March 31, 2025


As by now you have to know yes or yes, in Persona 5 Royal we have a kind of collectible available in the Palaces of the game called “Seeds of Desire” which is quite interesting.

These are a kind of concentration of the deepest desires that mr. or mrs. of the Palace in question and we can find a total of 3 of them in each of them. In addition, by obtaining the 3 of each Palace, they will reward us with an accessory that is usually quite good; The one with the Kamoshida seeds, for example, is very good and this one is also quite good, really.

This time we will see the location of the 3 Seeds of Desire in Madarame’s Palace and I must say that this time they are quite easy to find (Kamoshida’s were not crazy to find either). But… since you may have missed one for whatever reason and having to search all over the Palace is a bit lazy, well, nothing, I’ll leave you here all the locations in detail and that’s it.


The first is perhaps the most complicated of all and even then it is not that bad. To find it, go to the Safe Room of the ” Second Exhibition Room ” and take the path that you have upwards that then continues to the left (remember that you will have to sneak through a hole in the wall to get there because some lasers prevent access). passed).

Stairs leading to the Vanity Red Seed

You will end up reaching a large room where you will have to go up the stairs that I show in the photo above. After climbing them, look out the terrace of the apartment until you skip the typical option of using the hook (which turns your hand blue, you know) to sneak through a kind of hanging beam that is on the ceiling. After this is to continue forward and little else, you will arrive at the door of said seed.

Hook Action to Find the Vanity Red Seed

Be very attentive because near the place where the Seed of Desire is, you have a Treasure Demon (they are very interesting bugs, it is very good to find one) hidden in one of those vessels that you can break around the Palace.


The second seed is very simple, but it is true that you can get through it a bit if you don’t look closely at the stage, since if you are here you probably have found the door to it but you can’t find a way to open it (it has a gate like the door).

Anyway, in case you haven’t seen the door, you have it at the end of the section of « Gallery of the Treasure Room «, just before reaching the strange area of ​​​​the golden stairs where we have to compare different versions of the painting « Sayuri». Now in the photos you will see the exact area of ​​the map anyway.

Hook to Access the Area where the Button is

The case, that you simply have to hit a button that is in an area only accessible through the hook ability where there is also a chest; in fact you most likely got the chest and missed the button. Well, what I said, you have it next to where the chest was.

Button to Open the Green Seed Door


The third and last seed is also very simple, but it is true that we will find it right in the final area of ​​the Madarame Palace and it may seem that you may have forgotten it. The area in question, in case you haven’t arrived, is ” Upper Main Room “; It is the room where the Madarame Treasure is (actually it is in the area below, but hey, I think the point is understood).

Vanity Blue Seed Location

It is not lost because you have to go through there yes or yes to send the notice. But in case you don’t know how to get there, you will have to go to the area that I have marked in red on the map and use the hook action. After this is to go through the platforms and then sneak through the ventilation shaft.

Before going for the Blue Seed, make sure you go to the Secret Room first, then go to the area that I have marked in blue in the photo and that’s it. The only thing is that in front of the door there will be a mini-boss called «God Awakened». It’s not easy as such because he has a lot of area damage, but it shouldn’t give you too much trouble either.


By gathering the 3 Seeds of Madarame’s Palace we will obtain the following object:

  • Vanity Crystal : This is an accessory that will nullify the weaknesses of the Persona of the character to which you equip it. It works very well for Joker for 2 reasons: The first is that if Joker dies, the game ends, so it’s quite interesting to make it more difficult for him to be knocked down; The second is because Joker has multiple people, so you make sure that all of them won’t have any weaknesses.

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