February 22, 2025


Fréminet is a four-star character whose role is that of Main DPS and despite belonging to the Cryo Element, he specializes in generating high Physical Damage just like Eula . This character is related to Lyney and Lynette and also belongs to the Fontaine region in Genshin Impact .

Fréminet’s Elemental Ability is very peculiar because it imbues him in a state in which his Normal Attacks shoot waves that generate Cryo Damage as well as Physical Damage, something that reminds me a bit of Razor’s Ultimate Ability. . Although the Cryo Damage it generates is certainly not interesting, but it will be useful for us to activate the Elemental Reaction of Superconductor.

It is highly recommended to have Fréminet with at least one Hydro character in the team, since when he performs an Icebreaker on a Frozen enemy, the damage caused by the cancellation of the state of his Elemental Skill increases by 40% and said hit is the that he generates the most damage in his entire kit of abilities when the pressure bar is at maximum, but we will see this in more detail in the explanation of his abilities.


Within the four-star characters, he is one of the ones with the highest Base Attack (although it is not something to write home about), but he stands out more for his good balance between Base Life and Base Defense; These would be his parameters when promoting it to level 90:

  • Base Life: 12,071.
  • Base Attack: 255.
  • Base Defense: 708.
  • Attack %: 24%.

Its stats are certainly similar to Razor ‘s , except that Fréminet has slightly higher Base Attack and Base Health than Razor, but in return has slightly less Base Defense than Razor. By ascending him we will obtain Attack % that will not hurt us to increase the damage of his attacks, although it would have been more interesting if he would gain Physical Damage Bonus by ascending him.


Let’s see their talents or abilities.


His Normal Attacks are pretty similar to other characters who use the greatsword as a weapon, so there aren’t many changes here.

  • Normal Attack : Perform a combo of up to four hits.
  • Charged Attack : Consumes Stamina to perform a continuous spin attack.
  • Descending Attack : We will hit the ground causing a blow that causes Physical Damage in an area.


  • TdE: 10 s.
  • Up Attack Damage: 149.47% (level 10).
  • Waves of Frost Damage: 12.89% (level 10).
  • Breaking Pressure Damage (level 0): 360.89% (level 10).
  • Breaking Pressure Damage (level 1): 180.43% Cryo + 87.64% Physical (level 10).
  • Breaking Pressure Damage (level 2): ​​126.3% Cryo + 153.37% Physical (level 10).
  • Breaking Pressure Damage (level 3): 72.17% Cryo + 219.1% Physical (level 10).
  • Breaking Pressure Damage (level 4): 438.19% (level 10).

Upon casting this Elemental Skill, Fréminet will execute an Up Attack that deals Cryo Damage and enter a state called Pers Hour; while Fréminet is in this state, his Elemental Ability transforms into Breaking Pressure, which does different attacks depending on the pressure level of Pers Hour and cancels this state when pressed again:

  • Level 0: Performs a vertical slash that deals Cryo Damage.
  • Level 1-3: Execute a vertical slash next to Pers that deals both Physical Damage and Cryo Damage, but the damage of this varies depending on the level of pressure.
  • Level 4: Deal a powerful blow that deals heavy Physical Damage and transforms Normal Attacks into Crushing Pressure.

This Elemental Ability can be a bit messy, but basically while we’re in the Pers Hour state, Fréminet’s Basic Attacks release waves of frost that deal Cryo Damage while dealing Physical Damage with his basics (the damage of his these waves of frost is considered Elemental Skill damage).

Each time Fréminet performs one of these Basic Attacks, the Pers Hour pressure gauge level will increase by one level. When using the Elemental Skill again, we will activate the Breaking Pressure attack that will vary depending on the level of pressure we have achieved, but we will leave the Pers Time state when it is activated.

Arjé: Pneuma

  • Spirit-Breath Thorn Interval: 9 sec.
  • Spirit Breath Thorn Damage: 25.92% (level 10).

Every 9 seconds, when Fréminet executes the Up Attack of his Elemental Skill, Fréminet will create a breathspirit spine that deals another up attack to the enemy dealing Cryo Damage charged with Pneuma energy .


  • Energy Cost: 60.
  • TdE: 15 s.
  • Duration: 10 sec.
  • Skill Damage: 573.12% (level 10).

As soon as we use Fréminet’s Ultimate, the TOE of his Elemental Ability will reset and he will launch a wave that deals Cryo Damage in an area; In addition, he will enter another special state for 10 seconds that gives him the following advantages:

  • Increased resistance to interruption.
  • Reduced the TOE of the Elemental Skill by 70% , which will allow us to cast it every 3 seconds.
  • The Elemental Skill’s meter pressure level goes up by two levels with each hit instead of one, and waves of frost released increase their damage by 200%.

If we switch characters while the duration of this Ultimate is still in effect, Fréminet will exit this state and lose the buffs.


We will reduce the TOE of Fréminet’s Elemental Skill by one second if the pressure level of the elemental skill’s meter is not at level 4 when it is used again.

