As you well know, at Honkai Star Rail we have a synthesis menu that allows us to make food, refine ascension materials, and change one type of material for another of the same rarity. In addition to this, we will also be able to synthesize our own artifacts and ornaments and “customize” them thanks to an object called Self-Modeling Resin .
Certainly this system is very similar to the one that the reliquaries have in Genshin Impact , but in this game we can choose which set of ornaments or artifacts we want from among all the existing ones in the game and we also have the advantage of being able to synthesize the specific piece that we want (torso, plane sphere, connecting rope, etc).
The biggest drawback of this wonderful system is that the cost to generate a single artifact is much higher than what we had in Genshin Impact and already, the cost of Power Pathfinder is much higher than the cost of Resin that has the farming of artifacts . (so in those respects, we have lost out).

In order to create our desired ornament or artifact, the first thing we must do is go to the inventory and within it, go to the artifacts section; after this we will press the destroy button that is at the bottom of the screen to get the materials we need in the synthesis.
For each artifact that we want to create, it will be necessary to destroy at least 10 other five-star artifacts or ornaments. For each artifact or ornament that we destroy we will get 10 units of Artifact Remains and it will be necessary to gather 100 units of these to be able to create a single artifact of our choice.
Make sure that the artifacts or ornaments that you decide to destroy really are very bad in their statistics and are not going to be of use to anyone, since you may regret it in the future if you commit to destroying them without thinking about it properly.

Once we have obtained at least 100 units of Artifact Remnants after having destroyed some of our precious artifacts and ornaments, we will go to the synthesis section in the menu.
In the last option of the synthesis menu they will give us the option to synthesize an artifact or an ornament of our choice from any existing set of artifacts or ornaments. Within each set we can choose the specific piece that we want, which will be very useful to get the last artifact we need to finish the build of a character (so we will save ourselves from continuing to spend Pathfinder Power in the same world of the Simulated Universe or in the same domain of the Cavern of Corrosion).
Unfortunately, performing this Artifact Synthesis consumes quite a large amount of resources, so I recommend using it only on desperate occasions when you see that there is no other way to get the desired artifact.

Despite all this, even if we can synthesize a torso of the set we want or a blueprint sphere of a certain set of ornaments, nothing guarantees that we will get the main statistic we want from them after spending our resources (in fact, we do). most likely you won’t get the main stat you want).
But that’s what the wonderful Self-Modeling Resin is for. This object will allow us to select the main statistic that we want the artifact or ornament that we are going to craft to have ; In this way, we will be 100% sure of obtaining the artifact that we want for our character.
This is actually quite beneficial, because on many occasions there are specific pieces that cost a lot of work to get and there may come a point where we are wasting Power Trazacaminos in repeating a domain over and over again to get the piece that we are missing.
Of course, this also has its downside, since even so the secondary statistics can be unfavorable for us, we will still have to spend the 100 units of Artifact Remains despite using this object and on top of that it is a very limited object.
At the moment, we only have two ways to get this precious item:
- Anonymous Honor reward upon reaching 40 (the free part that is similar to PB in Genshin Impact).
- Reward obtainable in some events of the different versions of the game.