March 28, 2025


Fu Xuan is a five-star character who belongs to the Path of Conservation in Honkai Star Rail . Despite being the first character in this Path to not generate shields, he compensates very well by taking damage instead of allies while providing damage reduction for the entire party .

She reminds me a little of Dehya from Genshin Impact , since this character also specializes in mitigating damage, since she receives part of the damage caused to the rest of the characters on the team and, in addition, both have mechanics that allow them to regenerate their own health bar. life without needing to have a healer on the team.

The truth is that he is a quite strange character and seems like a mix between an Abundance and a Harmony rather than a Conservation character, since in addition to everything we have mentioned, Fu Xuan also has other abilities that allow him to increase everyone’s HP. allies and also boosts his CRIT Rate and even has an additional ability that allows him to provide a certain amount of healing to the party.

In this post we will see a complete analysis of this character and of course his best Builds , Cones of Light, Artifacts, Ornaments and more. Let’s go there!


These are the Attributes or Stats that Fu Xuan will have at the highest level (80):

  • HP: 1475
  • ATK: 466
  • DEF: 606
  • SPEED: 100
  • Taunt: 150

He stands out for having an exaggeratedly high amount of HP , which will be very useful for his Tank role and at the same time, it also favors the damage of his skills, since the damage of all his attacks scales with respect to his Maximum HP and not on function to its ATK. The rest of his attributes are quite balanced and we don’t care about ATK at all because he doesn’t use it at all.


These are all of Fu Xuan’s Skills. The numbers/percentages are the ones at the lowest level:


  • Energy Recovery: 20
  • Weakness Break: 30

Perform an attack that deals 25% of Fu Xuan’s Maximum HP as Quantum Damage to a single enemy of your choice.


  • Basic Skill Point Consumption: 1
  • Energy Recovery: 30

When Fu Xuan uses his Basic Skill, he will activate the Omen Matrix and receive 65% of the damage that enemies cause to our allies for 3 turns.

While the Array of Omen is active on the battlefield, all allies will be affected by an effect called Knowledge, this effect increases the Max HP of allies by an amount equal to 3% of Fu Xuan’s Max HP. and it also increases the CRIT Prob. by 6%.

In the event that Fu Xuan is defeated, the Omen Array will disappear from the battlefield with her and we will lose the bonuses granted by the Knowledge effect.


  • Energy Cost: 135
  • Energy Recovery: 5
  • Weakness Break: 60

We will generate an area attack that will inflict 60% of Fu Xuan’s Maximum HP as Quantum Damage to all enemies on the battlefield, in addition, we will also get an additional charge for Fu Xuan’s Talent .


From the outset, this Talent means that as long as Fu Xuan is present on the battlefield and has not been defeated, the damage received by all allies is reduced by 10%.

The other effect of this Talent means that when her HP drops to half or less, she automatically restores an amount proportional to 80% of her missing HP at that moment (but it cannot be activated if she has received a lethal blow at that moment). that defeats her).

At the beginning of each battle we will have 1 accumulation of this Talent, but we can have a maximum of 2; In order to restore the charges we spend, we will need to execute Fu Xuan’s Ultimate Skill which will give us a stack.


By using his Technique, Fu Xuan will create a barrier for 20 seconds that will not allow enemies to ambush us while we explore (therefore, we will not enter combat if an enemy tries to attack us). If we enter battle while the barrier is still active, Fu Xuan will automatically activate the Omen Array for 2 turns without having to use his Basic Skill.


We can unlock them in the Traces when we reach a certain Ascension Level.

  • Ascension Level 2 – Tai Yi Divination
    • If Fu Xuan uses her Basic Skill again while the Omen Array activated by this skill is still present, she will recover an additional 20 energy points.
  • Ascension Level 4 – Dun Jia Divination
    • Allies (with the exception of Fu Xuan herself) will now recover HP each time Fu Xuan uses his Ultimate Skill, thus recovering an amount proportional to 5% of Fu Xuan’s Maximum HP + 133.
  • Ascension Level 6 – Liu Ren Divination
    • When an enemy tries to apply a Control state to one or more of our allies and the Omen Matrix is ​​active, all allies will resist said state. This effect can only be activated once, but it will reset when we activate the Omen Array again using Fu Xuan’s Basic Skill.


These are the improvements that the character obtains through the Eidolon:

  • E1 – Cycle of Life and Death : The Knowledge effects granted by Fu Xuan’s Basic Skill now also increase allies’ Critical Damage by 30%.
  • E2 – Ominous Omen : If any ally receives a lethal blow that would defeat them while the Omen Matrix is ​​active on the field, they will automatically recover an amount proportional to 70% of their Max HP. instead of being defeated (can only be activated once per battle).
  • E3 – Vertical Talisman : +2 levels to Basic Skill and Talent.
  • E4 – Favorable Star : When another character other than Fu Xuan receives an attack while the Omen Array is active, Fu Xuan will recover 5 energy points.
  • E5 – Truthful Divination : +2 levels to the Ultimate Skill and +1 level to the Basic Attack.
  • E6 – Salvation : When Fu Xuan’s Omen Matrix is ​​activated, a count of the damage that the characters receive is activated, this count will serve to increase the damage of Fu Xuan’s Ultimate Skill by 200% of the count of HP lost . The lost HP count cannot exceed 120% of Fu Xuan’s Maximum HP and when using his Ultimate Skill, this count will be reset.

