March 31, 2025


Carrots are one of the most popular crops in Minecraft since, in addition to being a very easy source of food to maintain, they will also allow us to create certain interesting objects that we will see in this post.

The objective of this post is to teach you everything about the Carrot in this game, from how you can get them, how you should grow them and what uses you can give them; They don’t sin for profit, I’m telling you.


Getting Carrots is relatively easy, what is really more or less complicated is getting the first one, after this you will already have an infinite amount of them if you plant them in your garden, which we will talk about later.

In order to get the first Carrot you have mainly 2 different methods:

  • In the Villages : As you probably already know, in the Villages of Villagers we can find orchards and among the possible crops the Carrot is of course one of them. Remind you that you will have to wait until the Carrot is in its last phase of growth, we will talk about that below. If you find a village take a look because you can find orchards with Carrots or other crops like Wheat or Potatoes .
  • In Zombies : And by Zombies I mean the common ones, the mummified ones and the Zombie Villagers . These when defeated have a chance to drop a Carrot, so you will eventually end up getting some if you are defeating them. It is a good method if for whatever reason you cannot find a village that has Carrots.


Carrot Growth Phases in Minecraft

From the outset you will have to create a garden as it happens with most crops, as I already created a guide on the creation of orchards , I link it here in case you do not know how it works.

Other than that, it’s business as usual, only in this case we don’t have seeds , as is the case, for example, with Watermelons and Pumpkins ; What you have to plant is the Carrot directly. For every Carrot planted you can get between 2 and 5 Carrots, with 3 being perhaps the most common on average.

Once planted you will have to wait until they are in their last phase of growth. As you can see in the photo above, there are 4 growth phases, the one on the far right would be the final phase and it is the phase in which you should collect them (you hit it with your hand, you know).

I remind you that we can use the Bone Powder to speed up the growth of crops.


In the first place we have the Rabbit , with which you have to be careful because it is not only that you can give it Carrots with your hand, but also that it can directly eat the Carrots of our crops; so if you have rabbits nearby (in snowy biomes there are usually many) you will have to be careful with that. Creating fences would be enough.

Clarify with respect to the Rabbit that when eating the Carrots from our orchard, what it will do is reduce the growth phase of said Carrot crop that it eats by 1, so at least the damage will not be so great; but obviously as there are several out there if it is going to annoy you enough.

Regarding the Pigs , they will not steal anything from us, but they will accept the Carrot as food if you give it to them by hand.


I think it goes without saying that it is a power source for your Minecraft character, in fact its consumption will restore 3 hunger units and give us 3.6 hunger saturation points (that extra period in hunger does not lower us from the maximum). But let’s see what other recipes we have.


The Golden Carrot is one of the best Minecraft foods in terms of food, since it restores 6 hunger points and also adds 14.4 hunger saturation points .

Creating it is very simple, you will only need 8 Gold Nuggets:

Crafting the Golden Carrot in Minecraft

You can get Gold Nuggets in the same way as Iron Nuggets. It will be enough to put a Gold Ingot on the crafting table like this:

Recipe for Gold Nuggets in Minecraft

In addition, the Carrot Carrot is an ingredient for Alchemy or Potions , specifically for the Potion of Night Vision and Invisibility.


Food that restores 1o hunger points and adds 12 hunger saturation. It is a good recipe but the truth is that it is somewhat complex to create and therefore it does not convince me very much, especially having such good options and in my opinion simpler as the Golden Carrot (if you have Gold, come on, surely you have it in large amounts if you play enough).

To create this recipe we have to add the following ingredients to the Crafting Table:

Crafting Rabbit Stew in Minecraft
  • Roasted Rabbit : Cooking Rabbit meat.
  • Carrot .
  • Cooked Potato : Cooking Potatoes.
  • Brown Mushroom : You can find them in Swamps, the Nether, or in the Ancient Taiga.
  • Bowl: Putting 3 wood on the Crafting Table creating a V at the bottom.


This rod is used to be able to control a Pig when you mount it, the Pig will follow the Carrot and therefore you will be able to control the direction in which it moves.

Its creation is very simple, you only need a Fishing Rod and a Carrot.

Crafting Cane with Carrot in Minecraft

And that’s it! Did you know all these facts about Carrots in Minecraft ? Do you usually use it in your orchards? Do you know any other use that has left me? Leave your comment!

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