Fréminet’s Elemental Ability transforms and can be reused multiple times until the pressure gauge reaches level 4 and is removed, so this will allow us to shave several seconds off the next time he uses his Elemental Ability again.


If Fréminet executes an Icebreaker Reaction against an enemy, the damage generated by the Breaking Pressure state of the Elemental Skill will be increased by 40% for 6 seconds.

Therefore, it will be relevant to bring at least one character that applies a lot of Hydro in the team so that Fréminet can Freeze enemies and then Icebreak them to increase the damage of the status of his Elemental Ability.


Thanks to this Passive Skill, the cost of Water Resistance will be reduced by 35% if Fréminet is inside the group; this Passive Skill cannot be stacked with others that have the same effects.

Thanks to this passive we will be able to swim at a higher speed for a longer time while we are doing the Underwater Exploration in Fontaine, although we also have schools of fish everywhere that allow us to recover the Water Resistance.


These are the benefits that Fréminet is obtaining through its Constellations:

  • C1 – Dream Fizz : +15% Critical Chance during the Shattering Pressure state of Fréminet’s Elemental Ability.
  • C2 – Penguinotopia : By using his Elemental Ability with Breaking Pressure, Fréminet will recover 2 Elemental Energy points and in the event that the pressure is at level 4, he will recover 3.
  • C3 – Melody of Whirlwind and Sand : Increases Normal Attacks by 3 levels, can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • C4 – Luniflautina Dance : +9% to Fréminet’s ATK when he causes a Freeze, Superconductor or Icebreaker Elemental Reaction; this effect can be stacked a total of two times and each stack will last 6 seconds and can be gained every 0.3 seconds.
  • C5 – Night of Bonfires and Jubilation : Increases Elemental Skill by 3 levels, it can be increased up to 15 levels.
  • C6 – Dawn’s Resolve : +12% to Fréminet’s Critical Damage when he causes a Freeze, Superconductor, or Icebreaker Elemental Reaction; this effect can be stacked a total of three times and each stack will last 6 seconds and can be gained every 0.3 seconds.

His Constellations aren’t bad at all, as they all result in an increase to his Critical Damage, Critical Chance, and Attack % stats. It will be interesting to have his C2, since although this character does not have a very high Ultimate Ability cost, we will be very interested in the Elemental Energy points that he will give us when using his Elemental Ability while under the effects of Crushing Pressure, since having the last one always ready will allow us to roll the Elemental Ability several times because it greatly reduces its TdE.


The only possible role for Fréminet is Primary DPS, so we’re aiming his build at increasing his damage as much as possible so that he deals a lot of damage with his Normal Attacks while in the states of his Elemental Ability.


Ode of the Pines in Genshin Impact

These are some of the greats with which we can equip our Fréminet:

  • Ode of the Pines ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ : A tremendous Claymore for any character that deals a lot of Physical Damage like Fréminet. This greatsword has a base attack well above that of any weapon, it provides a high Physical Damage Bonus as a secondary statistic and its passive provides both an extra Attack % and an effect with which we can further enhance Attack % and Speed Attack of our entire team.
  • Wolf Tombstone ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ : A tremendous Claymore for any Claymore character. It has a good base attack, it also boosts our attack % to absurd levels and we can boost the attack of the whole group even more often.
  • Emblem of the Sea of ​​Reeds ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ : It is a Claymore that provides us with a high amount of Critical Chance and also a lot of attack; his passive also gives us Life % if we are not carrying a shield, although it is not something too relevant for Fréminet either.
  • Marrow of the Sea Serpent ⭐⭐⭐⭐: It is one of the best Weapons of the PB and it is useful for practically any DPS that uses a greatsword as a weapon, since it will boost our critical percentage and it will also give us a very good damage bonus. interesting just for being on the battlefield; We’ll also take a bit more damage, but it still does a lot. It shines brighter if we don’t receive hits since then we will lose the damage bonus, so it is advisable to carry shields.
  • Stellar Silver of the Snows ⭐⭐⭐⭐: Provides a high Base Attack within four-star weapons and as a secondary statistic it gives us a Physical Damage Bonus; it also executes an additional attack that activates once every 10 seconds and generates an icicle on the head of the enemy we attack.
  • Shadow of the Tide  ⭐⭐⭐⭐: A weapon from Fontaine’s forge, so you’ll get it relatively easily. It provides a lot of Attack %, so it’s very useful, but you will have to go with a Healer to take advantage of it.
  • Archaic Prototype ⭐⭐⭐⭐: It has a high Base Attack for a four-star weapon and its passive occasionally executes a powerful physical attack in a small area.


Albino Flames in Genshin Impact

As for stats on artifacts:

  • Helmet or Crown : Critical Chance or Critical Damage.
  • Clock : Attack %.
  • Chalice : Bonus Physical Damage.

Substats you are looking for:

  • Priority: Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Attack % and Energy Recharge.

And as for the Set of Artifacts we recommend the following options:

  • Albino Flames :
    • 2 Pieces : Increases the Physical Damage Bonus by 25%.
    • 4 Pieces : When attacking with the Elemental Skill we will increase the attack by 9% for 7 seconds, we can accumulate it 2 times. The best thing is that when we reach 2 accumulation charges we will obtain another 25% Physical Damage Bonus.

