October 6, 2024


The Ancestor of the Mist  is the third boss of Sea of ​​Stars , the same one who teaches us the fundamentals of “using magic without using magic” will decide to test us in a battle against himself in which we will have to be quite careful.

The boss is simple as such, but it is also true that it is quite important to know a certain aspect of his attack kit because otherwise… well, otherwise I assure you that you will have a bad time. In fact, in my first battle against him I did not realize that “aspect” and as a result it was quite difficult for me to defeat him. But hey… now in the guide I explain to you, don’t worry about that, if you take into account what I will comment on in this guide you will do it in a simple way.


We will start as always by seeing his entire arsenal of attacks in detail and after this I will give you some tips to make this battle much easier (in this case it is vital that you follow them or the boss will be quite complicated).


This boss consists of two distinct entities . Firstly we have the Ancestor of the Mist himself and secondly his Sword (which is a different objective and is the arm he has on the right on the screen), we will separate the attacks of each of these two objectives (I will explain below which one you should focus on):

Ancestor Attacks:

  • Crush with the Fist : He will crush one of our characters with his fist, it does not have much mystery, he blocks when he is going to lower his fist to slightly reduce the damage received by the character whose turn it is to receive the blow.
  • Healing Mist (avoidable) : You will see that the boss will have a kind of magic ball in the palm of his left hand; Here you will have to try to prevent him from carrying out the attack by hitting with the elements/weapons indicated by the boss (you already know this system). If you do not manage to avoid the attack before his action begins, the Ancestor will cast a very powerful cure to his Sword or to himself in the event that you have defeated his Sword and at that moment he does not have it active .
  • Revive Sword : After a few turns after you defeat his Sword, the Ancestor will revive it, although luckily he will not revive it with its full life (almost, but not).

Sword Attacks:

  • Countercut (be careful with this one) : A very powerful attack that will affect the entire group causing a lot of damage. It will only be done when we attack the Ancestor while having his sword active (let’s say his sword’s health is not at zero) as a counterattack. This is that important aspect that I mentioned at the beginning of the post, but anyway now in the next section I explain the topic better. You can block it, but it’s still a lot of damage, so your thing is to directly prevent him from using it.


The key to this battle is to always focus on defeating his Sword and only after that start attacking the Ancestor of the Mist as such; this is to prevent him from using his “Counter Slash” attack, which is the only really dangerous attack this boss has.

Of course, clarify a couple of important things regarding this:

  1. If you use Zale’s “Solar Sphere” or Valere’s “Crescent Arc” targeting the Sword, you will not activate the Ancestor’s Counterslash even if you have indirectly damaged it.
  2. If you instead use Valere’s “Lunerang” (even if you target the Sword), Counter Slash will activate, so it’s best to never use this attack when the Sword is active.

Having this clear, the only thing that can give you problems apart from this is the issue of canceling the healing attack (the attack that we can avoid by attacking him with certain elements/weapons). In light of this, I would like to give you some advice:

Keep in mind that you can use the life energy orbs that enemies drop when you hit them with your basic attack to infuse your weapon with an element, if for example the enemy asks you to use the sun element twice (something that would be difficult to get), you can use Zale’s basic attack using 2 of those orbs, if you do the attack well, it will count as 2 sun hits (if you only use one orb, you will do one sun damage and one slash damage on the Zale case). The Combo attack “Solstice Strike” can also be helpful in that regard.

Regarding the cures, there is little to say, use the Combo Skill “Restoring Light” if things get too complicated and for the rest you know, you have Garl’s cure or Zale’s (better to use Garl’s) and also the healing items you can make at bonfires by cooking (again it’s best to use Garl’s turn for this sort of thing).


This is what we will get shortly after overcoming this battle:

  • Change the Time of Day : The Ancestor will teach us the ability to change the time of day, something that will be quite useful to us from now on. Basically we will have to place ourselves on special platforms called “Celestial Rune” and there we will be able to change the time of day which will normally allow us to activate certain mechanisms.

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