His first two Eidolons are very interesting, since the E1 will allow us to increase the Critical Damage of all allies by 30% while the Omen Matrix is ​​active on the field (and it is very easy to keep it active all the time), while that his E2 has an effect similar to Bailu ‘s Talent that allows us to resurrect a character who has fallen in battle.


Fu Xuan’s role focuses on mitigating damage from allies to receive it herself, so we will need to have a fairly high amount of HP. She’ll also want this character to have extra Energy Recovery, since she needs to use her Ultimate Skill often to restore her Talent charges that allow her to heal.


You've Already Closed Your Eyes on Honkai Star Rail

These are the best Cones of Light for Fu Xuan ordered from best to worst (they are all highly recommended anyway) and trying to add both 5 star and 4 star options. Here we will list the effects in Level 1 Overlay.

  • He Has Already Closed His Eyes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: +24% to Maximum HP and +12% to the wearer’s Energy Recovery. When the wearer loses HP, the damage dealt by allies is increased by 9% for 2 turns. This Cone of Light will also restore 80% of all allies’ missing HP at the beginning of each wave.
  • The Texture of Memories ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: +8% to the wearer’s RES Effect. The character who has this Cone of Light equipped will receive a shield proportional to 16% of their HP if they do not have any active shield when receiving an attack. This effect can be activated once every 3 turns and in addition, when the wearer has the shield generated by this Cone of Light, it also reduces the damage they receive by 12%.
  • The Moment of Victory  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: +24% DEF, 24% Effect Hit and increases the probability of receiving enemy attacks. Upon receiving an attack you gain 24% additional DEF until the end of your turn.
  • Landau’s Choice  ⭐⭐⭐⭐: You will be more likely to be hit by enemies and take 16% less damage.
  • The First Day of the Rest of my Life  ⭐⭐⭐⭐: +16% DEF and 8% RES to damage to the entire party when entering combat (cannot be activated multiple times in a battle even if you have 2 characters with the Cone of Light ).
  • We Are Flare ⭐⭐⭐⭐: -8% damage to the group for 5 turns. Additionally, all allies recover 30% of the HP they have lost each.


We will start with the Artifacts and Ornaments. These are the statistics that we recommend in each piece to optimize the character’s performance.

  • Torso : PV %.
  • Legs : SPEED.
  • Plane Sphere : PV %.
  • Binding Rope : Energy Recovery.

The substats:

  • PV %.
  • DEF %.
  • RES to Effect.
  • Prob. CRIT.
  • CRIT Damage

As for artifact sets, the following would be your best option:

Long-lived Disciple

Long-Living Disciple in Honkai Star Rail
  • 2 pieces : +12% HP.
  • 4 pieces : +8% CRIT Chance for 2 turns when the wearer receives an attack or an ally consumes the wearer’s HP (including the character equipped with this set), this effect can be stacked 2 times.

Your best Ornament Sets:

Fleet of the Eternals

Fleet of the Eternals on Honkai Star Rail
  • 2 pieces : Max VPs of the wearer increase by 8%. If the Speed ​​of the wearer of this set is 120 points or higher, the ATK% of all team members will increase by 8%.

Fu Xuan takes a lot of advantage from HP, as it increases his stamina as a Tank, enhances the damage of his skills and increases the HP of allies based on his own, so Fleet of the Eternals is a very good option to enhance all this while raising the ATK% of all allies a little.

Broken Keel

Broken Keel on Honkai Star Rail
  • 2 Pieces : The wearer’s RES Effect increases by 10%. If your Effect RES reaches 30% or more, all allies’ CRIT Damage will increase by 10%.

It will help us to boost the CRIT Damage of the allies a little and we will also take advantage of the RES to Effect, since we are not interested in our tank falling under any harmful effect that leaves it out of play.


We will give some examples of equipment and recommended routes , but in the end what you should do is take into account the enemy’s weaknesses when building it.

Single Target Composition

Recommended for bosses or individual enemies.

Seele on Honkai Star Rail
  • 1 Hunt: Seele , Yanqing , or Sushang .
  • 1 Harmony: Bronya , Yukong or Asta .
  • 1 Nihility: Silver Wolf , Welt or Pela .
  • 1 Conservation: Fu Xuan.

Multi Target Composition

Blade in Honkai Star Rail

Recommended when we face many enemies (the most common):

  • 1 Erudition: Jing Yuan , Himeko , Qingque or Serval .
  • 1 Destruction: Blade , Hook or  Physical Pathfinder .
  • 1 Harmony or 1 Nihility: Yukong, Tingyun ,  Kafka , Luka or Sampo .
  • 1 Conservation: Fu Xuan.


These are the Character Ascension and Trace Materials that Fu Xuan needs:

  • Mechanical Artificial Component.
  • Persistence of Bronze.
  • Ape Nail (Paralyzed Shadow – Form of the Abomination).
  • Repentance of the Eternal Vehicle of the Soul ( Phantylia the Immortal ).
  • Traces of Destiny (for the highest level).

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