Lynx is a four-star character belonging to the Path of Abundance in Honkai Star Rail . As you can imagine, his role on the team will be that of Healer and, like many of the Abundance characters, he scales his healing based on the amount of Maximum HP this character has.
All of Lynx’s abilities offer us healing, except for his Basic Attacks (although as a curiosity, these increase his damage with respect to his Maximum HP), and this also includes both his Talent and his Technique that enable continuous healing similar to the that Natasha gives us when using her Basic Skill.
But the most interesting thing about this character from my point of view is his ability to eliminate negative states from the members of the group, since his Ultimate Skill will eliminate a negative effect for each member of the group, thus being able to remove very annoying effects that nullify us. or delay the actions of our characters.
In this post we will see a complete analysis of this character and of course his best Builds , Cones of Light, Artifacts, Ornaments and more. Let’s go there!
These are the Attributes or Stats that Lynx will have at the maximum level (80):
- HP: 1058
- ATK: 494
- DEF: 551
- SPEED: 100
His statistics are quite mediocre on the bad side, since he has lower Base HP than characters like Bailu or Natasha. Her Base SPD is mediocre and his ATK is of no use to her, since even the damage of her Basic Attacks scales with her Maximum HP. What she stands out a little about is that she has a higher Base DEF than other Path of Abundance characters, but she doesn’t surpass them by much either.
These are all Lynx Skills. The numbers/percentages are the ones at the lowest level:
- Energy Recovery: 20
- Weakness Break: 30
Perform an attack that deals 25% of Lynx’s Maximum HP as Quantum Damage to a single enemy of your choice.
- Basic Skill Point Consumption: 1
- Energy Recovery: 30
When using Lynx’s Basic Skill on an ally, we will apply an effect called Survival Reaction that will increase the HP of the selected character by an amount equivalent to 5% of the Max HP. Lynx +50 for two turns . If the ally to whom we have applied this effect belongs to the Path of Destruction or the Path of Conservation, he or she will have a greater chance of receiving attacks while under the effect of Lynx’s Basic Skill.
In addition to providing this effect, it will also grant the target character healing equal to 8% of Max HP. from Lynx +80.
- Energy Cost: 100
- Energy Recovery: 5
This Ultimate Skill is much better than Bailu’s or Natasha’s, since Lynx will heal the entire group, providing a cure proportional to 9% of their Maximum HP + 90 and, in addition, it will remove a negative status from each member of the group . group .
This is very necessary, since it is vitally important to have at least one character in the team who can eliminate negative states as annoying as Anger, Freezing or Control and if, for example, two or more members are unwell due to one of these states. , Lynx is capable of eliminating them for all affected members and thus we will avoid losing turns due to these states.
When Lynx uses his Ultimate or Basic Skill, an ally will receive continuous healing proportional to 2.4% of Lynx’s Maximum HP + 24 for 2 turns. If the ally receiving continuous healing from this Talent is under the HP-increasing effects of Lynx’s Basic Skill, the effect of this Talent will additionally regenerate HP based on 3% of Lynx’s Maximum HP + 30.
When using his Technique, Lynx will apply the continuous healing of his Talent to all members of the group for 2 turns, which can be very useful when playing the Simulated Universe.
We can unlock them in the Traces when we reach a certain Ascension Level.
- Ascension Level 2 – Previous Research
- When an ally under the effects of Lynx’s Basic Skill is hit, she will regain 2 energy points.
- Ascension Level 4 – Exploration Techniques
- +35% chance to resist the negative Control status.
- Ascension Level 6 – Extreme Survival
- +1 turn to continued healing from Lynx’s Talent.
These are the improvements that the character obtains through the Eidolon:
- E1 – Snow Walk Morning : +20% to the healing performed by Lynx to allies whose HP bar is at 50% or less. This bonus also applies to the continued healing of your Talent.
- E2 – Portable Stove Melody : Characters under the effects of Lynx’s Basic Survival Reaction Skill can resist negative statuses 1 time.
- E3 – Avalanche Beacon Afternoon : +2 levels to Basic Skill and +1 level to Basic Attack.
- E4 – Camp Fire Dusk : The character who is under the Survival Reaction effect of Lynx’s Basic Skill gains an ATK increase in proportion to 3% of Lynx’s Maximum HP for 1 turn.
- E5 – Dawn Tea Night : +2 levels to the Ultimate Skill and Talent.
- E6 – Dawn of the Exploration Map : The HP boost provided by Lynx’s Basic Skill is increased by an additional 6% of his Maximum HP. Additionally, the RES effect of Lynx is increased by 30%.
His Eidolons are not entirely bad but they are not surprising either, the one that we would be very interested in having is his E6 , since this gives us +30% RES to Effect for Lynx and will be very useful to us, due to the fact that This character will be in charge of removing the negative effects of our allies and it is convenient for us to have this parameter high so that they do not disable us.
Basically, we will try to build a build with the highest possible amount of HP for our Lynx so that it enhances its healing as much as possible, although it will also be very relevant to increase its Energy Recovery because its Ultimate Skill can eliminate negative states. It is also advisable to look for Effect Resistance in the secondary attributes of your artifacts since it is very convenient for this character to resist negative statuses due to his role in the team.

