October 6, 2024


Throughout our journey through the different worlds of the Simulated Universe in Honkai Star Rail we will be getting Rare Objects , these utensils can help us or harm us during our journey through a single world. Every time we get one that we have never had, we will unlock an entry in the encyclopedia and we will get 30 Star Jades as a reward.

The vast majority of these Rare Items will provide us with benefits that will make our passage through the world easier, for example: some of these help us get more blessings or improve them, others increase the damage of the characters, there are also some that help get more cosmic fragments…

But these objects are not always beneficial, since there are some negative ones that can reduce the options when choosing a blessing, decrease the PVs of the character with the highest ATK each turn or lose cosmic fragments as we go through the different phases. of the world.

That said, we are going to see all the ways we have to get these objects and the benefits or harms that each of these can bring us.


We can get Rare Items in the Simulated Universe in the following ways:

  • We can choose to start a run with a Rare Item at the start of any world in the Simulated Universe.
  • There are multiple events that can give us one of these objects as a reward.
  • They will always give us a choice of a Rare Item among three options when defeating an elite enemy.
  • We can buy a Rare Item from Herta in the Rest Room in exchange for 120 cosmic fragments.


Next we will see all the Rare Objects that we can find throughout our adventure through the different worlds of the Simulated Universe, there are a total of 45 different Rare Objects .


Increases the number of Cosmic Shards received after winning a battle by 75%.


The amount of Cosmic Shards required to upgrade and restore boons and to recover defeated characters is reduced by 30%.


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1-2 random boons.


Destructible objects appear more frequently and the rewards obtained by breaking them are doubled.

Basically, this object will allow us to get more cosmic fragments by breaking destructible objects that will appear more frequently. It can become more interesting if we combine this item with the Snuffers of Annihilation.


The character’s movement SPD is increased by 20%. After the character performs an action during combat, their action is brought forward by 10%.

Outside of combat it will give us an increase in speed to move around the world and within combat it will advance the actions of our characters every time they perform an action.


To repair this code and turn it into a Rare Item you have to fight 3 times. While repairing, the character loses all of their energy when breaking an enemy’s Weakness. Once repaired, the Rare Item restores the character’s energy.

When we patch this code, instead of losing energy when the character breaks an enemy’s Weakness, they will recover 40 energy points.


To repair this code and turn it into a Rare Item you have to fight 3 times. While repairing, each time the character uses his ultimate, he loses 30% of his current HP. Once repaired, the Rare Item regenerates the character’s HP.

It will be enough to try not to use the Ultimate Abilities of the characters so that the effects of this code do not affect us too much. Once we have overcome the three combats in which we will suffer the penalties of the code, each character will heal himself for 30% of his PVs when executing his Ultimate Ability.


To repair this code and turn it into a Rare Item you have to fight 3 times. While repairing, each time the character uses his basic ability, he loses 1 pts. additional basic skill. Once repaired, the Rare Item restores pts to the character. bonus basic ability when casting basic ATK.

Personally it is the code that I like the most , since once we patch it we will recover 2 basic ability points every time we execute a Basic Attack.


To repair this code and turn it into a Rare Item you have to fight 3 times. While repairing, when the character kills an enemy, the damage dealt by other enemies is increased by 35%. Once repaired, the Rare Item increases the damage of all allies.

When we manage to patch this code, we will increase the damage of the entire party by 35% when an enemy is defeated.


To repair this code and turn it into a Rare Item you have to fight 3 times. While repairing, the character takes 35% increased damage when their HP percentage is below 50%. Once repaired, this Rare Item reduces the damage the character takes.

If you see that the enemies are doing more damage to you than the account in the stage of the world in which you are, perhaps this is the best code that you can choose to patch; because once we patch it, the damage that our characters will receive when their HP is less than half will be reduced and we will be able to withstand the blows better.


To repair this code and turn it into a Rare Item you have to fight 3 times. While repairing, each time the character uses his basic ability, a random enemy’s action is advanced by 35%. Once repaired, this Rare Item advances the character’s action.

By repairing this Rare Item we will advance the action of each character when they use their Basic Ability, something that is somewhat reminiscent of the Cone of Light called “To Dance” (only that it is activated when using the Ultimate Ability instead of the Basic).


Choosing a boon after winning a battle will upgrade 1 random boon.

This coloring does not improve the blessings that we already have, but one of the options that we get as a reward when we overcome a battle randomly.


If you lose in a non-boss battle, your current exploration progress will not be interrupted. You will be considered to have won the battle and all characters will regenerate their max HP. When the effect has been activated 1 time, this Rare Item will be destroyed.

