September 28, 2024


Our avatar is named Astrid and she is an ordinary teenager with a dream. We get to follow her career from playing air guitar in her bedroom, to her first gig and on to the goal of becoming a rock star. Between the songs, a pretty nice story takes place about hope and longing, but also about adversity and shattered dreams. During the journey, it is possible to unlock new guitars and clothes for Astrid so that she can dress for her big breakthrough.

Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games - Loud - Astrid
Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games

Loud is based on the same principle as Guitar Hero and Boom Boom Rocket : it is important to press the right button in time with the music. Sounds simple but it’s anything but. Loud is structured so that stars roll in from six different directions and you have three buttons on each side of the hand control to keep track of. The game helps you a little on the stack to light up the path for the star that is closest to pressing, but it is a small help when everything happens at the same time…

Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games - Loud - Hit those stars
Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games

I started at the simplest level and at first it’s pretty easy – but it gets harder very quickly. Each song can be replayed as many times as you like. So I started repeating all the songs before the song I got stuck on and vips so I moved on. The most important thing is really to find the rhythm; if you drop it and get out of step, it is not entirely easy to get back into rhythm again.

Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games - Loud - The wall of fame
Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games

I really like these types of games and Loud is both fun and challenging so the only-once-to- factor is sky high. It really does not make matters worse that the game works perfectly on the built-in Switch screen, so you can carry it with you wherever you want.

Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games - Loud - set the level
Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games

Unfortunately, there is smolk in the cup and the biggest problem with Loud is – paradoxically – the music. It feels very cheap and “free to use”. It is the most generic “rock” riff, which feels much cheaper than the rest of the game. Then Astrid herself is actually a problem: when things are going well, she lacks joy and if you miss her, she frustrates with irritation. It quickly becomes very annoying and involuntarily humorous, as it is quite stupid to say so during a gig.

Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games - Loud - New Guitar!
Photo: © 2022 Qubic Games

In conclusion, I would like to recommend Loud for this great game for a small penny. There are 14 songs to get through and each song has three levels of difficulty, there will be many hours of entertainment for the same amount as a lunch. So help Astrid follow her dream!

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