December 19, 2024


The King of the Star Crusher Swarm: Skaracabaz  is a Weekly Boss in Honkai Star Rail whose combat consists of 2 phases that are very similar to each other. He is characterized by having an ability that allows him to generate small enemies when hitting him, which can turn him into a fearsome enemy.

In this combat it will be of vital importance to bring characters who can eliminate negative states in the team , because this enemy has a very easy time affecting our characters with Entanglement and leaving them unusable. Additionally, the small enemies it summons increase the damage our allies receive, so clearing these negative statuses frequently can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Something that we also have to keep in mind is that we will almost always be fighting with many enemies at the same time, therefore, we will have to use characters from the Way of Erudite or Destruction when choosing a DPS to be able to lower it. the Firmness bar to this Weekly Boss while we eliminate his summons.


In order to face the King of the Star Crusher Swarm: Skaracabaz as a Weekly Boss we will have to have faced this same enemy as a boss during the main mission of Path Tracer, during the event called ” when the stars of ingenuity shine “.

Star Crusher Swarm King Location: Skaracabaz in Honkai Star Rail

The War Echoes gate of this Weekly Boss is called ” Devoured Planet Crater ” and is located in the Confinement Zone on the Herta Space Station.


The combat is divided into 3 phases:


These are all moves that Scaracabaz will execute in his first phase:

  • Swarm King Cannon : An attack that deals Quantum Damage to a single character.
  • Radiant Poison : This Quantum Damage blow has a fairly high chance of hitting the target character with Entanglement and at the same time allows Skaracabaz to summon a Corrosive Stinger.
  • Pyrolysis Death Ray : Another attack that generates Quantum Damage, only in this case it affects the target character and those adjacent to it.
  • Spawnbringer Shell : The enemy will protect itself with a shell that greatly mitigates its damage until its next action. Additionally, every time we hit him he will automatically summon a Corrosive Stinger. However, if we are able to cause a Weakness Break before this happens, enemies will take damage to their steadiness bar and will suffer greater damage.


Its second phase is quite similar and maintains most of the attacks from its previous phase:

  • Swarm King Cannon : The same single target attack from Phase 1 that deals Quantum Damage to the target character.
  • Radiant Poison : This movement from Phase 1 is also maintained, this attack generates a very high probability of affecting one of our characters with the negative state Entanglement while allowing them to summon a Corrosive Stinger.
  • Disaster Nourishing Shell : It retains the characteristics of the previous move that reduced its damage and allowed it to multiply, but now it also begins to charge one of its most powerful attacks, which we will receive if we fail to inflict a Weakness Break before its next turn.
  • Descent of the Fallen Stars : This is an area hit that affects all the characters on the battlefield. This attack inflicts a fairly high amount of Quantum Damage and can be very dangerous, so we must try to inflict it. a Weakness Break so he can’t cast it.


Scaracabaz has a weakness to the following types:

  • Physical .
  • Ice .
  • Imaginary .

However, it has resistance to the following types and states:

  • Quantum .
  • State of Entanglement .

While Corrosive Stinging Insects have these weaknesses:

  • Physical .
  • Ice .
Argenti on Honkai Star Rail

These are the characters that we recommend the most according to their routes :

  • 1 Destruction/Erudition : Their area attacks will be great for us to create Weakness Breaks and to be able to inflict damage on the boss while destroying the lotuses.
    • Argenti : Without a doubt one of the best characters that we can take for this fight, since his Ultimate Skill will allow us to hit all the enemies at the same time and it generates quite lethal damage.
    • Jingliu : Deals a lot of Ice Damage in the area when he is under the states of his Talent, which will allow us to attack Skaracabaz while also dealing damage to his summons.
    • Imbibitor Lunae : Its Basic Attacks enhanced by its Basic Skill are extremely damaging and will come in handy to deal with this enemy and his entourage.
    • Herta : In this battle it will be very easy to activate Herta’s Additional Attacks, since the enemy will constantly generate other smaller enemies, so it may be viable to carry her in this fight.
    • Physical Pathfinder : He is not the best option we can have, but at least some of his abilities hit in the area and he is a character that we all count on.
  • 1 Nihility/Harmony : We will cover this gap with a character who provides certain advantages to the group or who applies harmful states to the enemy.
    • Ruan Mei : In this combat it is quite important to generate Weakness Breaks, which makes this character one of the most useful for this combat. Additionally, she provides pretty good bonuses to teammate damage and to the SPD of the rest of the characters in the party.
    • Yukong : In addition to providing tremendous buffs with his skills, we have to remember that this character is especially good at creating Weakness Breaks, so he will be one of the best options to make up our team.
    • Hanya : It can be a very good option if we have a deficit of Basic Skill points in the equipment we decide to use.
    • Tingyun : Provides quite generous bonuses to the Attack of one of our allies and his Ultimate Skill will help us recover energy for the target ally while boosting his overall damage for 2 turns.
    • Pela : His Ultimate Skill will come in handy during this fight, since it causes damage to all enemies, reduces their Defense and will help us lower the Firmness bar.
    • Welt : It will be great for imprisoning enemies, affecting them with Slowdown and will help us lower the enemy’s firmness bar.
  • 1 Abundance : To restore the Life that our teammates lose.
    • Huohuo : It is undoubtedly one of the best Healers to carry in this battle, since it is excellent at dispelling negative states. Furthermore, apart from healing and eliminating negative states, he also boosts the characters’ Attack and helps them recover energy after launching their Ultimate Skill.
    • Luocha : During this battle, the healing provided by the healing field of his Talent will help us a lot and his Basic Skill will also be key to eliminate negative states that prevent us from regenerating part of the HP.
    • Lynx : His Ultimate Skill will be key to eliminating the negative states of Entanglement that this boss will affect us with.
    • Natasha : Natasha’s Basic Skill can also help us eliminate the negative effects we suffer, but it will only affect a single ally per use.
    • Bailu : The problem with taking this character is that he cannot eliminate negative statuses, but his healing is quite high and he can resurrect an ally if he falls in combat.
  • 1 Conservation : Due to the high amount of damage that this enemy generates and the Entanglement states that it will continuously inflict on us, we will also have to take a character from this path along with an Abundance to guarantee the survival of the team.
    • Fu Xuan : It is very good at mitigating damage and will help us a lot to guarantee the survival of the group, in addition, it also provides bonuses for allies.
    • Gepard : What will interest us most when taking this character on the team are the very resistant shields that he generates when using his Ultimate Skill, since we will not be able to Freeze the small enemies that this boss summons .
    • March Seventh : Its Basic Skill will allow us to generate a shield for the target character while removing a negative status.


These are all the achievements related to this Weekly Boss:

  • Into the Abyss of Darkness : Apply Weakness Break when the Star Crusher Swarm King uses Disaster Nourishing Shell for the first time.


These are the possible rewards for Star Crusher Swarm King – Scaracabaz:

  • 150 Pathfinder EXP.
  • Credits.
  • Past Grievances of the Planet-Devouring Catastrophe : Advanced enhancement material for the Traces.
  • Luminous Glow : Currency that can be exchanged for Cones of Light at the Express Courier.
  • 5, 4 and 3 star artifacts : Wild Spike Holster and Meteor Trail Thief.
  • 4 Star Cones of Light : Equivalent Exchange , Calderón , Somos Llamarada , The River Born in Spring, The Past and the Future , Wow! Time to walk! and The Solemnity of Breakfast .

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