I am not very convinced of the usefulness of this object if I am honest, because if an Elite enemy kills you, it will be difficult for you to overcome the final boss of the world. At the most it will be useful if you play the Simulated Universe with automatic combat and it makes terrible decisions during combat.


When choosing a boon after winning a battle, you will be able to select 1 additional boon, but the available boon will be reduced by 1. When the effect has been triggered 2 times, this Rare Item will be destroyed.

Basically, what we will gain with this item will be 1 additional boon in exchange for having fewer boons to choose from (until the item is broken). The good thing is that if we are not interested in the options that they give us, we can continue spending cosmic fragments to change the ones that have touched us and thus have more opportunities to choose one that interests us.


After obtaining this Rare Item, 2 random boons are upgraded.

There is not much to say about this object, it is like acquiring the random improvements that Herta offers us in the Rest Room but without having to consume cosmic fragments for it.


After getting this Rare Item, any Rare Items you own, including this one, are replaced with random Rare Items.

It can become an extremely useful Rare Item if we have been touched so far by Rare Items that do not interest us too much, it can also be great for getting rid of any negative Rare Item that we have .


Upon entering combat, the damage dealt by all characters is increased by 3% for each destructible object that has been broken.

Another Rare Item that will greatly boost our characters’ damage by breaking destructible objects. Therefore, check all the corners well so that you do not leave any destructible objects along the way.


After obtaining this rare item, randomly repair up to 2 damaged Rare Items and reset their remaining uses to their original value.

This object will help us to be able to take advantage of the effects of other Rare Objects that are consumed with use, as happens for example with the Glue of Fortune or with the Dimensional Reduction Dice.


Upon entering combat, all characters can resist all damage other than Damage Over Time. This effect wears off after receiving an attack. Also, they cannot be affected by negative statuses for 3 turn(s).

This Rare Item will eliminate the damage of the first hit that an enemy deals to each character, that is, if said attack hits several times, it will only cover the damage of the first hit. It’s not much, but at least it has another effect that will prevent negative statuses from affecting us for the first 3 turns of each battle.


After winning a battle, if there are defeated characters in the current team, immediately regenerate their HP to full. When the effect has been activated 1 time, this Rare Item will be destroyed.

I don’t like this Rare Item too much because it will not revive us in the middle of the battle as Bailu would, for example , but it will resurrect our characters if we manage to overcome the battle.

In other words, it won’t be useful when facing the final boss of the world (which is the only combat that usually causes problems). In addition, we can resurrect fallen characters in exchange for cosmic fragments upon reaching the Resurrecter in the Rest Room.


When breaking destructible objects, there is a small chance to drop 1 Rare Item, but there is also a small chance that that rare item will be destroyed causing all allies to lose 99% of their current HP.

This object can be as good as bad, since it helps us get other Rare Items as we break the destructible objects. The downside is that if you’re unlucky there will come a time when this object will break and leave all the characters with 1% of PVs.

If this happens, you can find yourself in big trouble, so I recommend taking a character on the team like Bailu to start the next fight with the Vigor effect or a Conservation that is equipped with the Cone of Light “We are Flare” , the which heals 30% of each character’s HP at the start of any battle and reduces the damage taken by them for the first five turns.


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1 random Boon of Abundance. Choosing a boon after winning a fight increases the chance that Boons of Abundance will drop.

All sealing waxes work in the same way, but with their respective path. Be very careful when choosing a sealing wax from another path than the one we have chosen to perform the resonance , since this object makes us more likely to find blessings from the sealing wax path (which can harm us negatively if it does not match the path with which we are in resonance).


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1 random Hunt Blessing. Choosing a boon after winning a fight increases the chance that boons will drop from the Hunt.


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1 random Conservation Blessing. Choosing a Boon after winning a fight increases the chance that Conservation Boons will drop.


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1 random Blessing of Destruction. Choosing a Boon after winning a fight increases the chance that Boons of Destruction will drop.


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1 random Exultation Blessing. Choosing a Blessing after winning a fight increases the chance that Blessings of Exultation will drop.


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1 random Blessing of Nihility. Choosing a Boon after winning a fight increases the chance that Boons of Nihility will drop.


After getting this Rare Item, you get 1 random Reminiscence Blessing. Choosing a boon after winning a fight increases the chance that Reminiscence boons will drop.


Upon entering combat, there is a flat 100% chance to apply 1 Weakness of the type of allies on the battlefield to all enemies for 3 turns.

It works the same way as Silver Wolf ‘s Basic Ability , the only difference is that it affects all enemies on the field and its duration is 3 turns.


Every time you enter the next floor, you get a number of Cosmic Shards equal to 6% of what you currently have.