On the one hand, the two-piece set will increase Fréminet’s Physical Damage Bonus by 25%, which will come in handy because his main source of damage comes from his Normal Attacks while he is under the state of his Elemental Ability.

On the other hand, the set of four pieces will increase our Attack by 9% for 7 seconds, an effect that can be stacked twice and by doing this, we gain another 25% Physical Damage Bonus. Fréminet has no problem getting this buff, as by using his Elemental Ability once, it transforms and the waves of frost released by his Normal Attacks are treated as Elemental Ability damage and can trigger this set’s buff.

Likewise, the cancellation of his Elemental Skill also counts as his Elemental Skill use and while Fréminet is under his ult states, he can roll his Elemental Skill several times because his ToE is greatly reduced (in addition, there is also his talent that reduces his ToE too), so we can get the two charges for this character very easily.

As an optional set we would have the following:

  • 2 Pieces of Albino Flames : +25% Bonus Physical Damage.
  • 2 Bloodthirsty Cavalry Pieces : +25% Bonus Physical Damage.

It is also a very good option, we will not get as much as Albino Flames since with the 4 pieces in addition to 50% Physical Damage we get 18% Attack. But it is still a valid option and with this set we will always have a 50% Physical Damage Bonus, no matter what; so not bad.


Mika in Genshin Impact

These are some of the characters that can accompany Fréminet in his team:

  • Cryo Characters : The Cryo Consonance will come in handy to increase Critical Chance by 15% and for Fréminet’s teammates to help him recharge energy, since it is quite important to have his ultimate.
    • Mika : One of Fréminet’s best companions, since his Elemental Ability will grant him a Physical Damage Bonus while increasing his Attack Speed, it can help him recharge his ult and on top of that he provides healing with his Ultimate Ability.
    • Shenhe : His Ultimate Ability reduces the Physical Damage Resistance of enemies and his pulsed Elemental Ability can increase the damage of Normal Attacks.
    • Rosaria : She can act as a battery, since she creates 4 particles when using her Elemental Skill that has a fairly low TdE and also generates a pretty decent passive damage. It will be especially interesting if we have C6, since in this way Rosaria’s ult will lower the Physical Resistance of the enemies by 20%.
    • Diona : It is a pretty decent battery and also provides us with both shields and healing.
    • Laila : This character can provide us with some pretty solid shields and applies a lot of Cryo passively.
  • Electro Characters : It will be essential to bring at least one Electro Element character in the group, since these will enable us the Superconductor Elemental Reactions that will allow us to lower the Resistance to Physical Damage of the enemies.
    • Kuki Shinobu : The constant application of Electro that he performs with his Elemental Ability is so prolonged that it will be great for us to do many Superconducting Elemental Reactions.
    • Shogun Raiden : His Elemental Ability is also perfect for generating a lot of Superconductor Elemental Reactions and his Ultimate Ability will come in handy for recharging the ultis of our groupmates.
    • Yae Miko : The kitsune cherry trees of this character will come in handy both to apply Electro to enemies and to generate quite high passive damage.
    • Fischl : Similar to Yae Miko, but with a smaller area of ​​application.
    • Beidou : His ulti will come in handy to deal extra damage to enemies while Fréminet hits them with his Normal Attacks.
  • Hydro Characters : We will need to have characters of this element in the team to be able to perform Frozen Elemental Reactions and later, Icebreaker Reactions so that Fréminet can activate his passive ability that allows him to increase the damage of his Elemental Ability.
    • Sangonomiya Kokomi : She can occupy the position of healer in the team and the jellyfish summoned by her Elemental Skill is perfect to keep the enemies affected by Hydro.
    • Yelan / Xingchiu : The coordinated attacks made by the Ultimate Abilities of these characters while Fréminet executes his Normal Attacks will serve to Freeze the enemies and allow Fréminet to perform Icebreaker to increase the damage of his Elemental Ability.
  • Geo Characters : It will allow us to perform Crystallization to obtain shields that will help Fréminet not be interrupted while 3
    • Zhongli : Provides a very resistant shield when using his Elemental Ability that will prevent enemies from interrupting Fréminet’s Normal Attacks and if we are close to enemies while we have the shield active, their Elemental and Physical Resistances will be reduced by 20% .
    • Yun Jin : He can provide us with shields through Elemental Crystallization Reactions and he will also increase the damage of Fréminet’s Normal Attacks while he is under the effects of Yun Jin’s Ultimate Ability.


We will need the following materials to promote him:

  • Jade Shivada.
  • Coppélius’s Mechanical Refill ( Condemnation of Coppélius ).
  • Rociomarina flower.
  • Oceanic Spawn Condensate.

And as for Talent Books and so on:

  • Justice Books.
  • Oceanic Spawn Condensate.
  • Lush Paradise Fern ( Guardian of Apep Oasis ).
  • Crown of Wisdom (Talent level 10).

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