March 31, 2025


The Fleet of the Eternals is one of the first Ornament Sets that we can get as a reward as soon as we have passed the first two worlds of the Simulated Universe at the Honkai Star Rail Herta Space Station .

Generally, it will be a Set of Ornaments that we will use to equip characters that benefit from having a fairly high amount of HP, although mainly what does not matter is the second effect that provides 8% ATK% for the entire group if the character to which we equip this set exceeds 120 SPD points; therefore, it is a support set that will be especially useful for many characters that belong to the Way of Abundance and the Way of Harmony.

Let’s go with its location, its effects and after this, the ideal characters to equip it with!


World 3 of the Simulated Universe on Honkai Star Rail

We can get pieces of the “Fleet of the Eternals” Ornament Set by consuming immersors while doing World 3 of the Simulated Universe . By exchanging our immersors in this world, we will also be able to get pieces of the Ornaments Set called «Sellaspacios Station», which will allow us to boost the ATK% of its bearers to a great extent.

These are the pieces of the set:

  • Plano Sphere : Heavenly Ark of Xianzhou Luofu.
  • Binding Rope : Lianas of the Ambrosia Tree of Xianzhou Luofu.


Next we will see the effects that the set of this set provides us:

  • 2 Pieces : The VPs Max. of the bearer are increased by 12%. If the wearer’s Speed ​​of this set is 120 or higher, the ATK% of all team members will be increased by 8%.

The base effect conferred by this set benefits the wearer by increasing their HP by 12%, which can be useful for those characters who have very low HP and are easy to defeat or for characters who benefit in some additional way from this set. attribute , as with many Healers where their heals are increased based on this stat.

However, the effect that we will unlock if our character reaches 120 SPD points will be an 8% ATK bonus for the entire group. This will be great for those characters that don’t deal a lot of damage, as this effect will improve their usefulness as a support for the team.


Mainly we will equip it to the characters that have a support function for the rest of the characters on the team, since the main purpose of this set is to empower the group and it will also be very useful for those characters that scale their heals based on to their VPs:

Bailu on Honkai Star Rail

All the healing that Bailu performs with his abilities, the effect that allows him to revive a team member who has fallen in combat, and the Vigor effect that he provides thanks to his Talent, increase their efficiency based on the amount of HP that Bailu has. . So this set will allow us to increase the effectiveness of his healing abilities while allowing us to boost the ATK% of the entire group a bit.

Yukong on Honkai Star Rail

Yukong stands out for giving insanely high bonuses to the two characters that act after his turn, so for this character to work properly he will need to have a very high SPD to act before the Main DPS and Support DPS . Therefore, we will get to have those 120 SPD points in his build so that he can give the group that bonus of ATK% permanently that this Ornament Set grants.

Pole on Honkai Star Rail

Asta ‘s Basic Ability allows her to increase the ATK % of all party members based on the amount of recharge stacks she has, which can be difficult to maintain if we don’t have Asta’s Eidolons to make this easier for us, so at least with the “Fleet of the Eternals” set we can maintain a stable % ATK bonus for the whole party.

Bronya on Honkai Star Rail

Bronya  has a good amount of HP unlike most characters in this lane, so the first effect of this Ornament Set doesn’t suit her too well. However, both her Basic Ability and her Ultimate Ability stand out for boosting the ATK of allies, so we can use the second effect of this set to further reinforce this ATK increase.

These are other characters that can take advantage of this Ornament Set:

  • Natasha : Natasha’s case is quite similar to Bailu’s, this set will come in handy to increase the ATK% of the teammates, thus obtaining an extra utility for the team apart from healing and it will boost the efficiency of their healings because these are based on the number of Max VPs that Natasha has.
  • Tingyun : Although Tingyun can also work well with the “Sealing Space Station” Ornaments Set, it is preferable to equip him with this “Eternals Fleet” set to slightly increase his low HP which makes him a very fragile character and so he can permanently boost the ATK % of the whole party (so she brings something to the whole party, since her abilities only allow her to boost a single character at a time). Another positive aspect of Herta is that her Ultimate Recharges very easily and hits all the enemies on the field, so it will also be quite useful for us to take this set to increase the damage of this ability and be able to get more out of Herta.

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