If, for example, we have 400 cosmic fragments, when we advance to the next floor of the stage we are playing in the Simulated Universe, we will earn a total of 24 cosmic fragments.

It’s not crazy, but it can be useful if we don’t spend these shards until the moment before the last boss fight or if we have the Rare Item called Robe of Beauty.


You do not get Cosmic Shards after winning a fight. When the effect has been triggered 5 times, this Rare Item will be destroyed and the Cosmic Shards you currently have will be doubled.

This Rare Item will only rent us if we have a decent amount of cosmic fragments when we find the event that gives us this Rare Item, since it will double this amount after overcoming 5 battles (yes, we will not earn any fragments in those 5 battles).

Suffice it to say that it will not rent in the same way in the event that you are about to finish the tour of the world.


Choosing a boon after winning a battle will upgrade all 1-star boons that appear.

This is a very useful Rare Item, since the vast majority of blessings that we will find along our way will be of the category of a star and, therefore, they will all appear improved and we will not have to consume any cosmic fragments to enhance them.


Choosing a boon after winning a battle will drop a 3-star boon. When the effect has been activated 1 time, this Rare Item will be destroyed.


Upon entering combat, all enemies take damage equal to 30% of their max HP.

It is a truly extraordinary Rare Item, since it does not matter if we are facing an elite rank enemy or even the final boss of the world, absolutely all the enemies that are on the battlefield at the beginning of each fight will lose 30% of their maximum VPs.

Of course, it only applies at the beginning of the fight, for the second and third phase of the final bosses it is not activated .


Upon entering combat, the Eidolon Resonance level of all characters is increased by 1.

Another of the most useful Rare Items that we can find in the Simulated Universe, since it will increase an Eidolon to all the characters in the party , which will be very useful especially for 5-star characters. If you are a “whale” it will not be so useful, of course.


After winning a fight, all allies regenerate 30% of their max HP.

It can be very useful if we have a fair level when it comes to making a world, since after each fight we overcome, it will heal us for 30% of the PVs of all the characters that make up our team.


When choosing a boon after winning a battle, the boons available to select are reduced by 1.

As long as we have this watch among our Rare Items, we will always have one less choice when it comes to choosing blessings when winning a fight.


The number of Cosmic Shards required to upgrade and reset boons is increased by 25%.

Upgrading a 1-star boon normally costs us 100 Cosmic Shards, but if we have this negative Rare Item, it would cost us 125 Cosmic Shards to upgrade it.


2 pts are consumed. of basic ability when entering combat.

This is one of the worst we can get, as it will cause us to start every fight with a single skill point (unless one of your characters is equipped with the full Cloud Passerby set).


Every time you enter the next floor, you lose 5% of the Cosmic Shards you currently have.

It can be a nuisance if you go with items like the Robe of Beauty, which increases equipment damage based on how many cosmic shards you have, but if you don’t, it will only make it a bit more difficult for us to have enough shards to pay. Blessing enhancements.


Upon entering combat, greatly increases the chance for 1 character to be hit by an enemy attack for 5 turns.

If we don’t have a healer or a powerful tank on our team, this negative Rare Item can be a big problem, because by focusing so many attacks on the same ally there will be a good chance that they can defeat it.


Upon entering combat, the character with the highest ATK at the time will be affected by Parasite. In the Parasite state, the character’s ATK is increased by 50%, but at the start of each turn they lose 20% of their current HP. When the character is defeated, Parasite is transferred to another random character.

One of the worst Rare Items we can get , as it drains too much HP every time the highest ATK character in the party starts their turn. As much as this item increases our ATK, it will make it very easy for an elite enemy or a boss to defeat us.


Upon entering combat, the energy of Via Resonance is fully restored and the damage dealt by Via Resonance is increased by 40%.

This Rare Item is very useful since it will allow us to have the Via Resonance recharged from the beginning of each fight and it will also increase the damage it produces (the only thing is that if you carry the resonance with the Via of Abundance you will not take advantage of the increased damage) .


Choosing a boon after winning a battle will give you 1 more chance to reset boons for free.

It can be very useful to help us get as many blessings as possible from the path we have chosen to resonate with, since it gives us one more option to change the blessings and without the need to consume Cosmic Shards.


Upon entering combat, for every 100 Cosmic Shards you have, the damage dealt by all allies is increased by 16%.

It’s probably my favorite Rare Item in the entire Simulated Universe, because if we don’t spend cosmic shards on our way we can reach the last phase with about 600 cosmic shards or more, which would mean a 96% damage increase for all characters .

Basically, we can practically double the damage our characters inflict thanks to this item ; Of course, we will have to refrain from using cosmic fragments to improve blessings.

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