February 22, 2025


Equivalent Exchange is a 4-star Cone of Light from Honkai Star Rail for characters from the Way of Abundance ( Healers ), extremely F2P since we can acquire it through the marks we obtain in the Forgotten Hall.

In addition, it is a Cone of Abundance which is quite good since it will help us generate a little more energy for our teammates in order to provide them with additional support through the character to whom we equip it, something that is always very appreciated .

The drawback it has is that it will not help us in any way to heal more and that is something that will mean that we cannot equip it to all the characters on this Path because some of them need that extra contribution of healing in their Cone. In addition, ” Shared Feeling ” is a 4-star Cone of Light (which we cannot obtain as easily as this one, everything must be said) with a similar contribution (it also provides energy) but that also increases our healing a little, so which we consider to be somewhat better than this Cone of Light being somewhat generic.


Let’s start by looking at its basic attributes, keep in mind that we will give you the data that it has at level 80 (the maximum):

  • HP : 952.
  • ATK : 423.
  • DEF : 396.

Next, we will see the benefits that the passive of this Cone of Light brings us:

  • S1 : Grants 8 Energy to a teammate who has less than 50% of the total energy charged at the start of the wearer’s turn.
  • S5 : Grants 16 Energy to a teammate who has less than 50% of the total energy charged at the start of the wearer’s turn.

At the outset, mention that it is always interesting to have tools that allow us to generate some energy for the group because it is always important to be able to cast our characters’ Ultimates with the greatest frequency and in addition, the Energy Recovery statistic is undoubtedly an one of the most complicated to increase since it does not appear in the substats and we can only equip it on the Union Rope.

This is especially useful in characters from the Way of Abundance since since their primary role is that of healing, they are usually characters that do not usually deal much damage, so it never hurts to provide some type of extra support.

In that sense, this is a Cone of Light that is very worthwhile, but it is true that it has a couple of drawbacks. First of all, the condition that one of our companions ( the bearer cannot receive the energy ) has to have energy below 50% will mean that some turns the effect will not be activated and the truth is that that is a shame. Secondly, it is a shame that it does not provide us with some HP% or Healing Bonus to also enhance a little the primary role of this type of character, which is to heal.


You can equip this Cone of Light to any character on the Path of Abundance since no matter what team you are on, you will always appreciate that extra contribution of energy. In any case, in order to optimize it to the maximum, it is true that it is more worth equipping it to characters who do not heal much due to what we have already mentioned that it does not give us anything that helps us heal more and there are characters who heal less. more healing than others.

Luocha on Honkai Star Rail

Luocha heals a lot, so with that alone it is a very valid option to equip this Cone of Light. But the best of all is that since this character scales his healing through ATK as opposed to through HP (as happens with most Path characters), a Cone like this is great for him because many Cones of the Path Abundance that increases HP and therefore it is a waste to equip them to this character.

Bailu in Honkai Star Rail

Bailu  stands out for having very powerful healing, so this Cone of Light will be a very good option for her (it is in the photo for a reason). She’s far from her best Cone, but she’s one of her best 4-star options and she’s one of the first characters you should consider equipping it to.

Huohuo on Honkai Star Rail

Huohuo also heals a lot and since he also has a mechanic in his Skill Kit that allows him to restore energy for his companions, it would be great for him to equip a Cone like this to further reinforce that aspect.

Other characters who can also equip it but for whom it is less useful since it is quite useful for them to equip a Cone of Light that allows them to heal more because they are somewhat shorter in this aspect:

  • Lynx : He does not heal as much as other characters, which does not mean that he has his own virtues that make him stand out (such as being able to eliminate many negative states). Therefore, your thing is to equip him with something that increases his healing capacity.
  • Natasha : For the same reasons as Lynx, it is best to equip him with something that allows him to heal more.

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