Reputation is the fame our Traveler has in each Teyvat region in Genshin Impact . As we go up the level of this we will get advantages in that region and certain objects that will help us to facilitate our experience when exploring.
In addition to obtaining an item, card, recipe or instructions when leveling up the Reputation… we will also obtain certain advantages in each city such as being able to ask the blacksmith for the location of minerals or a reduction in the Mora cost of items in local stores.
Keep in mind that raising the levels of a nation’s Reputation is a long process that can take about three months, so you have to be patient and constant when completing the missions that can help us raise it every week.
These are the main reasons that will encourage us to complete the Reputation of each Teyvat place:
- Increase the level of the pass by completing the two weekly Bounty Hunts and Citizen Petitions missions.
- Get multiple rewards that will help us improve our experience when exploring each region.
- By performing the weekly Reputation tasks we can obtain up to 150,000 Moras.
- Unlock multiple perks in each Teyvat region.
- To be able to concentrate the Original Resin.
- Being able to plant specialties in the Relaxteapot .
There are only four ways to raise the Reputation of a region, some of them are repeatable every week and others can only be done once.

The Bounty Hunts are expeditions in which we will have to defeat a powerful enemy, which will have special conditions that will normally grant it some type of immunity and in turn will have a weakness to some element or type of weapon in particular (so we must always read this part before going on a hunt).
In the case of Mondstadt and Liyue we will have to use the Elemental Vision to find 3 traces to be able to find our target, but fortunately in the Inazuma and Sumeru hunts there are no traces and we can go directly to defeat the enemy.
Each week we can only do three Rewarded Hunts and depending on the difficulty we choose for the hunt we will earn a greater or lesser reward:
- Bounty Hunting ⭐⭐⭐: 60 Reputation points and 20,000 Blackberries.
- Bounty Hunt ⭐⭐⭐⭐: 80 Reputation and 25,000 Blackberries.
- Bounty Hunt ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: 100 Reputation points and 30,000 Blackberries.

The Citizen Petitions are tasks that the NPCs of the region in which we are trying to raise the Reputation will ask us, generally these tasks consist of collecting some material (carrots, pieces of meat, Cherry Petals , minerals…) or in exterminating a group of enemies that are causing trouble.
We can complete a maximum of 3 Citizen Petitions a week , that is, if we complete the Liyue ones, then we will not be able to do the Sumeru ones. In addition, each one that we complete will reward us with 40 Reputation points and 20,000 Moras.
We only have to explore each region of Teyvat until at least 60% of it is explored, since we will only get 100 Reputation points and 20,000 Moras when we reach 20%, 40% and 60%, beyond that we will not receive any reward .
So you know, to take every chest you see, do all the possible challenges, guide Seelies to their statues and solve every puzzle that exists; this time the interactive map is your best ally.
Not all but some of the missions that we complete in each Region will give us a small bonus; those that are related to the main story can give us up to 100 Reputation points, but those that are world quests or daily missions will give us only 20 Reputation points.
If we are a little lost we can talk to the NPC in charge of each region we can consult the name of the missions that we still have to complete to get an idea of what we have to do.
In each nation we can raise the Reputation between 8 or 10 levels and in each of them we will get various objects that will help us explore that region, typical recipes of the city, a new glider design…
- Recipe: Northern Beef and Apple Stew .
- Instructions – Anemoculus Resonance Rock : These instructions will allow us to synthesize a contraption that will mark an area of the map where we are missing an Anemoculus.
- Blueprint – Windcatcher Bottle : This is an object that can create wind currents by picking up anemogranes, it can be very useful for reaching hard-to-reach places (especially if you don’t have Venti or Kazuha ).
- Mondstadt Card – Fame and Recipe: Adventurer’s Sandwich .
- Blueprint – Nutritious Bag (Version nº30) : It will allow us to make a bag that will allow us to equip ourselves with food to be able to consume it without having to enter the menu.
