvements, they are very noticeable). By doing this you will fall easily.


By defeating him you will get many rewards:

  • Weapon Core.
  • Burst Expansion Team.
  • Combat Supply Team.
  • Gold x2,300.
  • Extreme Nanoelement x5.
  • Advanced Nanoelement x25.
  • Nanoelement x50.
  • Extreme Polymeric Material x10.
  • Advanced Polymeric Material x20.
  • Polymeric Material x30.
Tachy's abilities in Stellar Blade

The best thing is that when you return to Xion and have some dialogue from the story, you will get a new skill tree since you will unlock ” Tachy Mode “, which is a kind of temporary boost for Eve in which she can use skills from Tachy, the truth is quite cool.

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