March 31, 2025


Today I bring you a post in which I will explain how you can complete the Stellar Blade mission called ” The Lost Ark ” (a reference to Lost Ark I suppose), you know, it is the mission given to us by Orcal’s bodyguard (the weird grandpa who is plugged in like a machine). The mission will not be available to you until you defeat Whirlwind (when you overcome the “Altess Levoire” area, let’s say).

At first, there are few complications, following the route indicated on the map and little else, but there comes a point where the mission will become a little complicated since we will have to find 6 machines spread throughout the city of Xion and after this they will emerge. other types of complications that anyway, now I will tell you in this post everything about this mission.


Location of the 6 Machines in "The Lost Ark"

In the photo above you have the location of each machine marked with a red dot so that you can find them in no time, anyway now below I will explain where each of them is located in writing in case it would be better for you that way for the reason to be.

  • Machine 1 : Right when you go down the stairs in the area where you must enter the mission password. In fact, you will see it from the staircase itself.
  • Machine 2 : Next to the cafe in Xion Square. Near those big double stairs.
  • Machine 3 : Between the path that takes us to the Great Desert and the stairs that go down, very close to one of the teleport telephones in the area.
  • Machine 4 : On the stairs we have to go down to get to the Kaya scrapyard .
  • Machine 5 : Where they gave us the « Angel of Death » mission , it is easy to remember since it is that mission in which some bandits try to kill us and shortly after they give us the Double Jump.
  • Machine 6 : In the house of that guy who has a lot of books. You will get there if from the main entrance of Xion you follow the path to your left. I mean the left assuming you just entered Xion through its main entrance.


Lost Ark Password in Stellar Blade

The password itself is the following: θμκαεητ . The last letter is not exactly the same, I have looked at the Greek alphabet in depth and I have not seen any character that matches 100%, it is the one I have seen most similar and I have gotten tired of searching, so that’s how it stays. I’m not sure if maybe that’s what it is, it’s just that the source is a little different, but anyway, if there is anyone in the comments who can answer my question, I would appreciate it.

In case you are curious about how this result is obtained… I will tell you but it is a bit confusing. Each machine gives you one of these letters, so far so good; When we activate the hint action in the place where it asks us for the password, we get the minimap with the location of the machines and the corresponding letter and it tells us something like “rotate clockwise.”

Well you have to do that. You start with the top point and rotate clockwise. And you will say: “okay okay, but the points between the machines do not form anything even remotely similar to a circle”, and you are right, but in the end you have to create a geometric figure by threading the points and from there you go spinning ( a Dalí watch, I don’t know, they made it very strange).


How to Escape in "The Lost Ark"

When you enter the password you will be able to enter the Lost Ark and well, you will quickly notice that the environment there was not very friendly… Anyway, you will have to investigate some bodies in the area and then activate a machine and suddenly a system will be activated that will leave you locked in. in the place.

What you have to do to get out of this hellish place is hit those strange machines in the area (they are marked in orange if you activate the Drone’s radar) to break them. First you break 2 to open the door, then you break another to be able to use the elevator and that’s it, you’re out of that horrible place.

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