Karakuri is the second boss of Spire 4 that we will face in Stellar Blade and he stands out above other bosses because the truth is that this one gives quite a bad vibe (more than usual) since it is a kind of cute Chinese cyborg as very deformed and that on top of that it is being controlled like a puppet.
We will fight against her a little after definitively defeating Belial (you know, there are 2 confrontations against this persistent boss), specifically when we advance a little through that kind of beautiful hotel elevator that we will see. You will end up arriving at a beautiful area full of cherry trees (which turn out to be fake) and well, said beauty will be spoiled a little with the arrival of such a beast from hell.
The combat is not very difficult, but the increase in difficulty is gradually noticeable. Eve is still very broken anyway… I’m still waiting for a boss that is a real challenge, I’m already losing hope.
The boss has two phases, which is what seems to be more common in Stellar Blade.
Karakuri will start with these attacks:
- Standard Combo : His basic attack combo is quite powerful. Something slow but very forceful, come on, if you eat it you’re going to suffer. That’s 3 pretty heavy hits in a row, you know, try to parry all of them.
- Charge Attack : It will charge towards you while dragging its claws along the ground and will perform a blow when it is close to you which you must parry .
- Furious Combo (Red) : As usual, for a while it will glow red and launch a combo of several hits (usually 4), although in this case it will not be a very fast combo. She’s nowhere near as fast as Belial in that regard.
- Throw Laser Beam (Yellow) : It has two variants, one in which it will be launched horizontally, so you will have to jump over it (you may have to make more than one jump because sometimes it will be launched more than once ) and the other variant is vertical, so there it will be enough to move away from its path and that’s it. You can also of course look for the perfect dodge, but I don’t recommend it because it is more risky.
- Diving Attack (Yellow) : One of his most annoying attacks. It is similar to the usual thing that he takes a big leap towards us. The thing is that you do a perfect dodge and then start spamming the block because it will perform a couple of physical attacks after it. In any case, it is much better for me to do a Double Jump to avoid the first impact and then move far away from the boss to avoid the blows he makes after the impact.
- Summon Weird Bugs : From time to time he will summon some kind of mini-robots that will help him in battle. They don’t do much damage, they are more of a nuisance than anything else, but since there are a few of them it can be quite tedious if you don’t get rid of them.
- Powerful Grab (Blue) : You already know it well, you wait for the blue glow to appear on Eve and dodge forward to then hit her with a good combo. Suffice it to say that you don’t want such an aberration to catch you, I’m telling you from experience, it’s going to leave you feeling sick.
When the cinematic begins, you move away from it (more or less when you lower its health to 30%), you will see that it will suddenly take off its mask, so now the bug will give a little more bad vibes. From here the second phase begins.

The combat will be very similar except for the following new attacks or improvements to those we have already seen:
- Powerful Combo + : Similar to his previous furious combo but it will end with a very powerful yellow attack that you better dodge.
- Explosive Area (Yellow) : A very annoying area attack since it usually does it when we are close to it. You can constantly dodge backwards when you see the yellow glow appear on him or take more risks and do a perfect dodge right when he’s about to explode. As always, I prefer the least risky option.
- Laser Beam + (Yellow) : Its worst attack of all since it will keep launching its laser for a long time and will hit us with it, tracing parabolas, making it much more complicated to avoid than its previous versions. He’s going to throw it at you like 4 times in a row, so be careful to dodge or jump over each of his laser attacks. If he throws it at you, it is a good idea to activate Tachy Mode since you will become immune for a long time.
- Coordinate the Bugs (Yellow) : You will see how the bugs it summons suddenly give off a yellow glow, which will cause them all to charge an attack towards you. The best thing you can do is prevent this attack from happening by taking out the bugs quickly when it summons them.
Looking at Exothorns I am going to recommend you again Reflex Type + Trance Type Beta, it seems to me that this is the most broken combo of all for the game’s bosses and it looks like it is going to become my most recommended combination.

Exospines serve to customize our combat mode in Stellar Blade as they will allow us to enhance certain offensive aspects of Eve. Here you have the location of all of them.+ info
However, the most important thing about this boss (without leaving aside the issue of dodging/parrying him ) is that you quickly deal with the mini-robots that Karakuri summons. In that sense, I recommend that as soon as you see that he summons them, he uses “Hurry” and quickly the Burst Skill “Tempest” (the one with the circle) or the Beta Skill “Cut” (the one with the triangle). The best thing to do would be to always keep one of these 2 abilities in your bedroom to use them as soon as you invoke them (or one or the other, but always have a list ready).