« The Opportune Moment » is a 4-star Honkai Star Rail Cone of Light for Abundance characters that is quite interesting since it provides things that all Healers need, but yes, don’t be fooled by the photo because it gives rise to confusions.
You may be wondering what I mean by the subject of the photo, well you see… ironically, Luocha is one of the last characters to whom you should equip this Cone of Light because he does not gain Effect Resistance through his traces, which is a of the keys to choosing a character for this Cone. The rule that the character who appears in the Cone makes good use of it works in many cases, but not always.
Let’s start by looking at its basic attributes, keep in mind that we will give you the data that it has at level 80 (the maximum):
- HP : 952.
- ATK : 423.
- DEF : 396.
Next, we will see the benefits that the passive of this Cone of Light brings us:
- S1 : +16% RES to Effect. Increases healing by a percentage equal to 33% of the wearer’s RES to a maximum of +15% healing.
- S5 : +32% RES to Effect. Increases healing by 45% of the wearer’s RES to a maximum of +27% healing.
The Effect RES is an interesting statistic for all Path characters since if we are stunned/frozen/whatever we will not be able to heal until we take control of our character again and that can be horrible if our team is in a trouble and we need a cure.
In addition to that, we will also get a Healing Bonus based on our amount of RES to Effect (and since the Cone helps us in that aspect, great). I have done the calculations of how much RES to Effect you need to obtain the maximum Healing Bonus in each of the Super Impositions :
- S1: 45% RES to Effect to reach +15% Heal.
- s2: 50% to reach +18%.
- s3: 54% to reach +21%.
- s4: 57% to reach +24%.
- s5: 60% to reach +27%.
The increase in RES to Effect required is more or less equivalent to the extra RES to Effect that the Cone provides us, only of course, we can obtain greater healing the greater the Superimposition. Regardless of the Overlay, you will need your character to have more or less 28-30% Effect RES (not counting the Effect RES provided by the Cone itself) to always obtain the maximum.
You can equip it to all Path characters because they all benefit from the RES to Effect and the Healing Bonus, but it will be more interesting to equip it to those characters who obtain RES to Effect points through Traces.

Natasha is undoubtedly one of the characters who takes advantage of it the most because she obtains 18% RES to Effect through her traces, which will be of great help in order to obtain the maximum possible healing from this “The Opportune Moment.”
In addition to this, he is a character who falls a little short in terms of healing (although the Ultimate heals quite well, yes), so it will be great for him in two ways.

Huohuo also gains 18% Effect RES through Traces and is therefore another very solid option for Cone.
We have put her below Natasha because she heals quite well, which does not mean that she will appreciate more healing, but you understand what I mean, Natasha needs that additional healing more than she does. It is best to equip Huohuo with Cones of Light as “ Shared Sentiment ” to provide more support to the team.

Lynx gains 10% RES to Effect through trails and is therefore another option (it’s less, but still good). Like Natasha, she also falls a little short in terms of healing, so it will be great for her to have that increase in healing.
Furthermore, in her case the RES to Effect becomes quite valuable since Lynx is a character whose greatest virtue is to remove many negative states and therefore we are very interested in her not being affected by one in order to quickly remove this type of states to our colleagues.
Other characters who can also equip it but for whom it is less useful, either because you get little RES from the Effect through Traces or because they do not need as much healing and therefore it is better to equip them with a Cone with which it contributes something to the team.
- Bailu : Although she has 10% RES to Effect through Traces, she already heals a lot on her own, so it would be better to equip her with a Cone as an ” Equivalent Exchange ” to provide energy to the team.