These are the best Light Cones for Lynx ordered from best to worst (they are all highly recommended anyway) and trying to add both 5 star and 4 star options. Here we will list the effects in Level 1 Overlay.
- Time Doesn’t Wait ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: +12% to Healing performed and +18% of Max HP. When the character carrying this Cone of Light heals an ally, said healing will be recorded for the moment an enemy attacks us, who will receive damage proportional to 36% of the healing that was recorded (the Elemental Damage received will be of the same type as the cone bearer’s and this effect can happen once per turn).
- Warm Nights Don’t Last ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +16% Max HP. When the wielder of this Cone of Light uses his/her Basic Attack or Basic Skill, party members will regain health in proportion to 2% of the wielder’s Max HP.
- Postoperative Conversation ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +8% to energy recovery and +12% to Healing performed by the Ultimate Skill.
- Shared Feeling ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +10% to the Healing performed. When using the Basic Skill, all characters will recover 2 energy points.
- Equivalent Exchange ⭐⭐⭐⭐: At the beginning of the turn you will recover 8 energy points for a random ally whose energy percentage is less than 50%.
- The Right Moment ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +16% to the wearer’s Effect Resistance. The wearer’s healing is increased by 33% compared to their Effect Resistance, healing can be increased by at most 15% in this way.
We will start with the Artifacts and Ornaments. These are the statistics that we recommend in each piece to enhance your role as a Healer .
- Torso : Healing Bonus > HP%.
- Legs : SPEED.
- Plane Sphere : PV%.
- Binding Rope : Energy Recovery.
The substats :
- PV%
- RES to Effect.
- VEL.
- PV.
- DEF %.
As for artifact sets, the following would be your best option:
Passing Cloud Passer

- 2 pieces : Healing done +10%.
- 4 pieces : When entering combat we will gain a Basic Skill point.
If instead of the Basic Skill point you prefer to enhance his healing even more, we can combine two pieces of the Passing Cloud Passer with another two pieces of Long-lived Disciple to increase Lynx’s HP by 12%, since his healing depends on to their Maximum HP.
And now your best Ornament Sets:
Fleet of the Eternals

- 2 pieces : Max VPs of the wearer increase by 8%. If the Speed of the wearer of this set is 120 points or higher, the ATK% of all team members will increase by 8%.
Lynx’s entire skill kit revolves around the amount of Maximum HP that this character has, so it will be very useful for us to equip this Set of Ornaments to enhance this parameter. In addition, it will allow us to increase the ATK% of the party , thus being able to increase the damage of the skills of the rest of the team.
Broken Keel

- 2 Pieces : The wearer’s RES Effect increases by 10%. If your Effect RES reaches 30% or more, all allies’ CRIT Damage will increase by 10%.
In the case in which we are very surplus in the healing of Lynx, we can equip him with this Set of Ornaments to increase his RES to Effect, which will be very useful for this character and in addition, we will increase the Critical Damage of the allies if we end up having at least 30% Effect Resistance in our Lynx build (which is achieved directly with its E6).
We will give some examples of equipment and recommended routes , but in the end what you should do is take into account the enemy’s weaknesses when building it.
Single Target Composition

- 1 Hunt: Seele , Yanqing , or Dan Heng .
- 1 Harmony: Bronya , Tingyun or Asta .
- 1 Nihility: Kafka , Silver Wolf or Luka .
- 1 Abundance: Lynx.
Multi Target Composition

Recommended when we face many enemies (the most common):
- 1 Erudition: Jing Yuan , Himeko , Qingque or Herta .
- 1 Destruction: Imbibitor Lunae , Hook or Physical Pathfinder .
- 1 Harmony or 1 Nihility: Yukong , Tingyun, Welt or Sampo .
- 1 Abundance: Lynx.
These are the Character Ascension and Trail Materials that Lynx needs:
- Core Off.
- Seed of Abundance.
- Ape Nail (Paralyzed Shadow – Form of the Abomination).
- Repentance of the Eternal Vehicle of the Soul ( Phantylia the Immortal ).
- Traces of Destiny (for the highest level).