Today I bring you the Demoinsect guide from Stellar Blade and once again we are faced with another quite ugly boss (let’s see, the boss is cool, but it is a bug that gives quite a bad vibe), although it is also true that after defeating Karakuri we are cured of terror.
And I don’t know if it’s my thing, but anyway… A slightly amorphous boss who uses blue magic, he has spells in which he summons several little balls that after a while move towards the enemy, in his phase 2 he suddenly pulls out a magical blue greatsword, opera-style background song… The Fromsoftwareros already You understand, very clear reference.
Returning to the boss… this one stands out for his powerful magical attacks and is somewhat complicated. At first it seems that he is the typical boss who is terrible in melee until in the second phase he pulls the Moonlighter out of his hat and things change a little there. In any case, his magical attacks will always be what complicates our lives the most in this battle.
If you have read my guides to the bosses of this game you are probably scared because I think this is the first time I say that a boss is “somewhat complicated” (I would say that I always say that they are easy, at the moment a little weak in terms of difficulty of bosses in the game), don’t be scared, it’s not that big of a deal, especially if you follow the strategy that I will tell you about in the post .
This boss has 3 clearly differentiated phases.
Start with these attacks:
- Standard Combo : The usual combo of physical attacks that you must block, trying as always to find the perfect parry . It usually makes 3 attacks in a row although sometimes it varies a little.
- Throw Projectiles : It will throw several blue balls at us in a streak, these balls chase our character a little. It has two versions, one in which he throws us many balls that chase little and the one that throws few (about 4) but that chases much more (as strange as it may sound, it is more annoying when he throws few). The best thing you can do is run like crazy diagonally and control the angle so that the balls end up shooting in the other direction. This is something complicated to do in its “few balls” attack version, but it is possible. Anyway, as a last resort if you see that this doesn’t work you can resort to spamming dodges, but it is important that you do it only when the balls are very close to you, so I would always use the “running” method first. diagonal” and would use “dodge spamming” only as a last resort.
- Furious Combo (Red + Blue) : Three physical attacks in combo and it will end with a blue attack, so you must use “Blink” (dodge forward when the blue glow appears on Eve).
- Land Area (Yellow) : Will create a blue area that will run across the ground and span a large distance. It is best to do a Double Jump , although you can also time a perfect dodge, it will just be riskier. If he makes a yellow attack on you while you are in melee with him, rest assured that he will perform this attack, so use the Double Jump even in this case.
- Powerful Grab (Blue) : As usual with blue attacks, there is no mystery.
As soon as you lower his life a little (20% or something like that) the turn phase change cinematic will begin in which, as always, you must quickly move away from him. Demoinsecto will draw the Moonlight (he who understands understands) and things will get a little complicated.

From here the boss will be dangerous both in melee and in ranged magical attacks, in fact in terms of magical attacks it will also be enhanced (it is the Moonlight after all). He will still have physical combos but will now deal more damage and have greater range with them.
- Laser Beam (Yellow) : A laser beam that will come out of its head pointing towards you, leave the trajectory and that’s it. Sometimes it will move it a little, but come on, you’ll see that this attack is easy to dodge, nothing like Karakuri ‘s Laser Beams .
- Teleport + Surprise (Yellow) : Suddenly it will disappear, as soon as it does, start running because shortly after it will appear at your side and perform a powerful attack with the Moonlight . If you see that not even running gives you time to escape the blow (it depends on how close it appears to you) use a dodge before it hits you.
- Magic Mini-Areas (Yellow) : Some kind of strange areas will begin to appear on the ground from which you must flee because shortly after they will deal magical damage. The idea is that, never be on one of these areas.
- Crushing Grab (Purple) : If you see the purple glow, you better dodge backwards quickly or it will grab you and do an extremely powerful combo that practically lowers your entire life bar. Remember to shoot the orange weak point after successfully performing the backward dodge.
When you have approximately 40% of your total health left, another cinematic will appear to indicate a new phase change. This time he will greatly expand that kind of blue halo that he has on his head.

The worst phase without a doubt… your magical attacks will be enhanced even more, these are the most relevant news:
- Laser Beam + (Yellow) : Now it will launch several Laser Beams at the same time, you will have to get out of its range or sneak between the gaps between beam and beam (or perfect dodge, as in all yellow attacks).
- Moonlight Strike (Yellow) : He will hit the ground in front of him with his Moonlight and from the blow several magical pillars will emerge forward. Get out of the way and little else.
- Land Area + (Yellow) : In this version, perform several areas in a row so you will have to time the Double Jump and the Air Dash well to avoid it well (the idea is to be in the air for as long as possible).
Regarding Exospinas, I stick with them, it’s a great combo. Reflex Type + Trance Type Beta works extremely well… it helps us both on a defensive level (it will be easier to make perfect parrys and dodges) and on an offensive level due to the greater power of Beta Skills, which are performed very often and are very powerful.

Exospines serve to customize our combat mode in Stellar Blade as they will allow us to enhance certain offensive aspects of Eve. Here you have the location of all of them.+ info
Regarding the strategy to defeat this boss, we will use what we will call “the limpet strategy.” The idea is that you stick to the boss constantly and don’t even let him breathe since in the end when he walks away is when things get most complicated for us. As soon as he moves away (he will try to do this very often) you use Haste to approach him again or run towards him if you have Haste on CD ( Cooldown , waiting time, you know).
The thing is that you are almost all the time in melee against him and when you block one of his combos you perform your physical combos, beta skills, burst skills… in short, use everything you have. Of course, save the Tachy Mode for phase 3 because this phase is the most complicated and as you probably know, in this mode they cannot hurt us and if you spam the triangle button you will make an infinite combo of attacks that will not let the boss attack, so you will lower a good portion of its life while being 100% safe.