March 24, 2025


Unidentified Naytibo is a Stellar Blade boss that we will face after passing the Spire 4 area, at which point certain events will occur that will end up taking us back to Xion until we reach the room where Orcal was.

This powerful Naytibo is the one who killed Tachy in the prologue of the game and stands out for having a lot of mobility, although the battle is not that complicated. At first it seemed to me that he would be the typical very complicated boss, but you’ll see how quickly you’ll get the hang of it and make it easy for yourself .

Of course, something very relevant about this battle is that it will be the first time that a boss has an Instant Death Skill, although luckily it is quite easy to prevent him from using it.


The battle against Unidentified Naytibo consists of 3 phases:


The boss starts with these attacks:

  • Standard Combo : As always, the boss will have physical attacks that you must block looking for the perfect parry . Be very attentive anyway because this boss usually dodges backwards and then proceeds to attack again with a charge and in general has some somewhat confusing basic combos.
  • Furious Combo (Red + Yellow) : His combo in which his body turns red for a moment consists of several blows, but be very careful since at the end of the combo of blows two things can happen.
    • Let him jump back and start launching a yellow attack at you in which he will make pillars of a rather strange black liquid emerge that you will have to dodge.
    • Let him finish the combo with a yellow attack with his two swords, you will have to dodge quickly because he does it immediately after finishing his combo of normal attacks.
  • Triple Cloud (Yellow) : He does this very often and it’s great because it couldn’t be easier to dodge. With it, it launches three… “black clouds” forward that move for a very long distance but do so extremely slowly, so you should have no problems avoiding them. Of course, be careful because they will stay in the field for a long time bothering you and if you get lost you could accidentally eat some. If he catches you in melee spam dodge to the side.
  • Diving Attack (Yellow) : It will make a big jump and dive towards you, the ideal is to run and dodge when it falls to the ground.

The phase change will be very soon, as soon as you lower his health by 15% or something like that. You’ll notice this because a cinematic will appear in which he starts flying, makes an area of ​​black clouds (he does it in the air, so it shouldn’t hit you) and returns to the ground.


Here things get a little more complicated, but the most relevant thing is that it will be the first time that a boss performs an Instant Death Skill on us , I will explain below, but I think the name is quite illuminating.

  • Crazy Combo (Red) : A combo of quick attacks that you must block, just be careful because it is quite confusing since it moves away and comes back… sometimes it seems that the combo has finished and then it continues… well, it does strange things, like this Don’t trust yourself.
  • Furious Combo (Red + Blue) : Typical quick attack combo (you know, her body will turn red) only this time it will end with a blue attack, so be ready to dodge forward when the blue glow appears on Eve.
  • Pillar Combo (Red + Yellow) : Quite confusing physical combo in which you will end up invoking the Black Pillars that I mention below.
  • Black Pillars (Yellow) : He will summon a few pillars of that strange black liquid in front of him, move away from the black puddles on the ground and that’s it.
  • Aerial Machine Gun (Yellow) : It will start to fly, it will stay for a while charging a magical attack in which it will throw some yellow balls at us (you start running to the side and you control the angle of your character so that they don’t hit you, they chase slightly, nothing to do with Demoinsecto ‘s projectiles ) and be careful because after this he will make a diving attack towards you, so be alert to avoid him.
  • Elusive Blue Strike (Purple sometimes) : We will use Blink, but sometimes the boss will run away and we will not be able to damage him with this ability, it is what it is. Other times when he leaves he will perform a very fast purple attack, it is quite difficult to dodge backwards in time, be VERY attentive.

Instant Death Skill

He will do it when we are about to enter the next phase. It will fly and begin to charge a very powerful attack. The important thing here is that you pay attention to the fact that he will have about 3 yellow balls around him that you will have to shoot until you destroy them, the only thing is that the boss will attack, so it won’t be that simple.

Do the following in this order:

  1. You shoot one of the yellow balls and destroy it.
  2. You start running as he will quickly throw several yellow balls at you.
  3. You eliminate the second yellow ball.
  4. You dodge the mega attack of the pillars, it means placing yourself well between the gaps.
  5. You eliminate the third yellow ball.

As soon as you destroy the 3 yellow balls, the boss will be stunned and if you get close to him you can do the typical attack in which you grab him and cause a lot of damage (you know, you get close and press the triangle when the triangle appears in the interface of the game).

Shortly after (you keep hitting him if not) he will go to the last phase with a cinematic for a change.


The third phase is very similar to the previous one and again he can throw his Instant Death Skill at us again. Some of his attacks will be enhanced and he will also acquire some new attacks, we list the most relevant ones.

  • Multiple Cloud (Yellow) : The attack with which he launched 3 slow black clouds, only now he will launch many more in various directions.
  • Double Blue Attack : He will perform a blue attack, a bit of a deception since shortly after he will perform another blue attack.
  • Charge (Yellow) : A charge towards us that you must avoid. He did this sometimes in other combos, but he also does it all at once when he wants.

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