March 26, 2025


Raven is undoubtedly the most complicated boss you will face in Stellar Blade , it is that other “angel” whom we have been able to meet through holograms and who turned out to be the one who was controlling the previous boss, the Unidentified Naytibo .

Although it is the most complicated boss in the game, I wouldn’t say that it is very difficult either, although it is true that in this battle mistakes are paid dearly because if you get lost and sneak in a couple of attacks, it will end you. . Not to mention that he has some pretty nasty attacks, although in the guide I will tell you how you can deal with each of his movements as always.

And before I start I am forced to say that… tremendous boss! I think that at the moment he is my favorite boss and I highly doubt that later on any other one (there are only a few left) will be able to surprise me as much because of tremendous combat, tremendous boss design and tremendous and at the same time very peculiar background soundtrack.


Let’s start as always with the attack guide, but first I’ll tell you something quite interesting about this boss. Just so you know, from time to time a parry can be scored ; Luckily he doesn’t do it very often, at least compared to us.


These are the attacks Raven starts with:

  • Basic Physical Combos : In your case, I don’t know if the most appropriate name would be “Basic” Physical Combos because there are some choreographies that are marked, but in short, they are still basic blows that you must block, searching as always for the perfect parry (the trick of spam the parry button like there’s no tomorrow, you know). Don’t trust yourself because it has several versions and it’s quite confusing because between blows it is common for it to make a small teleport to attack you from another side.
  • Furious Combo (Red) : His red combos are extremely fast, so you will have to spam the parry button like never before… In fact, they are so fast that it is quite likely that you will eat some of the hits and if you are a little bad luck may end up with you. If it is far away when you do it, it will appear quickly in front of you (you are not safe even far away) and as with the previous combos, some small teleport is marked to mislead you, suddenly it seems to move away but it returns to the charge… well, that’s it. .
  • Powerful Grab (Blue) : A very basic blue attack, no complications. As always, dodge forward when the blue glow appears on Eve and then take the opportunity to attack her a little. If he hooks you you will most likely die unless you have enough life, he will basically grab you by the hair and stab you with the sword in a very badass way .
  • Circular Slash Combo (Yellow + Purple) : One of the attacks that has personally given me the most problems. It is a yellow attack in which it stays for a while as if charging with the sword raised and then makes a circular cut that you must dodge, shortly after it will make another very similar short yellow circular (it moves a little to get closer to you, be careful ). Sometimes he can even finish the combo (after the two yellow attacks) with a Purple Attack, so he uses the back dodge and shoots his orange weak point after this.
  • Diving Teleport (Yellow) : A much easier yellow attack to dodge. He will suddenly appear above us and perform a diving attack, here it is very worth looking for the perfect dodge (it is quite easy to do it as well) and then continue with the offensive (if you can immediately do the combo of maintaining triangle and then triangle + perfect circle).
  • Clash of Swords : He will do it to your face very occasionally. Suddenly you will be in a sword clash cinematic very Star Wars style in which you will have to press square very quickly to win the fight and cause good damage in the process. If you lose the damage you will receive and it is not little, so hit the square very quickly.

When you lower his health to more or less 30% you will enter the next phase. There will be a cutscene (100% cutscene, you can’t move, they talk and everything in between) to proceed to the next phase.


Things will get a little complicated, but it’s more or less the same.

  • Parry + Counterattack : It is unpredictable, suddenly a tremendous parry will be scored in which it will launch us into the air in a very badass way . It doesn’t do much harm with it, but it is a harm that it will do to our faces a little without being able to do anything about it because you don’t even see it coming; He will do it to you all at once, whenever he feels like it, while you are attacking him.
  • Furious Combo + (Red + Yellow) : Pay attention because now he sometimes ends his furious combos with a yellow horizontal slash attack, so be prepared for the perfect dodge, so that it doesn’t catch you off guard.
  • Projectile Slashes (Yellow) : First it launches a couple of quick distance slashes towards you that you must dodge by dodging or simply running to the side and after this it will end with a third distance slash that you decide there, you can continue running/dodging (less risky) or you can try to nail him with a perfect dodge (it’s not very complicated on the third slash) and then counterattack harder… depending on how confident you feel.
  • Tempest (Yellow) : An attack very similar to Eve’s “Tempest” Burst Skill (the circle one, which is the most broken in the game). It is easy to recognize because you will crouch down and a kind of blue luminous circle will appear at your feet that will expand. Dodging it is very difficult, so my recommendation is that you use exactly the same ability, that is, use Eve’s Tempest to become immune to damage and hit her at the same time. As if that were not enough, after marking her Tempest she will make a diving jump towards you that you will have to dodge, but if you use Tempest with Eve as I mentioned, you will dodge both things without problems and you will also cause her a lot of damage.
  • Relentless Retreat (Yellow) : For some reason I have not seen this attack almost ever and better because it is quite annoying. He will throw slashes at you as a projectile as he moves away from you (dodge them and that’s it) and don’t even think about using Haste because then he will perform a diving attack against the ground that will create a large damaging land area (which you easily dodge with Double Jump ).
  • Double Powerful Grab (Blue) : The same as always with blue attacks, but be careful because as soon as you use Blink he will sometimes launch another blue attack at you immediately afterwards.


I’m going to tell you exactly which build I used, and the truth is that it has been extremely good for me. It is a build specialized in Beta Skills . The Exospines are the following:

  • Reflex Type Exospin.
  • Beta Trance Type Exospine.


  • Fixed Damage Team 3*.
  • Beta 3* Improvement Team.
  • Recovery Team Beta 3*.
  • Beta Cargo Team.

You will be able to launch an incredible amount of Beta Skills, which in addition to dealing good damage, most stun or throw the boss to the ground. Also, remember to use your Tachy Mode when Raven has little life left (40% or so) since in this mode she can’t hurt us and we can do a lot of damage to her.

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