March 11, 2025


Mastodon is one of the optional bosses in Stellar Blade and in my opinion this one is much harder than the last optional boss that we made a guide to (the improved version of Beast, the tutorial boss), we link it below in case you are wondering. You have been overlooked by this other boss.

All in all, this boss hits pretty hard and seems more complicated to me than the previous optional boss, but I’ve also noticed quite a bit that we’re already at an advanced point in the game and well… Eve is already pretty screwed at this point, so in My case at least has not been such a complicated boss.

If for whatever reason this boss is choking you a little, now I’ll show you his guide and a strategy that will help you make him fall easily. Also now I explain how you can find this boss since it is ultimately optional.


Mastodon Location and Encounter Mission in Stellar Blade

You will encounter this boss during the “Encounter” quest, which is one of Kaya’s quests that you will get when you reach friendship level 2 with her. The mission itself will take you to it, but know that this is an area of ​​the Great Desert, so you will not be able to go there until you unlock this area during the game’s story.

I’m not very sure if the boss can appear without having the mission. To be honest, if someone can confirm it, let me know in the comments. I think it is most likely that the boss will only appear if you have his mission, as was the case with the improved version of “Beast.”


The boss, as usual, has 2 phases:


It will start with these attacks:

  • Basic Strikes : The typical combos of physical attacks that he performs in melee, spam the bag block as always to try to find the perfect parry . He is not a boss that stands out for having long combos, he usually performs few hits, but be careful that he hits hard.
  • Charge : He usually does this when he is at medium distance, he will launch himself towards you with a powerful claw strike. You know, a good parry .
  • Demolishing Combo : He will make 3 quite forceful and slow blows that you must block.
  • Jump Attack (Yellow) : Almost all bosses have a similar attack. Mastodon will make a huge jump and try to fall on us. As always, your thing is to run like crazy and dodge when it falls to the ground. You can also stay still and dodge at the exact moment he falls, this is more ” pro ” but also less sensible. What worked best for me was to start running and do a Double Jump shortly before I hit the ground. Sometimes it can be done in a “non-yellow” version, but you do the same.
  • Air Disc (Yellow) : The typical ranged attack. You start running to the side or dodge at the right moment. If it catches you in hand-to-hand combat, you will have to dodge it at just the right moment since generally you won’t have time to run. Be careful because these discs slightly chase your character.
  • Powerful Roar (Yellow) : In my opinion the worst of his yellow attacks. It will make a powerful roar that will cause area damage. Running is not an option since you will hardly have time to escape, so your best bet would be to try the perfect dodge just when it is going to roar (wait a second or so after it launches) or dodge backwards all the time. (if you have the double dodge upgrade it works).
  • Power Throw (Blue) : Standard procedure for blue attacks, dodge forward as soon as the blue glow appears on Eve. If she hooks you, she’s going to grab you with her mouth and throw you into the air, she makes a lot of noise.

When you lower his health to more or less 40%, a very small cinematic will appear in which, as usual, you must quickly move away from the boss, this time because he will perform his “Powerful Roar” attack.


The boss will start to… burn a little and will give off a kind of “glitter”. His kit doesn’t change much except for what we will mention below:

  • Power Combo (Red) : A combo of three quick hits and shortly after a fourth hit (the latter takes a little longer to cast, so keep an eye out). Parry Spamming .
  • Demolition Combo + (Red + Purple) : The same attack, but it will perform a fourth purple hit to finish, so you will have to dodge backwards when the purple glow appears and proceed to shoot it at the orange weak point.
  • Air Disc + (Yellow) : Now sometimes he will throw 3 Air Discs in a streak, sometimes he will still only throw 1.


The boss generally won’t let us hit him with a long combo, so it’s better to do short combos or not finish the long ones at all, unless you want to get hit hard by him; In the end it is more important to do the parrys /dodges.

Anyway, a great tip I can give you that will make this battle incredibly easier is to save Tachy Mode for when the boss has about 40% of his maximum health left. When that happens, find a good spot to enter Tachy Mode and spam the combo of pressing “triangle” all the time (the powerful attacks) without stopping. He will remain as if stunned and will eat all the hits without being able to do anything about it, so you can lower that remaining 40% of his health in a moment and easily.

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