- Blueprint – Anemo Treasure Hunter Compass : It will allow us to create a compass that will indicate the direction of a nearby chest that we have not collected in Mondstadt (does not include Spinadragón). This only works if we have a chest relatively close, if this is not the case it will not mark any direction.
- Mondstadt Card – Blessing and Recipe: Mooncake .
- Wings of the Celestial Wind (Glider).
Upon reaching level 2 of Reputation we will also have the advantage that the Mondstadt blacksmith (Wagner) will indicate places where minerals have come out on the map and upon reaching level 4 we will obtain a discount in the Mondstadt shops.
- Recipe: Golden Shrimp Meatballs .
- Instructions – Geoculus Resonance Rock : These instructions will allow us to synthesize a device that will mark an area of the map where we are missing a Geoculus.
- Instructions – Concentrated Resin : The best plane without a doubt. It will allow us to concentrate 40 Original Resin in an object that will store it (we can have a maximum of 5 at a time), it will serve to store it when we do not want to spend it or to complete domains more quickly.
- Liyue Card – Ships and Recipe: Lotus Starlets .
- Blueprint – Adeptus Gourmet Pot : This is a blueprint that will allow us to create a portable pot that we can use to cook anywhere.
- Plane – Geo treasure hunter compass : It will allow us to create a compass that will indicate the direction of a nearby chest that we have not collected in Liyue (includes the Sima).
- Liyue Card – Among the Clouds and Recipe: Heavenly Axis Style Meat .
- Wings of Golden Flight (glider) .
As in Mondstadt, when you reach level 2, the blacksmith will tell us the location of the mineral ores and at level 4 we will have the discount in stores.
- Recipe: Konda Stew .
- Decoration Plan – Twilight of the Pines and Decoration Plan – Immovable Light .
- StormSense Seeds .
- Inazuma Card – Kamisato Emblem and Recipe: Rice Cake Soup .
- Red Feather Fan : A fan that when used will allow us to increase flight speed by 30% for 30 seconds.
- Decoration Plan – Long Dream Wood Table and Decoration Plan – Steaming White Tea Set .
- Inazuma Card – Raiden Emblem and Recipe: Butter Crab .
- Instructions – Electroculus Resonance Rock : These instructions will allow us to synthesize a contraption that will mark an area of the map where we are missing an Electroculus.
- Plane – Electro Treasure Seeker Compass : It will allow us to create a compass that will indicate the direction of a nearby chest that we have not collected in Inazuma (includes Enkanomiya).
- Wings of the Storm Rider (glider).
As it happens in Liyue and Mondstadt, when you reach level 2 of Reputation you can ask the blacksmith for the mineral betas and when you reach level 4 you will have a discount in the Inazuma shops.
- Recipe: Butter Chicken .
- Decoration Plan – Table for ceramics in radiant wood and Decoration Plan – Aseptic shelf in radiant wood .
- Ashvattha Blessing : This is an amulet that when used will give us wood from nearby trees without the need to cut down.
- Sumeru Card – Enlightenment and Recipe: Tahchín .
- Experimental combustion lamp : An object that allows us to speed up the creation of ingredients (sugar, wheat…) in exchange for minerals.
- Decoration Blueprint – Radiant Wood Multi-Purpose Street Stall and Decoration Blueprint – Radiant Wood Skewers Stand .
- Sumeru Card – Righteousness and Recipe: Biryani .
- Instructions – Dendroculus Resonance Rock : These instructions will allow us to synthesize a contraption that will mark an area of the map where we are missing a Dendroculus.
- Plane – Dendro Treasure Hunter Compass : It will allow us to create a compass that will indicate the direction of a nearby chest that we have not collected in Sumeru.
- Wings of Exuberance (glider) .
And for a change at level 2 of Reputation the miner will tell us places where we can find minerals and at level 4 we will have discounts in Sumeru stores.